The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, March 13, 2008, at six (6:00) o’clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Gary Parnham, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were, Mr. Daryle Price, Ms. Martha Rabb, Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr., Mr. Gary Parnham, Sr., Ms. Darlene Baker, Ms. Deanie Roberts, Mr. Fred T. Butcher, Mr. Ricky Raven and Ms. Mary Campbell.
The Finance Committee Report was presented by Mr. Fred T. Butcher. Topics included the Ferriday water bill, and inservice sessions for business department personnel.
The Building and Grounds Committee Report was presented by Mr. Raymond Riley. Topics included the walkways and fence at Ferriday Upper and Ferriday Junior High School, foundation issues at Ferriday Upper and Ferriday Junior and replacing the lighting throughout the schools.
Ms. Judy Dennison, Taylor and Sons Insurance Representative, presented the Taylor and Sons Employee of the Month award to Ms. Laura Elliot, teacher, Ridgecrest School.
The following students were recognized for having been selected as Student of the Year at their school sites:
12th Grade Vidalia High Britni Nations
Ferriday High Kenyatta Robinson
8th Grade Ferriday Junior High Bobbie Williams
Vidalia Junior High Kailey Rebecca Fourmy
Monterey High Kayla Rea Grimmett
5th Grade Monterey High Mary Payton Grimmett
Ferriday Upper Tiesha White
The following students were recognized for having been selected as Student of the Year at the parish level:
12th Grade Vidalia High Britni Nations
8th Grade Monterey High Kayla Rea Grimmett
5th Grade Monterey High Mary Payton Grimmett
Mr. Glen Daniels, County Agent, introduced the Extension Office’s new staff members as follows:
Ms. Ada Palermo - 4H Extension Agent
Ms. Ashley Powell - Family and Consumer Science Assistant Extension Agent
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to approve invoices for the month of February in the amount of $3,176,006.
It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to enter into Executive Session at 6:13 P.M.
It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Baker and carried unanimously to return from Executive Session at 6:55 P.M.
It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to add the following item to the agenda:
VIII Items for Discussion and Appropriate Action
H. Payment for Travel to State Playoff Games
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Riley and carried unanimously on a roll call vote to uphold the findings of the Administrator at Monterey High School in the matter discussed in Executive Session. The roll call was as follows:
Ms. Darlene Baker YES
Mr. Fred T. Butcher YES
Ms. Mary Campbell YES
Mr. Daryle Price YES
Ms. Martha Rabb YES
Mr. Ricky Raven YES
Mr. Raymond Riley YES
Ms. Deanie Roberts YES
Mr. Gary Parnham YES
It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Baker and carried unanimously to approve the 2008-09 school calendar.
It was moved by Ms. Baker, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve the recommended Summer School Proposal.
It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Baker and carried unanimously to award the lowest bid for the Bathroom Project. Bids were as follows:
Company Base Bid Alternate #1
Wilmar Construction Company $498,000.00 $13,500.00
Edgin Construction Company $460,700.00 $13,800.00
Superintendent Loretta Blankenstein recommended Ms. Debbie Bairnsfather to fill the position of Supervisor of School Food service to be effective April 1, 2008. It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Ms. Baker and carried to accept the superintendent’s recommendation.
Superintendent Loretta Blankenstein recommended Ms. Patricia Bellis to fill the position of Director of Federal Programs to be effective immediately. It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried 6 to 3 on a roll call vote as follows:
Ms. Darlene Baker NO
Mr. Fred T. Butcher YES
Ms. Mary Campbell YES
Mr. Daryle Price YES
Ms. Martha Rabb YES
Mr. Ricky Raven NO
Mr. Raymond Riley YES
Ms. Deanie Roberts NO
Mr. Gary Parnham YES
Ms. Dorothy Ulmer, teacher, Vidalia High School, requested to speak on behalf of Dr. Rhonda Wilson.
Mr. Tom O’Neal reviewed the delinquent water bill for Ferriday High School. Discussion covered topics such as inconsistencies in billing methods, computer glitches and outstanding debts owed by the Town of Ferriday for leases on buildings owned by the Concordia Parish School District.
Mr. O’Neal recommended to the Board that this bill be paid. It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to pay the negotiated water bill to the Town of Ferriday.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried unanimously to reimburse Ferriday High School for travel expenses to the state playoff games.
It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Rabb and carried unanimously to approve all personnel items in global as follows:
Sherika Taylor, paraprofessional, Ferriday Lower, effective February 13, 2008
Mary E. Webb, teacher, Vidalia Upper, effective May 24, 2008
Tommy Lanius, Supervisor Maintenance/Transportation, effective June 30, 2008
Patricia Irvin, teacher, Ridgecrest School, extended medical leave, effective February 12, 2008 through May 23, 2008
Bettie Green, food service technician, unpaid medical leave, February 21, 2008 - April 1, 2008
LaTonya Butler, 2.5 hour sweeper, Ferriday Lower, return from maternity leave, January 7, 2008
Robert Taylor, teacher, Vidalia Jr. High, return from extended medical leave, February 25, 2008
Jon Holland, teacher, Monterey High School, effective February 10, 2008, for the remainder of the 2007-08 school year only
Arika Smith, paraprofessional, Ferriday Lower, effective February 19, 2008, for the remainder of the 2007-08 school year only
Administrative Development Program effective 2008-09 school year:
William Givens, Administrative Trainee, Vidalia Jr. High
Monica Miller, Administrative Trainee, Vidalia Lower
Sherry White, Administrative Trainee, Ferriday Jr. High
Rachael Sutherland, Administrative Trainee, Vidalia Lower
Ginger Moffett, Administrative Designee, Vidalia Upper
Julia Walker, Administrative Designee, Vidalia Lower
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:34 P.M.
Mr. Gary Parnham, President
Ms. Loretta Blankenstein, Superintendent