The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in a Public Hearing at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 6:00 o’clock p.m.  The Public Hearing was called to order by Dr. Raymond Riley.  After prayer and the Pledge, Dr. Riley turned the floor over to Mr. Tom O’Neal, Director of Business Affairs.  Mr. O’Neal explained the purpose of the hearing which was to discuss the Ad Valorem Tax Millages for 2018, and to allow public input.  Mr. O’Neal explained the amount of the millages as follows:


Maintenance and Operation of System               24.74

Additional Construction and Operations             12.86

Constitutional                                                      2.81


Mr. O’Neal read the Resolution on the millages.  The Board solicited questions from the public.  There were no questions.  It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mrs. Probst and carried to close the public hearing at 6:06 p.m.




The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, May 10, 2018, at 6:06 o’clock p.m.   The meeting was called to order by Dr. Raymond Riley, Sr., who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Ms. Mary Campbell, Mr. Fred Butcher, Mrs. Cheryl Probst, Mr. John Bostic, Mr. Ricky Raven, and Dr. Raymond Riley.


Board Members Mr. Warren Enterkin and Mr. Jeffery Goodman were absent.


Committee Reports were presented.  Mr. Butcher of the Finance Committee stated that they discussed finances of the Parish, request for hiring freeze, professional attire for administrators, providing maintenance supervisor with access to the budget, and other items were discussed.  Mrs. Anders of the CPA gave a presentation on whether to expand or not expand the CPA.  Ms. Campbell of the Educational/Personnel Policy Committee stated that leaves, resignations, appointments, requests for leave, retirements, and leave transfers, and the CPA were discussed.  Mr. Bostic of the Buildings and Grounds Committee stated that they discussed hiring two painters for the summer, and an auction to sell equipment determined to be in excess and no longer usable by the system.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 12, 2018, and the Special Meeting held on April 19, 2018.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mrs. Probst and carried to approve invoices in the amount of $3,472,644.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried to approve the resolution for the adoption of the tax millages for 2018 as follows:














Mr. Shirley presented a brief history of the Concordia Parish Academy of Math, Science, and Technology.  After a discussion, two options were presented concerning CPA:  1) Make the Academy K-8 only; and 2) Swap schools with the Concordia Education Center.  A motion was made by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to form a committee consisting of 4 parents-one from CPA, FHS, VHS, and MHS, one teacher, Nancy Anders, Cindy Smith, Rhonda Wilson, Rhonda Moore, Lillian Franklin, Mr. Butcher, and Mr. Raven.  Mr. Butcher stated that he would like the committee to meet with the Directors of Co-Lin to discuss making a proposal to bus CPA students to Co-Lin to take courses and CPSB pay the tuition.  Mrs. Sabrina Dore spoke concerning the CPA.



Personnel requirements and applicable job descriptions for the vacant Title I Supervisory positions were discussed.  A motion was made by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried to table this item.


Dr. Riley read the letter received from the Louisiana Secretary of State in regard to the resignation of Board Member Mr. Ronnie Bradford, Ward 4A.  A motion was made by Ricky Raven, seconded by Mrs. Probst and carried to accept the resignation of Mr. Ronnie Bradford.


Mrs. Whitney Arthur, daughter of Ronnie Bradford, addressed the Board on behalf of the Ronnie Bradford Family.  She thanked the members of the board who have shown compassion and concern for the well-being of her dad.  She was concerned that the mentioning of Mr. Bradford’s personal information during the April 12, 2018, Regular Board Meeting, was a breach of confidentiality.  She also asked the Board to consider nominating Carolyn Bradford, Ronnie Bradford’s wife, to fill the remainder of Mr. Bradford’s term.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to add the Agenda Item, Appoint Carolyn Bradford, to the Agenda.


Roll Call Vote:

                                      YEAS:                 Mary Campbell

                                                                 Fred Butcher

                                                                 Cheryl Probst

                                                                 John Bostic

                                                                 Ricky Raven

                                                                 Raymond Riley, Sr.


                                      NAYS:                 None


                                      ABSTAINED:       None


                                      ABSENT:             Warren Enterkin

                                                                 Jeffery Goodman


It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to appoint Carolyn Bradford to fill the remaining term of Board Member Ronnie Bradford, Ward 4A.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried to enter into Executive Session at 7:20 p.m.  Mr. Butcher asked Ferriday area Principals, Human Resource Director, Director of Curriculum, Secondary Director, Elementary Director, and TIF Director to join them.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to return to Regular Session at 8:22 p.m.  Mr. Riley stated that the matter of hiring freeze was addressed.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried to request that a hiring freeze be placed on all Central Office Supervisory staff and on all teachers until the Ferriday Schools have been staffed with at least 75% of certified teachers.


Roll Call Vote:

                                      YEAS:                 Mary Campbell

                                                                 Fred Butcher

                                                                 Cheryl Probst

                                                                 Raymond Riley, Sr.


                                      NAYS:                 John Bostic

                                                                 Ricky Raven


                                      ABSTAINED:       None


                                      ABSENT:             Warren Enterkin

                                                                 Jeffery Goodman


Mr. Butcher amended his motion, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried, to read that Mr. Shirley will try to have Ferriday Schools staffed with 75% of certified teachers by August 1, 2018.


Mr. Butcher stated that he will leave it to the Superintendent’s discretion to make sure Administrators dress professionally.  Dr. Riley wants all school personnel to wear their name tags and to dress professionally.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Campbell and carried for Mr. O’Neal, Mr. Shirley, and the Maintenance Supervisor to establish a District Maintenance budget for next school year and to make that budget available to the Maintenance Supervisor.


The following personnel announcements were made:



Concordia Parish School Board

Personnel Committee Meeting

May 10, 2018



Jessica Franklin, Sales Tax Bookkeeper, Sales Tax Division, maternity/extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective June 12, 2018 through July 24, 2018.


Barbara F. White, Paraprofessional, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective March 29, 2018 through May 23, 2018.


Tiffany Paul, Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective April 9, 2018 through May 7, 2018.


Jennifer Bertelsen, SFS Technician, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave days, effective March 27, 2018 through May 23, 2018.



Tara Watson, Behavior Interventionist, Special Populations, effective August 7, 2018.


Tracy Fleming, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective August 7, 2018.


Leigh Anne Mason, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective August 7, 2018.


Tara Dale, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2018.



Hazel Brallier, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 2, 2018.



Jamie Cloessner, Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, to Teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2018.


Patricia Poole, Teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, to Teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2018.


Shannon Cooley, Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, to Gifted Teacher, Special Populations, effective August 7, 2018.


Robert Haskett, Jr., Assistant Principal, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, to Interim Principal, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective April 1, 2018.



Mr. Whest Shirley made the following announcements:


Baccalaureate will be this Sunday at 8:00 a.m. - MHS, FHS will be in their Gym,

VHS will be at the VCCC.

Graduation is next week:  FHS Thursday 7:00, VHS Friday 7:00 p.m.,

MHS Saturday 1:00 p.m.

Last day for students is May 22, last day for teachers is May 23.

May 28th is Memorial Day Holiday

June 4th – we begin the four-day work week. 7:30a.m. to 5:00 p.m. closed on Fridays.



It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.