The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, April 12, 2018, at 6:00 o’clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Raymond Riley who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were Mr. Warren Enterkin, Ms. Mary Campbell, Mr. Fred Butcher, Mrs. Cheryl Probst, Mr. Ricky Raven, and Dr. Raymond Riley.
Members absent were Mr. Ronnie Bradford, Mr. Jeffery Goodman, and Mr. John Bostic.
The Board recognized Vidalia High School DECA Competition Winners.
Students Students
Qur’an Carmen LaNya Jones
Devin Carter Tommy Ngo
Leandria Collins Caylen Roberts
Logan Geravis
The Board recognized the Special Olympics Poster Contest Winner, Mallory Havard.
Committee Reports were presented. Ms. Campbell of the Educational/Personnel Policy Committee stated that Durham Contract, CPA Options, Title I jobs and descriptions, and FHS and VHS football fields were discussed. Mr. Butcher stated that they discussed buildings, finances, right-of-way on some landlocked land, and Title I job descriptions. Mr. Glenn Henderson of the Buildings and Grounds Committee stated that work orders, Transportation, and summer supplies were discussed.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried to approve the minutes of March 15, 2018.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Enterkin and carried to approve invoices in the amount of $4,091,930 for the month of March.
It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mrs. Probst and carried to approve the second reading of the following policy:
DFAA Industrial Tax Exemptions
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to approve the FY 2018-2019 school year 12-Month Calendar.
It was moved by Mr. Enterkin, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to approve the right-of-way for access to private property on Section 16, Township 1 North, Range 8 East.
It was moved by Ms. Campbell, seconded by Mrs. Probst and carried to approve an Agricultural Lease extension on Section 16, Township 7 North, Range 8 East for a period of three (3) years with an option of two (2) additional years.
Dr. Riley recognized that a Board Member has been absent for quite a while. Dr. Riley read Louisiana Revised Statue 17:56A (2) to the Board.
The following Personnel Announcements were made:
David Turner, return from Family and Medical Leave (without pay), effective March 19, 2018 through April 4, 2018.
Alisha Parker, Family and Medical Leave (without pay) upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective date April 4, 2018 through May 21, 2018.
Ariel Tyson, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, maternity/extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective May 14, 2018 through May 23, 2018.
Jennifer Bertelsen, SFS Technician, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective March 27, 2018 through May 9, 2018.
Gary Stewart, Sr., Central Office Maintenance, return from Leave of Absence without pay, effective April 9, 2018.
Lashon Brown, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 7, 2018.
Sharon Hutchins, Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective August 7, 2018.
LeAnn Williams, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 7, 2018.
Constance Geoghegan, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 7, 2018.
Velma Ellis, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 7, 2018.
Dorothy Matthews, Teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, effective March 12, 2018, for the remainder of the 2017-18 school year.
Christopher Lee, Maintenance, Central Administration, effective April 9, 2018.
Jana Lincecum, Principal, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective March 30, 2018.
Cheryl Lewis, Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.
Paula Yarbrough, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.
Carol Ledford, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective May 23, 2108.
Andree’ McCullar, Library Media Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Valencia Hall, Behavioral Interventionist, Special Populations, effective May 31, 2018.
Patricia West, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Kaderrius Minor, 11 month Janitor, Vidalia Junior High School, effective April 5, 2018.
Miguele Paige, 5 hour 10 month Janitor, CPAMST, effective April 3, 2018.
Brian Cerniglia, Teacher, Special Populations, effective May 23, 2018.
Drew Mestelske, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Taylor Pettit, Teacher, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.
Lula James, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Ferdell Harris, 12 Month Janitor, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, effective June 29, 2018.
Susan Bowers, Teacher, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.
Forrest Robinette, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Marvin Lewis, Teacher, CPAMST, effective May 23, 2018.
Mary Tanner, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.
Kasey Azar, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective May 23, 2018.
Adam Terragnoli, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Eli Landman, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective May 23, 2018.
Mr. Shirley made the following announcements:
Testing has begun! (Testing calendar in your packet.)
April 21, Saturday – Merit Hospital is offering free physicals to our athletes.
May 8 – Crisis training – Location and time TBA
Baccalaureate for all three high schools will be Sunday, May 13
Graduations: FHS – Thursday, May 17, VHS 18th, MHS 19th
May 22 is the last day of school for students.
May 23 is teacher work day and report cards are mailed.
May 28 – Memorial Day Holiday
School board conference Tuesday
An entity that will hopefully be coming into our parish to bring in several jobs will be meeting with the Vidalia Mayor and Town Council at 2:00. They would like to meet with us in a Special Meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 19
Mr. Raymond Riley is now a Dr. His birthday will be April 18.
Dr. Riley introduced Mr. Antonio Felt of the Louisiana Association of Educators.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Probst and carried to adjourn at 6:40 p.m.