The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, August 9, 2012, at 6:00 P.M. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Gary Parnham who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Gary Parnham, Sr., Mr. Charles Minor, Ms. Angela Hayes, Mr. Fred T. Butcher, Ms. Cheryl Probst, Mr. Raymond Riley and Mr. Warren Enterkin.


Members absent were Ms. Darlene Baker and Ms. Mary Campbell.


Committee reports were presented.


It was moved by Mr. Minor, seconded by Ms. Hayes and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of July 12, 2012 and July 30, 2012. 


It was moved by Ms. Probst, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to approve the financial report and invoices in the amount of $4,236,346.


It was moved by Mr. Enterkin, seconded by Mr. Minor and carried unanimously to approve the Louisiana Compliance Statement for Audit Engagements of Quasi-Public Agencies.


Bids were opened as follows:


Extermination Services


Vendor                        Bid

Orkin                           $4,702.44 per year


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Enterkin and carried unanimously to award the bid to Orkin.


Portable Classroom


Vendor                        Bid

David Drummer          $303.00

Amy Dewitt                $101.00


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried unanimously to award the bid to David Drummer the highest bidder.


Duplicating Paper


Vendor                                                            Bid

T & E Enterprises                                $31.18 per case

Unisource                                            $27.75 per case

Economical Janitorial & Paper             $31.45 per case

Smith Printing & Office Supplies          $27. 50 per case


Mr. O’Neal reminded the Board that paper was considered a Louisiana preference product.  It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Minor and carried unanimously to take the bids under advisement and grant authority to the superintendent to award the bid.


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Ms. Probst and carried unanimously to consider the following policies for approval, first reading:


     ABD - School Superintendent Legal Status                      BH - School Board Ethics

     CED - Employment of Superintendent                             CEI - Evaluation of the Superintendent

     GBA - Contracts and Compensation                               GBC - Recruitment

     GBD - Employment of Personnel                                    GBE - Assignment

     GBG - Probation                                                            GBL - Tenure

     GBN - Dismissal of Employees                                      GBNA - Reduction of Personnel

     GBNA - R - Reduction in Force Implementation Guidelines      


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Enterkin and carried unanimously to approve the addendum to the superintendent’s contract regarding the life insurance and hospitalization.


The following personnel announcements were made:



Barbara Bolin, paraprofessional, Vidalia Lower Elementary, return from sick leave, effective August 7, 2012

Ashley Prunty, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, return from professional sabbatical leave, effective August 7, 2012



Debbie Ellis, Special Education teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary, effective August 3, 2012

Erin Blanche, science teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 6, 2012

Dewanda Chatman, school food service technician, Ferriday Jr. High, effective August 3, 2012



Reneice Jackson, English teacher, Ferriday Jr. High, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year

Brandon Rowe, Connections teacher, Ferriday Jr. High, effective August 7, 2012

Kassidy Adams, teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary, effective August 7, 2012

Kelly Chung, math teacher, Vidalia Jr. High and Vidalia High School, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year

Casey Ratliff, teacher, Ferriday Lower, effective August 7, 2012

James Woodard, teacher, Concordia Education Center, effective August 7, 2012

Tessa Aldridge, teacher, Ferriday Upper Elementary, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year

Sherrie Jones, special education teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year

Joanna Gray, science teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2012

Marilyn Campbell, gifted and talented teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2012 for the 2012-2013 school year

Sylvia Ritchie, talented teacher, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year

Robert Rasberry, talented teacher, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year

Sury Perez, Spanish teacher, Ferriday Upper and Ferriday Jr. High, effective August 7, 2012, for the 2012-2013 school year



Kirfred Watkins, teacher, Concordia Education Center, to teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 7, 2012


It was moved by Mr. Riley, seconded by Ms. Probst and carried unanimously to adjourn at 6:21 p.m.