The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, September 12, 2000, at five-forty  (5:40) o’clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Mike Grantham, President, who declared after prayer by Mr. Warren Brown and the Pledge, that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Mike Grantham, Mr. Darrell Crofford, Mr. Don Joseph, Mr. Ricky Raven, Ms. Martha Rabb, Mr. Lynn White, Rev. Johnnie Brown, Mr. Warren Brown and Ms. Mary Campbell.


Superintendent Peterman recognized the teachers and administrators who participated in the summer school program.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to go into executive session at 5:45 p.m.


It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to return to regular session at 6:15 p.m.


Mr. White requested an item be added to the agenda.  It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried to add an item to the agenda.


Mr. White requested the board hear a spokesperson from the parent group represented at the meeting.  Ms. Zonda Ellard requested a clarification from the Board on the acceptable uniform for Concordia Parish.


Superintendent Peterman requested that the group address their concerns, in writing, to the principal.  He advised the group that they would receive a response to their concerns within three (3) days in accordance with the grievance procedure.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of August 1, 2000. 


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Campbell and Mr. Brown and carried unanimously to approve invoices in the amount of $1,790,695 for the month of August.


Mr. O’Neal, Director of Business Affairs, reviewed the 2000-2001 budget which was previously discussed in a public hearing held immediately prior to the regular board meeting.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Brown and carried unanimously to approve the 2000-2001 budget.

It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. Crofford to adopt the following Resolution.




            BE IT RESOLVED, that the following millage is hereby levied on the 2000 tax roll, on all property subject to taxation by the Concordia Parish School Board.


            1)         Constitutional  03.08 Mills


            2)         Additional support for maintaining 24.43 Mills and operating of parish schools


The vote was as follows:           Johnnie L. Brown                     Yes

                                                Warren D. Brown                     Yes

                                                Mary H. Campbell                    Yes

                                                Darrell M. Crofford                  Yes

                                                Mike Grantham                        Yes

                                                Donald P. Joseph                     Yes

                                                Martha J. Rabb                        Yes

                                                Ricky L. Raven                         Yes

                                                Ernest L. White                        Yes


Mr. O’Neal opened bids for paper.  It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously to award the bid to the lowest bidder pending full review of the bids.


It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to award the propane gas bid for Monterey High School to Herring Gas.


Mr. O’Neal presented a recommendation to increase bus drivers operational expenses as well as mileage rates for travel for employees due to the increase in fuel cost.  It was recommended to adjust bus drivers operational expenses to ten (10) cents per mile and to adopt the state rate of twenty-eight (28) cents per mile for regular employees travel reimbursement. The issue would be readdressed at the end of the fiscal year.  It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to accept the recommendation through June 30, 2001.


Mr. Julius Huhn, Director of Federal Programs, informed the Board of the procedure for disposal of federally owned property.  Mr. Huhn informed the Board that buildings could be donated to another federal agency or put up for bid.  He distributed federal regulations for review. 


It was moved by Mr. Brown and seconded by Rev. Brown to allow Mr. Millicks to use portable buildings for his program to be placed behind Vidalia Junior High School.


Mr. Huhn expressed concerns over movement of buildings onto private property.


Mr. Brown amended his previous motion to make a donation of two portable buildings to Mr. Millicks if it is within the law.


Lengthy discussion followed concerning the disposal of all federally owned buildings. 


Mr. White called for question.


Motion failed 5 to 4 on a roll call vote as follows:


            Rev. Johnnie Brown                  Yes

            Mr. Warren Brown                   Yes

            Mrs. Mary Campbell                 Yes

            Mr. Darrell Crofford                  No

            Mr. Donald Joseph                    No

            Mrs. Martha Rabb                     No

            Mr. Ricky Raven                       No

            Mr. Lynn White                         Yes

            Mr. Mike Grantham                   No


It was moved by Mr. Crofford and seconded by Mr. Raven to dispose of federally owned buildings either by donation or bid according to federal guidelines and in the best interest of the Concordia Parish School Board.  The motion passed 5 to 4 on a roll call vote as follows:


            Rev. Johnnie Brown                 Yes

            Mr. Warren Brown                   No

            Mrs. Mary Campbell                No

            Mr. Darrell Crofford                 Yes

            Mr. Donald Joseph                   No

            Mrs. Martha Rabb                    No

            Mr. Ricky Raven                      Yes

            Mr. Lynn White                        Yes

            Mr. Mike Grantham                  Yes     


Ms. Susan Rabb, Abstinence Committee of Concordia Parish, appeared before the Board to hear the recommendation from Mr. Butcher concerning expansion of W.A.I.T. training into the high schools.


Mr. Butcher, Director of Academic Affairs, recommended not to expand W.A.I.T. training into the high schools.  It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to accept Mr. Butcher’s recommendation.


Mrs. Rabb noted that Ms. Martha Rabb attended the teacher training and is now certified to teach W.A.I.T. classes.


