The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Special Session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, December 19, 2006, at five-thirty  (5:30) o'clock P.M.  The meeting was called to order by Ernest Lynn White, President, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Gary Parnham, Ms. Martha Rabb, Mr. Ricky Raven, Mr. Ernest Lynn White, and Ms. Melanie Watson and Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr.


Members absent were Mr. Jimmy Wilkinson and Ms. Mary Campbell.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of Tuesday, November 14, 2006.


Ms. Gloria Dangerfield, Assistant Director of Business, provided the Board with the financial report.  It was moved by Mr. Parnham, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously to approve invoices in the amount of $2,939,731.


Mr. Tom O'Neal, Director of Business, advised the Board that the Ad Valorem salary supplement had been distributed in accordance with the Budget approved by the Board.


Mr. O'Neal advised the Board concerning on-going litigation over the assessment and ad valorem taxation of certain pipeline property in the parish.  It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve the resolution concerning the litigation.


Mr. O'Neal advised the Board that bids for the Ferriday High School Band Hall roof, Mobile Managers and the Airport Road Property Lease were opened on December 12, 2006.  The bids were as follows:


Ferriday Band Hall Roof


Roof Masters               $138,750         120 days

Decker Builders            $199,840         180 days

Rowell Roof                 $173,000         180 days


Mr. O'Neal requested that the Board award the bid to the lowest bidder.  It was moved by Mr. Parnham, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously to award the Ferriday High School Band Hall roof bid to Roof Masters.


Mobile Managers

Mr. O'Neal advised the Board that a single bid had been received for the Mobile Managers.  The bid was from Gov Connection in the amount of $45,153.08.  It was moved by Mr. Parnham, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to accept the bid from Gov Connection.


Airport Road Property Lease


Mr. O'Neal advised the Board that a sole bid from Debbie McGlothin in the amount of $1,000 per year for the three year lease period was received.  It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Parnham and carried unanimously to accept the bid from Ms. McGlothin.


 It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve the job description for the social worker for the Coordinated School Health Program grant.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried as follows to approve the following proclamation:

Roll Call Vote                       YES     NO    ABSTAIN


Mrs. Mary Campbell                 A

Mr. Gary Parnham                    X

Mrs. Martha Rabb                    X

Mr. Ricky Raven                      X

Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr.            X

Ms. Melanie Watson                X

Mr. Jimmy Wilkinson                A

Mr. Ernest Lynn White             X




BE IT RESOLVED by the Concordia Parish School Board in Special Session, duly convened, that:


I.                    Acting under and in accordance with the Louisiana Constitution and laws of the State of Louisiana, including La. R.S. 18:402, the Concordia Parish School Board does hereby resolve and proclaim that:


A.                 Due to the untimely death of Mr. Jerry Roberts, School Board member for District 3-B, the Concordia Parish School Board does hereby declare that a vacancy exists in the position of member of the Concordia Parish School Board for Election District 3-B.


B.                 As Mr. Roberts was recently reelected to such office for a new term and as such term exceeds one (1) year, and, acting pursuant to La. R.S. 18:602 and La. R.S. 18:402, the Concordia Parish School Board does hereby order a special election to fill the vacancy of School Board member for Election District 3-B, Concordia Parish, with the special primary election to be held on October 20, 2007 and the special general election to be held, if necessary, on November 17, 2007.  The qualifying period for such election shall be between September 4, 2007 and September 6, 2007 ending at 5:00 P.M.  Such elections shall be conducted in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana.


II.                 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, within twenty four (24) hours hereof, copies of this resolution and proclamation shall be forwarded by certified or registered mail to the Clerk of the 7th Judicial District Court for Concordia Parish, the Secretary of State of the State of Louisiana and the Governor of the State of Louisiana.


III.               BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of Court, Secretary of State, Governor and all other officials having responsibilities with respect to said special election and this resolution and proclamation be requested to perform the duties incumbent upon them.    


Superintendent Laster announced to the Board that Ms. Deanie Roberts, wife of the late Mr. Jerry Roberts, had submitted a letter of request to fill the position vacated by the death of Mr. Jerry Roberts.  It was moved by Mr Parnham, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to appoint Ms. Deanie Roberts to fill the vacant board seat for District 3-B.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Parnham and carried unanimously to set the regular meeting date for the month of January as Thursday, January 11, 2007


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to grant twelve month employees two (2) additional days of holiday time to equalize the holiday time.  The days are to be scheduled on December 27 and 28 for this school year.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve the following personnel items in global:





Levater White, sixth grade math teacher, Ferriday Jr. High, effective December 21, 2006

Milton Sanders, bus driver, Monterey, effective December 15, 2006



Beatrice Williams, Title I Supervisor, effective December 19, 2006


Medical Leave:

Jennifer Smith, teacher, Vidalia Lower, return from maternity leave, November 27, 2006

Kylie Trisler, special populations, return from extended medical leave, November 17, 2006


Sabbatical Leave:

Derrick White, assistant principal, Ferriday High School, extension of sabbatical for professional improvement, effective January 8, 2006, through March 9, 2007



Thelma Daniels, sixth grade math teacher, Ferriday Jr. High, effective January 8, 2007, for the remainder of the 2006-07 school year

Lucille Reese, seventh grade reading teacher, Vidalia Jr. High, effective December 11, 2006, for the remainder of the 2006-07 school year

Patricia West, English teacher, Vidalia High School, effective November 27, 2006

Ruthie Merriman, paraprofessional, Ridgecrest School, effective December 18, 2006

Edra Richardson, paraprofessional, Ferriday Upper, effective December 18, 2006

Ronald Ellis, paraprofessional, Ferriday Upper, effective January 8, 2007

Tia Morris, paraprofessional, Ferriday Jr. High, effective January 8, 2007

Clyde Cadney, teacher, Ferriday Upper, effective January 8, 2007



Debra Harris, administrator, Options Program, Concordia Education Center, to Ferriday Lower, interim administrator, effective January 8, 2007


Superintendent Kerry Laster recognized outgoing Board members Melanie Watson and Jimmy Wilkinson with a plaque.  Superintendent Laster presented outgoing member and board president, Ernest Lynn White, with a plaque and a gavel.


Superintendent Laster also spoke on Mr. Jerry Roberts' untimely death, his dedication to the people of his district and his service to his community.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to adjourn at 5:50 P.M.


___________________________        _______________________

Kerry Laster, Ph.D., Superintendent       Ernest Lynn White, Board President