The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in special session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, February 22, 2000, at five-thirty (5:35) o’clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Mike Grantham, President, who declared after prayer by Dr. Lester Peterman and the Pledge, that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were the Honorable Mike Grantham, Mr. Ricky Raven, Mr. Darrell Crofford, Mr. Don Joseph, Mrs. Mary Campbell, Mr. Lynn White and Mrs. Martha Rabb.


Member absent was Rev. Johnnie Brown.


Dr. Peterman opened the meeting by reading the following:




WHEREAS, a vacancy on the parish school board upon which Mr. [Eddie L.] Coleman, Sr., served was created upon Mr. Coleman’s death on Sunday, February 13, 2000; and


WHEREAS, in accordance with LSA R.S. 18:602, as amended, the Concordia Parish School Board at a special session on February 22, 2000, declared the school board seat in Ward 2 vacant and appointed a duly qualified candidate to the vacant position after soliciting nominations; and,


WHEREAS, such appointment, made at a special meeting on February 22, 2000, shall be in effect until the next congressional election as required by LSA R.S. 18:602, when a member shall be elected to fill the vacant position; and,


WHEREAS, such election, as set by the Secretary of State, shall be held as follows: the primary election to be held on October 7, 2000; general election to be held on November 7, 2000; and qualifying for such election to be August 16, 17, and 18, 2000, ending at 5:00 p.m. 


THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Concordia Parish School Board hereby requests to participate in said congressional election as scheduled by the Secretary of State and set forth above for the purpose of electing a member to fill the vacant seat in School Board Ward 2; and,


BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that this proclamation be duly published in the Concordia Sentinel, Ferriday, Louisiana, and serve as notice to the Concordia Parish Clerk of Court, the Secretary of State for the State of Louisiana and the Governor of the State of Louisiana that such election be held.          


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Raven, and carried unanimously to approve the proclamation.


Superintendent Peterman explained the selection process which would be followed by the Board.


President Grantham read the list of interested parties.  Those interested parties who submitted a letter of interest were:   Mr. Warren Brown, Ms. Margaret Mays, Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr., Mr. Charles Warner and Ms. Grace Woods.  Each of the candidates present was invited to speak to the assembly.  Mr. Warren Brown, Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr., and Ms. Margaret Mays gave a brief biographical presentation.


Ms. Melvara Bell, representing concerned citizens of Ward 2, addressed the Board in support of Ms. Margaret Mays.


President Grantham called for motions from the Board.


It was moved by Mr Crofford, seconded by Mr. White to appoint Mr. Raymond Riley.  The motion failed 4 to 3 on a roll call vote as follows:


            Rev. Johnnie Brown                 absent

            Mrs. Mary Campbell                no

            Mr. Darrrell Crofford                yes

            Mr. Donald Joseph                   no

            Mrs. Martha Rabb                    no

            Mr. Ricky Raven                      no

            Mr. Ernest Lynn White yes

            Mr. Mike Grantham                  yes


It was moved by Mr. Raven to appoint Ms. Grace Woods.  The motion died for lack of a second.


It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mrs. Rabb to appoint Mr. Charles Warner.  The motion failed 4 to 3 on a roll call vote as follows:


            Rev. Johnnie Brown                 absent

            Mrs. Mary Campbell                no

            Mr. Darrrell Crofford                no

            Mr. Donald Joseph                   yes

            Mrs. Martha Rabb                    yes

            Mr. Ricky Raven                      yes

            Mr. Ernest Lynn White              no

            Mr. Mike Grantham                  no


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Raven to appoint Mr. Warren Brown.  The motion passes 4 to 3 on a roll call vote as follows:


            Rev. Johnnie Brown                 absent

            Mrs. Mary Campbell                no

            Mr. Darrrell Crofford                yes

            Mr. Donald Joseph                   no

            Mrs. Martha Rabb                    no

            Mr. Ricky Raven                       yes

            Mr. Ernest Lynn White              yes

            Mr. Mike Grantham                  yes


President Grantham thanked all the candidates for their participation.


It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Joseph, and carried unanimously to adjourn at 5:47 p.m.


Dr. Lester L. Peterman, Superintendent             Mike Grantham, Board President