The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in a special session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, June 29, 2004, at five-thirty  (5:30) o'clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by Ernest Lynn White, President, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Ernest Lynn White,  Ms. Mary Campbell, Mr. Raymond Riley, Mr. Ricky Raven, Mr.  Jerry Roberts, Mr. Gary Parnham, Ms. Martha Rabb, Ms. Melanie Watson and Mr. Jimmy Wilkinson.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to enter into Executive Session at 5:35 p.m.  The purpose of the Executive Session was to discuss personnel issues pursuant to the provisions of LA RS 42:6.1.A


It was moved by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Parnham and carried unanimously to return to Regular Session at 6:40 p.m.


Superintendent Laster made the following recommendations:


1.                  Dr. Paul Nelson be placed at the Vidalia Junior High School as Principal

2.                  Ms. Doris Polk be appointed interim principal of Vidalia Lower Elementary

3.                  Applications be taken for the position of Principal of Vidalia Lower Elementary


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Ms. Watson and carried 5 to 4 on a roll call vote as follows to accept the superintendent's recommendation.


Mrs. Mary Campbell                Yes

Mr. Gary Parnham                    Yes

Mrs. Martha Rabb                    No

Mr. Ricky Raven                      Yes

Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr.            Yes

Mr. Jerry Roberts                     No

Ms. Melanie Watson                Yes

Mr. Jimmy Wilkinson                No

Mr. Ernest Lynn White No


Mr. Tom O'Neal presented the Board with an overview of the budget revision for fiscal year 2003-2004.  It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve the revised budget.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried unanimously to approve the retroactive payment of 13% increase in operational expense to school bus operators back to December 1, 2003.


Mr. O'Neal explained to the Board that the bids taken under advisement at the regular June meeting were all higher than expected.  Mr. O'Neal requested that the board accept the primary bid excluding the alternates and allow him to issue a change order.  This would provide for the modification of utility items and reduce the primary bid by $6,000.  The bid would be awarded to Roof Masters of America.  It was moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to approve Mr. O'Neal's recommendation.


Mr. James Cockerham appeared on behalf of the School Bus Operators to thank the Board for their efforts to assist the drivers.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Parnham and carried to adjourn at 7:10 p.m.

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Kerry Laster, Ph.D., Superintendent    Ernest Lynn White, Board President