The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in a regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, September 9, 2003, at five-thirty  (5:30) o’clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by Raymond Riley, Vice President, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Ms. Mary Campbell, Mr. Darrell Crofford, Mr. Don Joseph, Ms. Martha Rabb, Mr. Raymond Riley, and Mr. Jimmy Wilkinson.


Absent members were Mr. Lynn White, Mr. Ricky Raven, and Rev. Johnnie Brown.


Mr. Fred T. Butcher, Interim Superintendent, presented the Teacher of the Year Award.  The two local recipients were as follows:


            Juanita Woodfork Green - Ferriday Junior High School

            Brenda Logan - Vidalia Junior High School


Mr. Butcher congratulated both teachers and announced that Ms. Green would be representing Concordia Parish in the Regional Competition.  Recipients will receive a check for $100 and an additional day of leave.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of August 12, 2003.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to approve the financial report and invoices for the month of August in the amount of $1,829,214.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Joseph and carried unanimously to enter into Executive Session at 5:37 p.m.


While in Executive Session, Rev. Johnnie Brown arrived and Ms. Martha Rabb departed the meeting.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously to return to Regular Session.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried unanimously to authorize the Board President to seek the Attorney General ‘s Opinion as to the maximum contract term that may be offered the Superintendent.


Mr. Butcher reviewed the Career Options positions being considered.  These positions include a licensed  Barber and Cosmetologist.  Mr. Butcher explained that this is a  program mandated by the state.  Securing instructors for these positions had been a problem in the past.  Waivers had been requested due to the difficulty in securing licensed instructors for the positions.   It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried unanimously to approve the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent for the Career Options positions.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford to grant Mr. O’Neal the authority to extend the agriculture lease on Section 16, T7N, R8E for a period of five (5) years.


Mr. James Cockerham, School Bus Operator, appeared before the Board to request that the Board consider raising the School Bus Operator allotment from ten (10) cents per mile one way, to twenty (20) cents per mile two ways.  Mr. Cockerham proposed that the bus operators have taken a cut in salary due to the recent increase in gas prices.  He quoted allotments from surrounding parishes and stated that the bus operators did not feel that this was too much to ask.


It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mr. Wilkinson, and carried unanimously to take the request under advisement for review by the Personnel and Finance Committee. 


Mr. Crofford also informed Mr. Cockerham that the Board would contact other parishes and do a study in order to make a comparison.


Mr. Cockerham requested that Ms. Cantu be instructed to place this matter on the agenda for the October Board Meeting.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously to add the personnel addendum to the agenda.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford to approve all personnel items in global.




Linda Cothern, Teacher Assistant, FLES, effective August 18, 2003

Rebecca Jones, Teacher Assistant, FLES, effective August 18, 2003

Karen Badau, School Psychologist, SPED, effective August 21, 2003

Quatina Proby, Teacher, Ferriday Education Center, effective August 15, 2003

Steven Hall, Band Director, VHS, effective August 19, 2003

Demicu Bates, Teacher Assistant, RES, effective August 18, 2003

Patricia Penton, Bookkeeper, CAO, effective August 14, 2003




Joe Thomas, Janitor, Ferriday High School, effective November 3, 2003


Extended Leave


Ashley Bradford Prunty, Teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective August 25, 2003




Raymond Campbell, Ferriday Upper Elementary to FEC, effective September 10, 2003




Mark Berry, School Psychologist, ten (10) months, effective September 2, 2003

Vanessa Sabir, Speech Therapist, SPED, effective August 15, 2003

Melvara Bell-Wilson, Teacher, FHS, effective August 15, 2003

Kim Cowan, School Bus Operator, to fill Deer Park Route, effective August 18, 2003

Kathy Smith, School Bus Operator, to fill Vidalia Route, effective August 18, 2003

Anthony Clomon, Interim Band Director, Ferriday High, effective Leave Period taken by Director, to become Assistant Band Director upon return of Director

Danny Lewis, Paraprofessional, Ferriday High School, effective Leave Period taken by Band Director

Latara Corner, Band Director, Vidalia High School, effective September 2, 2003

Cheryl Lewis, Assistant Band Director, Vidalia High School, effective September 2, 2003

Venitra Davis, Paraprofessional, Ridgecrest School, effective August 18, 2003

Susan Jones, Paraprofessional, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective September 8, 2003

Sheila Lillie, Paraprofessional, Vidalia Upper Elementary, effective September 10, 2003

Wanda Hawkins Hunter, SFS Technician, Ferriday High School, effective September 10, 2003

Tammy Allen, Paraprofessional, Ferriday Junior High, effective September 10, 2003


Mr. Butcher asked that everyone continue to include Dr. Peterman in their prayers as well as other staff members who were ill.


It was moved by Mr. Joseph, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried unanimously to adjourn at 6:45 p.m.


________________________________                    _____________________________

Fred T. Butcher, Interim Superintendent                        Ernest Lynn White, President



State of Louisiana

Parish of Concordia


I certify that this document is a complete, certified copy of the unofficial minutes of the September 9, 2003, regular meeting of the Concordia Parish School Board.  Minutes will be approved at the next regular meeting of the Concordia Parish School Board on October 14, 2003.



Thomas H. O’Neal, Notary Public                                                                    Date


My commission expires _________________.