The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in an Academic Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, August 28, 2008, at six (6:00) o’clock P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Gary Parnham, who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were, Mr. Daryle Price, Ms. Darlene Baker, Ms. Martha Rabb, Mr. Raymond Riley, Sr., Mr. Gary Parnham, Sr., Mr. Fred T. Butcher and Ms. Deanie Roberts.
Members absent were Mr. Ricky Raven and Ms. Mary Campbell
Superintendent Blankenstein reviewed the purpose of the meeting as well as the topics to be discussed by principals. Topics were as follows:
· Prior Year School Performance Scores and 2008-09 Projected Scores
· Was the Growth Target Met
· Current Plans for Improving Teaching and Learning
· Staff Development Activities
· Programs and Strategies to be Implemented
Mr. James Davis, Principal, Ferriday Junior High school began by informing the Board that the school met their growth target and did not return to school improvement. Mr. Davis reviewed the school’s plan of action including focusing on the components of effective teaching, planning, classroom management, lesson plans for comprehensive curriculum and grade level equivalencies (GLE). Mr. Davis also discussed school expectations, suspension rates, in-school suspension, Read 180 and iLEAP tutoring.
He informed the Board that the administrative team focused on getting into the classrooms and that collaborative meetings were held each Friday. The Board was also informed that teachers at Ferriday Junior High have what they need to teach effectively.
Ms. Michelle Bethea, Principal, Ferriday High School, informed the Board that it was not known if the growth target was met, but the school came out of school improvement. This was accomplished by working with the school improvement facilitator, working on lesson plans and staff development. Some of the methods used were Comprehensive Curriculum, MTS Math Software, Read 180, and the special summer school session.
Ms. Sheila Alwood, Principal Ferriday Lower Elementary School, informed the Board that the Growth Target was not met, but the school continued to show slow, steady growth. She explained that the school did not administer the high stakes test. She provided the Board with a handout that outlined the plan for increasing scores which included attendance, reading, staff development, math, parent and community involvement, School Wide Positive Behavior Plan, and a part-time counselor. Plans to increase rigor in the classrooms included ongoing collaborative planning and changing the format of the lesson plans.
Ms. Cindy Smith, Principal, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, informed the Board that the school focused on tearing down the barriers that inhibited learning. Ms. Smith outlined programs currently being implemented at the school which includes a social worker, a guidance counselor, Positive Behavior, Girls Helping Girls, parental involvement, Lunch and Learn, technology workshops, volunteers for classrooms and reading focus groups. Ms. Smith informed the Board that the school is a full inclusion school. She also informed the Board that she did not believe that the growth target was met, but FUES is a school with academic growth. Other programs currently being implemented at the school include Read 180, a language program, Reading First, 90 minute math instructional periods, computer labs, a district assessment four times per year and Fastt Math.
Ms. Lillian Franklin, Principal, Concordia Education Center, informed the Board that due to the set-up of the Concordia Education Center, there are no School Performance Scores for the school. Ms. Franklin outlined the program at the Center which includes Pre-GED/Skills Option, Alternative School, and Job Training. Career skills include auto detailing, child care, and home health aide. She explained the on-site suspension program and how students must demonstrate that they are ready to return to the regular school environment.
Ms. Neeva Sibley, Principal, Monterey School, informed the Board that she knew the year would come when the scores would go down or show no growth. After review, some causes of this could be more students scoring approaching basic, drop out and attendance issues. Ms. Sibley informed the Board that the school has been receiving reward money and is labeled as a pace-setter school. Ms. Sibley reviewed the programs being implemented at Monterey which include DIBLES, enhanced learning, Turned on to Learning Plato, LEAP tutoring, and staff realignment.
Ms. Nancy Anders, Principal, Ridgecrest School, informed the Board that decline in test scores could possibly be attributed to administrator turnover, high teacher turnover, and instability among faculty. Programs being implemented first through fourth grade include Reading Waterford, Math Waterford, Fastt Math, rading coach, departmentalized reading, math, science and social studies, two hours of reading and math. Programs being implemented in fifth through eighth grades include Read 180, small groups for math, Star Math and Reading. Other programs at the school include full inclusion, attendance review, positive behavior and a part-time guidance counselor.
Ms. Doris Polk, Principal, Vidalia Lower Elementary School informed the Board that Vidalia Lower is a feeder school for Vidalia Upper and does not administer high stakes testing. Programs at the school include Math resource, math facts contest, writing across the curriculum, reading unseen text, parent involvement, staff development, pro-active discipline, in-school suspension, new bell times, Grandparents day and Drop Everything and Read.
Ms. Darla Johnston, Principal, Vidalia Upper Elementary School informed the Board that Vidalia Upper had a very smooth opening of school. She also stated that the school continues to show steady increase in school performance scores. The focus area for improvement are attendance, reading, math and vocabulary comprehension. Other items discussed were class size reduction teacher, test items strategies, flash drives, language intervention program, Fastt Math, guidance counselor, Title I money, student centers, peer observations, parental involvement, LEAP tutoting and curriculum driven by student achievement test scores.
Mr. Whest Shirley, Principal, Vidalia Junior High School provided the Board with the demographics of the school. He then reviewed the school performance scores. The plan for improving school performance scores include Parent incormaiton night, Lousiiana PASS, Mock LEAP and iLEAP testing, writing workshops, test taking workshops, and the utilization of in-school suspension.
Mr. Rick Brown, Principal, Vidalia High School, provided the Board with the demographics of the school. He then discussed the school performance scores. Plans for improving scores include High School Redesign, Tutoring, Dual Enrollment Program, LA Virtual Schools, Literacy Across the Curriculum, Positive Behavior, Staff Development, and Reading and Thinking Activities.
It was moved by Ms. Rabb, seconded by Ms. Roberts and carried unanimously to adjourn at 8:00 P.M.
Gary Parnham, Board President
Loretta Blankenstein, Superintendent