The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at five-thirty  (5:30) o'clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Mike Grantham, President, who declared after prayer by Rev. Johnnie Brown and the Pledge, that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Mike Grantham, Mr. Darrell Crofford, Mr. Don Joseph, Ms. Martha Rabb, Rev. Johnnie Brown, Mr. Raymond Riley, Mr. Lynn White and Ms. Mary Campbell.


Member absent was Mr. Ricky Raven.


Second grade students from Ferriday Lower Elementary School, under the direction of Mary Boyette, Music Instructor, entertained the Board with a selection of songs.


It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr Joseph and carried unanimously to add the recognition of Quiz Bowl winners to the agenda.


Superintendent Peterman presented the Sidney Murray Hydroelectric Citizenship Awards as follows:

Ferriday Lower Elementary       Pre School       Devin Hayes

Pre K               Callie Ballard

Kindergarten    Knedra Brooks

Vidalia Lower Elementary         Pre School       Ciera Williams

Pre K               Taylor Perkins

Kindergarten    Hunter Williams

Monterey High School  Pre K               Garrett Bryan

Kindergarten    Reagan Tiffee


Dr. Peterman read a letter  from the National Federation for the Blind recognizing Ms. Stephanie Blunschi, Principal, Ridgecrest Elementary School, for her contributions to the blind.           


Mr. Howard Jackson, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, presented the attendance awards to the schools with the highest attendance in April.   The winners were as follows:



1st Place           95.9%  Ferriday Upper Elementary                                          

2nd Place          95.8%  Vidalia Upper Elementary                                

3rd Place           95.0%  Monterey High School


Quiz Bowl winners for the 2000-01 school year were recognized as follows:


6th Grade                                  7th Grade                                  8th Grade

Ferriday Junior High                 Ferriday Junior High                 Ferriday Junior High

James Arnold, Teacher             Juanita Green, Teacher              Sharon Smith, Teacher

Christy Johnson                        Michael Evans                          Jamar Bowman

Misty Lambert                          Jamie McFarland                      Jeremy Byars

Eric Schiele                               Jessica Johnson                        Napoleon Dunn

Dra'Carl Walker                        Dorchia Matthews                    Shontee'Goodman

Kimberly Warner                       Johnny Odoms                         KaKeith Lewis

  Kristen Poole


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of April 10, 2001, and April 17, 2001.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously to approve invoices totaling $3,175,003.


It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried unanimously to enter into Executive Session at 6:03 p.m.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried to return to Regular Session at 6:37 p.m.


Ms. Mary Tarver, Special Education Supervisor, presented the annual Special Education Application.  Ms. Tarver reviewed budget changes and proposed activities.  It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve the Special Education Application.


Mr. Julius Huhn, Federal Programs Director, presented the annual Consolidated Application.  Mr. Huhn remarked on the successes of the current programs  and reviewed budget changes and proposed activities.  It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph/Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve the Consolidated Application.


Mr. Fred T. Butcher, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, presented information concerning summer school.  It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously to approve Summer School in Concordia Parish.


The Energy Manager Conservation Policy was read into the minutes as follows.


                                         CONCORDIA PARISH SCHOOL BOARD



As the elected members of the Concordia Parish School Board, we believe it to be our responsibility to insure that every effort is made to conserve energy and natural resources while exercising sound financial management.

The implementation of this policy is the joint responsibility of the board members, administrators, teachers, students and support personnel, and its success is based on cooperation at all levels.

The district will maintain accurate records of energy consumption and cost of energy and will provide information to the local media on the goals and progress of the energy conservation program.

The principal will be accountable for energy management on his/her campus with energy audits being conducted and conservation program outlines being updated.  Judicious use of the various energy systems of each campus will be the joint responsibility of the principal and head custodian to ensure that an efficient energy posture is maintained on a daily basis.

Curriculum will be developed to ensure that every student will participate in the energy management program in the district as an "energy saver."

Specific areas of emphasis include:

1.                  Every student and employee will be expected to contribute to energy efficiency in our district.  Every person will be expected to be an "energy saver" as well as an "energy consumer."

2.                  Effective immediately, all unnecessary lighting in unoccupied areas will be turned off.  All lights will be turned off when students and teachers leave school.  Custodians will turn on lights only in the areas in which they are working.

3.                  Energy management on his/her campus will be made a part of the principal's annual evaluation.

4.                  The head custodian at each school will be responsible for a complete and total shutdown of the facility when closed each evening.

5.                  Within sixty (60) days, administrative guidelines will be adopted that will be the "rules of the game" in implementing our energy program.

WHEREAS the School Board bears responsibility for the best use of tax dollars, and

WHEREAS public education can provide leadership in developing a realistic energy ethic and awareness of energy needs and costs,

THEREFORE, the School Board of Concordia Parish School Board directs the superintendent and/or his/her agents to develop short and long range strategies in the areas of facilities management and curriculum development dealing with energy awareness and conservation.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously to approve the Energy Manager Conservation Policy.


