The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, May 8, 2007, at six  (6:00) o’clock P.M.  The meeting was called to order by Mr. Gary Parnham, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Gary Parnham, Mr. Raymond Riley, Ms. Martha Rabb, Ms. Deanie Roberts, Mr. Ricky Raven, Mr. Fred T. Butcher, Mr. Daryl Price, Ms. Mary Campbell and Ms. Darlene Baker.


Ms. Cristi Welch, School Secretary, Vidalia High School, was recognized as the winner of the Taylor and Sons Employee of the Month.


The Red Fern Gardeners Program was recognized for having won a regional award for projects sponsored through the Vidalia Garden Club and under the direction of Suzanne Wiggins. Students participating in this project were Lacy Drummer, Brent Evans, Kevin Seale, Jared Burnette and Patrick Smith.


Librarians from the Vidalia schools were each presented a check from the Vidalia Womans Club.


Students recognized for receiving special recognition from The Chocolate Milk Café for literary work were William Anderson, Presley Kendall Davis, Abby Chalmers and Taylor Perkins. 


Attendance Awards for the 5th six weeks were as follows:

Ferriday Upper             96%                 First Place

Ferriday Lower            95.5%              Second Place

Monterey High             94.9%              Third Place


Ms. Terri Watson, Teacher Assistant, Ferriday Lower Elementary was recognized for having received the Geraldine Bell Award.


Ms. Kim Evans was recognized for having coordinated the effort to support the Relay for Life.


Committee reports were given by each committee chairperson.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of April 12, 2007. 


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve the financial report and invoices in the amount of $2,843,623.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to add an item to the agenda pertaining to the bus situation from Mr. Tommy Lanius, Supervisor of Transportation and Dr. Kerry Laster.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to add an item to the agenda concerning the main building at Ferriday Junior High School.


Mr. Clarence Hymon, Safe and Drug Free Schools Supervisor, provided an update on the Positive Behavior Program.  Mr. Hymon reported improved discipline and learning in schools.


It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried 8 to 1 with Mr. Butcher voting no to approve the Extra Curricular Activities Guidelines.  Mr. Butcher voiced concerns over the requirements of 1.5 GPA being too low.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to amend the motion to approve the Extra Curricular Activities Guidelines to reword the guidelines to include the following:

Transportation in individual cars will not be permitted.  Activity sponsors will remain at the activity until all students are properly picked up from school property.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously to approve the second reading of Policy ED - School Transportation Management


Mr. Tommy Lanius, Supervisor of Transportation and Superintendent Laster updated the Board on the school bus audits.  The Board was informed of how audits are conducted and the timeline for the previous audits.


It was requested that all the information be provided to Board members and the issue be revisited at the June meeting.


The Board was advised of the problem with the main building at Ferriday Junior High School.  It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to allow Mr. O’Neal to award the bid to the lowest bidder on May 29, 2007.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to enter into Executive Session at 7:20 P.M.


It was moved by Mr. Raven seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously to return from Executive Session at 7:40 P.M.  Ms. Roberts did not return from Executive Session.


There was discussion concerning personnel issues.  Mr. Butcher brought it to the administration’s attention that he had not received a personnel list since he had been on the Board.  There was also discussion concerning background checks on personnel being considered for employment.


It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried 8 to 1 with Mr. Butcher voting no, to approve the following personnel items in global:



Barbara Burke, teacher, Ridgecrest, effective May 25, 2007

Louise Burke, teacher, Vidalia Upper, effective April 16, 2007

Donnell Newsome, teacher, Ferriday Jr. High, effective April 30, 2007

Jessica Sikes, teacher, Ridgecrest, effective April 16, 2007



Debra Weatherly, school food service bookkeeper, disability retirement, effective June 1, 2007

Judy Roberts, Title I secretary/bookkeeper, retirement, effective June 30, 2007

Melva Roberts, bookkeeper, retirement effective June 30, 2007



Tanya Mallory, teacher, Vidalia Lower, medical sabbatical leave, effective 2007-2008 school year

Loretta Blankenstein, principal, Ferriday Lower, return from sabbatical, effective 2007-2008 school year



Judith Brewer, teacher, Vidalia Upper, effective August 8, 2007

Natalie Dunn, teacher, Vidalia Jr. High, effective August 8, 2007

Leigh Ann Mason, teacher, Vidalia Jr. High, effective August 8, 2007

Torri Webber, Reading First Interventionist, Vidalia Lower, effective August 8, 2007

Patricia West, English teacher, Vidalia High School, effective August 8, 2007

Ruth Williams, teacher, Vidalia Lower, effective August 8, 2007

Kirfred Watkins, interim head football, Ferriday High School, effective spring training 2007; head basketball coach, effective 2007-2008 school year

Laura Winston, English teacher, Ferriday Jr. High, effective August 8, 2007

Sharon Womack, 5hr/10 mo. Sweeper, Monterey High School, effective May 14, 2007

Linda Hawkins, 10 month to 12 month secretary/bookeeper, Central Administration Office, effective immediately

Clarence Hymon, Safe & Drug-Free Schools Coordinator, change from full-time to three days a week, effective September 14, 2007


Superintendent Laster provided the Board with updates concerning drop-out information, Ad-Valorem salary supplement distribution in May and teacher appreciation week.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:50 P.M.

________________________________        ______________________________

Gary Parnham, Board President                        Kerry Laster, Ph.D., Superintendent