Ms. Cindy Dillon asked if the Board would consider allowing a rally at the high schools. Superintendent Peterman informed Ms. Dillon that the Board would have to review the content to be certain that the activity would not be in violation of laws governing church and state.


It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to add an addendum to the personnel list.


It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to accept all personnel items listed.




Peirre LaLumiere, Teacher, FUES/FJHS, effective September 13, 2000

Monique Gauthier, Teacher, VUES/VJHS effective September 13, 2000




Gloria Pipes, Secretary, Pupil Appraisal, effective September 1, 2000

Jessie Lewis, Teacher, FHS, effective August 14, 2000

Willie Barnes, Teacher, VHS, effective August 15, 2000




Donna Morace, SFS Manager, RES, effective August 28, 2000

Loyce Breland, SFS, Technician, VHS, effective August 17, 2000

Linda Campbell, Teacher, FLES, effective August 7, 2000

Roy Gulledge, VHS, Janitor, effective August 17, 2000

Renard Cage, Custodian, FEC, effective August 3, 2000

Jodi Coleman, Teacher Assistant, VLES, effective September 6, 2000


Recission of Resignation


Yvonne Chapman, Teacher, FJHS, effective August 17, 2000




Patricia Jones, Teacher, FJHS, to Teacher, FHS, effective August 17, 2000

Karen Nelson, Teacher, FUES, to Teacher, VUES, effective August 17, 2000

Jan Hinton, Part-time Tchr. Asst., FLES, to Tchr. Asst. FLES, effective August 21, 2000

Pauline Williams, SFS Tech., RES, to SFS Tech. VHS, effective September 13, 2000

Odessa Freeman, SFS Tech., FLES to SFS Tech. RES, effective September 13, 2000

Kim Raley, SFS Rover, to SFS Manager, RES, effective September 13, 2000

Demicu Bates, Tchr. Asst., Alt. Center, to Tchr. Asst., RES, effective August 21, 2000

Velma Fortune, Sweeper, FKC, to Sweeper, FEC, effective September 13, 2000

Ricky Anderson, 5 hr. Janitor, FUES, to 8 hr. Janitor, FUES, effective September 13, 2000

Evelyn Washington, Sweeper, FUES to Sweeper, FJHS, effective August 21, 2000

Geneva Hall, 5 hr. Cleaner, FJHS, to 8 hr. Janitor, FJHS, effective August 7, 2000

Helen Crum, Janitor, VJHS, from 5 hr/9mo. to 8 hr/10 mo. effective August 7, 2000


Sabbatical Leave


Nancy King, Teacher VUES, effective September 14, 2000, for 2000-2001 school year          




Sharon Henderson, Teacher, FHS, effective August 17, 2000

Cedrick Shannon, 8 hr. Cleaner, VJHS, effective September 13, 2000

Lizzie Dixon, Custodian, VJHS, effective September 13, 2000

Linda Williams, Teacher FLES, effective August 17, 2000

Mark Meredith, 2.5 hour Sweeper, FUES, effective August 21, 2000

Ima Dunbar, Teacher, FUES, effective August 21, 2000

Brandon Watson, Teacher FUES, effective August 17, 2000

Regina Harris, Teacher, Alternative Center, effective August 17, 2000

Gloria Young, Teacher, FUES, effective August 17, 2000

Sharon Davis, Teacher, FUES, effective August 17, 2000

Carol Williams, Teacher, FUES, effective August 17, 2000

Sharlene Campbell, Teacher, FUES, effective August 17, 2000

Sandra Cubie, Teacher, FUES, effective August 17, 2000                                            

Alfreda Robb, Teacher, FJHS, effective August 17, 2000

Raythell Smith, Teacher, FJHS, effective August 17, 2000

Juanita Green, Teacher, FJHS, effective August 17, 2000

Louvenia Morales, Teacher Assistant, VLES, effective August 21, 2000

Talmadge Roberts, Teacher, VHS effective August 17, 2000

Gregory Brown, Tech. Asst., Industrial Arts, VHS, effective August 17, 2000

Damus Smith, Teacher, VHS, effective August 17, 2000

Larry Jefferson, Janitor, VHS, effective August 10, 2000

Christopher Fussell, Basketball Coach, MHS, effective August 17, 2000

Talya Huntley, Sp.Ed. Tchr./Girl’s Asst. Basketball Coach, FJHS, effective August 17, 2000

Telina Book, Teacher, MHS, effective August 17, 2000

Larry Cole, Head Custodian, RES, effective September 13, 2000

Branton Lewis, Teacher, RES, effective August 17, 2000

Judy Johnson, Adaptive PE Teacher, effective August 17, 2000, 2000-2001 sch. year only

Linda Henderson, 2.5 hr. Sweeper, FUES, effective August 21, 2000

Cathy Martin, Teacher Assistant, VLES, effective September 6, 2000


It was moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:20 p.m.

___________________________                  ____________________________

Lester L. Peterman, Superintendent                   Mike Grantham, President