The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at five-thirty  (5:30) o'clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by Ernest Lynn White, President, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


The pledge was preceded by a Presentation of the Colors by Ferriday High School R.O.T.C. Color Guard.


Members present were: Mr. Ricky Raven, Mr. Raymond Riley, Mr. Gary Parnham, Ms. Martha Rabb, Ms. Melanie Watson, and Mr. Ernest Lynn White,  Mr. Jerry Roberts, Mr. Jimmy Wilkinson, and  Ms. Mary Campbell.


Superintendent Laster recognized the D.A.R.E. officers, Lieutenant Uzella Frazier, Sergeant Sheila McFarland and Deputy Phillip Webber,  for their work in the Concordia Parish Schools.


Superintendent Laster presented the school attendance awards as follows:

Ferriday Upper             First Place        94.9%

Monterey High Second Place                95.1%

Vidalia Upper               Third Place       94.9


Mr. Rosier, Taylor and Sons Insurance Representative,  presented the Taylor and Sons Employee of the Month Award to Ms. Sharon Patrick, teacher, Vidalia High School.


The Board recognized Ms. Dorothy Ulmer for having received the Presidential Award for Mathematics and Science.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Roberts and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of April 11, 2006 and May 2, 2006.


Ms. Kimmy Wike, Bookkeeper, presented the financial report.  It was moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Parnham and carried unanimously to approve invoices in the amount of $3,212,181.00.


Representatives Greg Walter and Robert Smith of Durham School Services gave an informational presentation on student transportation.


Bids were opened on the Vidalia High School Athletic Building as follows:


The Migues Deloach Company             $624,700

Wilmar Construction                             $693,000


It was moved by Mr. Raven, and seconded by Mr. Riley to take the bids under advisement and bring the matter back to the Board.  The motion carried 6 to 3 with Ms. Rabb, Mr. Parnham and Mr. Roberts voting no.


Bids were opened for the Vidalia High School gym roof.  Roof Masters of America was the sole bidder with a bid of $140, 176.  It was moved by Mr. Parnham, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried 8 to 1, with Mr. Wilkinson voting no, to accept the bid.


Bids were opened for School Food Service large equipment as follows:


Buckelew's                               $63,724.00

Hotel and Restaurant Supply     $79,132.00

La. Food Service Equipment     $83,842.80


Ms. Fairbanks requested that the bids be taken under advisement to allow an opportunity to study the individual prices and be sure all components matched the specs with permission to award the bid to the lowest bidder. It was moved by Mr. Parnham, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to accept Ms. Fairbanks recommendation.


Ms. Rabb recommended to the Board that the Plains funds be used to purchase three air conditioned activity buses. It was moved by Ms. Watson, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried to table this issue until after a decision has been made by the Board on student transportation by Durham School Services.  The motion carried 8 to 1 with Ms. Rabb voting no.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Parnham and carried unanimously to have Mr. O'Neal or Dr. Laster check on the prices of three air conditioned buses and also have Durham School Services to give the prices on three air conditioned buses and bring the information back to the Board at the next meeting.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve the revised Technology Plan.


It was moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried 8 to 1 with Mr. Raven voting no to suspend Policy GMB - Transfer, for a one year period, for the Ferriday area schools.


Superintendent Laster informed the Board it would not be necessary to enter into Executive Session.


Superintendent Laster presented the following plan for administrative changes:


Ferriday Lower Elementary                   Ms. Loretta Peterman, principal

Ferriday Upper Elementary                   Ms. Cindy Smith, principal

Advertise for an assistant principal

Ferriday Junior High School                  Ms. Dorothy Parker, principal

Advertise for an assistant principal

Ferriday High School                            Ms. Michelle Bethea, principal

Mr. Derrick White, assistant principal

Concordia Alternative Center                Ms. Lillian Franklin, principal

Options Program                                  Ms. Debra Harris

J.A.G. Program                                    Dr. Brenda Moore

Supervisor of Child Welfare

and Attendance                                    Mr. Howard Jackson


It was moved by Mr. Riley, and seconded by Ms. Campbell not to accept the Superintendent's recommendation.  The motion failed 6 to 3 with Ms. Campbell, Mr. Riley, Ms. Watson voting in favor of the motion.


It was moved by Mr. Wilkinson, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to accept the Superintendent's recommendation.  The motion passed 6 to 3 with Ms. Campbell, Mr. Riley and Ms. Watson voting no.


It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve all personnel as follows in global:



Nobelle Bishop, Special Education Teacher - options program, Concordia Education Center, effective May 26, 2006

Vergie Cain, fifth grade teacher, Ferriday Upper, effective May 3, 2006

Peggie Hickombottom, third grade teacher, Ferriday Upper, effective May 26, 2006

Debra Pinkney, third grade teacher, Ferriday Upper, effective March 17, 2006

Marie Potts, math teacher, 4/7 day, Ferriday High School, effective May 26, 2006

Sheila Russell, fourth grade teacher, Vidalia Upper, effective May 26, 2006

William Shaidnagle, science teacher, Vidalia High School, effective May 26, 2006

Renee West, JAG Specialist, effective June 8, 2006

Rachael Breithaupt, speech/language pathologist, effective May 26, 2006

Joe L. White, teacher assistant, Ferriday Upper, effective April 24, 2006

Kevin Graham, bus driver, effective March 27, 2006



Hilda Barnes, third grade teacher, Vidalia Upper, effective May 26, 2006

Michael Lyles, central office maintenance crew, effective April 26, 2006


Sabbatical Leave

Stephanie Blunschi, return from sabbatical, effective 2006-07 school year


Medical Leave

Arthur Washington, physical education teacher, Ferriday Upper, extended medical leave effective April 10, 2006 - May 26, 2006



Stacey Allen, technology facilitator, from Ferriday Junior High to Vidalia Junior High, science teacher, effective 2006-07 school year

Ginger Moffett, third grade teacher, Ridgecrest Elementary to Vidalia Upper, effective 2006-07 school year

Janie Reyes, second grade teacher, Vidalia Lower to Vidalia Upper, effective 2006-07 school year


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:15 P.M.


Ernest Lynn White, Board President         Kerry Laster, Ph.D., Superintendent