It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to approve advertising for bids for exterminating service for cafeterias for school food service.


It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to approve the second reading of Policy IDBB - Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug and Substance Abuse Education Program.


Superintendent Peterman read a proclamation for Teacher Appreciation Day into the minutes as follows:




WHEREAS, the future of our communities, our state, and our nation rests in the hands of our teachers who are called upon to meet challenges daily in helping all students, regardless of ability level, to reach their full potential; and


WHEREAS, teachers play a crucial role in the development of our children, and the success of the educational process is dependent upon the classroom and the relationship which exists between the teacher and the student; and


WHEREAS, the economic and social well-being of our communities depend on the skills and knowledge teachers provide their students day in and day out, in spite of low pay and the ever-growing number of responsibilities they are asked to assume; and


WHEREAS, Concordia Parish School Board recognizes the vital contributions by teachers in Concordia Parish, who exhibit a high degree of expertise, knowledge, dedication and love for our children in our classrooms every day of the school year; now


THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the week of May 7 through May 13, 2001, will be celebrated as Teacher Appreciation Week in the Concordia Parish School System, and the Concordia Parish School Board requests that parents and citizens join in expressing their appreciation for the contributions of our teachers.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried to approve the proclamation for Teacher Appreciation Day.


Mr. Kenneth Jenkins, Distinguished Educator, presented a detailed report to the Board.  Superintendent Peterman expressed appreciation to Mr. Jenkins for his past two years of service to the Concordia Parish Schools.  It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to accept the Distinguished Educator Final Report.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried to accept the following resolution.




WHEREAS,   the Concordia Parish School Board maintains as a priority teacher and support personnel salary considerations; and


WHEREAS,   the Concordia Parish School Board has traditionally made concerted efforts to increase school employee salaries; and


WHEREAS,   public school employees have historically not been highly, or even adequately, compensated; and


WHEREAS,   the Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) has provided Louisi school ystem employees with the opportunity to accumulate savings, which, without the Program would have been difficult to establish; and


WHEREAS,   the provisions extant within the Deferred Retirement Option Program have certainly allowed school employees the opportunity to enhance the worth of their estates with considerations to their heirs; now


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Concordia Parish School Board does hereby strongly object to any measures to abolish or diminish the Deferred Retirement Option Program; and


THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be sent to the Office of the Governor, all area Legislators, the Chairmen of the Educational Committees of each House of the State Legislature, the State Superintendent of Education, and members of the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Mr. Butcher, FHS Principal/Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, made a recommendation to the Board that softball and baseball be dropped at Ferriday High School due to lack of participation.  It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously to approve Mr. Butcher's recommendation.


Superintendent Peterman recommended Ms. Evelyn Fleming for the Sales Tax clerical position.  It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried 7 to 1 with Rev. Brown voting no, to appoint Ms. Fleming.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously for Mr. Butcher to form a search committee for a principal for Ferriday High School.  Mr. Butcher is to have a recommendation for the Board at the August meeting.


There was a general discussion concerning the Alternative Center Program.  Mr. Butcher provided the status of the Alternative Center as well as the Pre-GED Program.  Rev. Brown expressed concerns over removing students with discipline problems from the regular setting.


There was a general discussion concerning the proposed four-year-old program.


Superintendent Peterman requested that the Board add  personnel items to the agenda.  It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried to add the following items.


Extended Leave

Juanice Holstead, Teacher, FLES, effective May 2, 2001 through June 1, 2001


Juanice Holstead, Teacher FLES, effective June 9, 2001


Mary A. Duncan, Teacher Assistant, FLES, effective May 9, 2001


It was moved by Ms. Campbell seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously to approve all personnel items listed with the exception of the added items.





Herb Bassett, Band Director, VJHS/VHS, effective June 2, 2001

Stacy Strong, Teacher, VUES, effective June 2, 2001

Lora Renfro, Teacher, VUES, effective June 2, 2001

Bernie Kiser, CPSB Central Office Maintenance Dept, effective April 30, 2001

Margaret J. Kelley, Speech Pathologist, SPED, effective June 2, 2001



Phyllis Faulkenheiner, Teacher, VLES, effective June 2, 2001

Ann Milligan, Teacher Assistant, VLES, effective March 22, 2001

Billie Ann Foster, Teacher, VHS, effective June 2, 2001


Return from Sabbatical

Bernadette Young, Guidance Counselor, MHS, effective June 2, 2001


Extended Leave

Judy Burkley, Teacher, VLES, effective April 26, 2001 through June 2, 2001



Charles Moreland, Teacher, VHS, effective April 2, 2001 through June 2, 2001


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried with a vote of 6 to 2, with Ms. Campbell and Rev. Brown voting no, to approve the added personnel items.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.

____________________________________            __________________________________

Lester L. "Pete" Peterman, Superintendent                  Mike Grantham, President