The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, February 21, 2019, at 6:00 o’clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Raymond Riley who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were Mr. Warren Enterkin, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Mr. Fred Butcher, Mr. Derrick Carson, Mr. John Bostic, Ms. Angela Hayes, Mrs. Lisette Forman, Mr. Ricky Raven, and Dr. Raymond Riley.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and carried to add “CPA Facility” to the Agenda.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Warren Enterkin – Yea
Mrs. Dorothy Parker – Yea
Mr. Fred Butcher – Yea
Mr. Derrick Carson– Yea
Mr. John Bostic – Yea
Ms. Angela Hayes – Yea
Mrs. Lisette Forman – Yea
Mr. Ricky Raven – Yea
Dr. Raymond Riley – Yea
The Board recognized the following students receiving the Sidney A. Murray, Jr., Citizenship Award in Grades 3-5:
Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
CPA Hiram Kincaid Malone Payton Roth Kace Betts
Ferriday Upper Melvin Zeng Zakee Muhammad Jalexia Faith Watson
Monterey High Kagan Tillman Woodrow Wade Ava Augustine
Vidalia Upper Kamryn Chapman Trinity Davis Lyric Warner
The Board recognized the following 2019 Students of the Year:
5th Grade Michael Anders - CPA
8th Grade Stevie Anderson – VJH
12th Grade Mallory Barlow – MHS
The Board recognized the Monterey High School Cheerleaders and Coaches. The cheerleaders placed 2nd at the National Cheerleaders Association National Cheerleading Championships. They competed in the Advanced, Non-Tumbling Division, in Dallas, Texas, on January 26 and 27, 2019. They were the only team in this division with zero technical deductions for both days.
Shealyn Cupit, Captain
Rhonda Cross, Co-Captain
Caroline Stevens, Co-Captain
Jewel Drummer, Co-Captain
Leslie Duncan
Kayleigh Charpentier
Emilee Estis
Ava Brown
Julia Beard
Rylee Sproles
Meah Peoples
Darah Morrisette
Lida McCall
Madison Poole
Mallory Barlow
Cecilia Stevens, Coach
Mandy Duncan, Coach
Britney Duncan, Coach
Committee reports were presented. Mr. Raven of the Educational/Personnel Policy Committee stated that they discussed personnel issues, leaves, resignations, appointments, certified teacher shortages in Ferriday, CPA handbook, and MHS gym. Mr. Butcher of the Finance Committee stated that they discussed financial statements, the maintenance budget, Business Office software, principals’ salaries, CPA, and school accounts. Dr. Riley of the Buildings and Grounds Committee stated that, in the first meeting, they discussed the walk-through they did at FHS and FJH. Mr. Bostic stated they discussed, in the second meeting, MHS gym, CEC roof, and the maintenance budget.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to allow Mr. Shirley to make sure all the maintenance items that were discussed, with the exception for the Monterey High School gym, are completed within forty days. The Buildings and Grounds Committee will return to the respective schools within the forty day period to verify that the items have been completed. Dr. Riley stated that the Buildings and Grounds Committee will meet at a different school each month.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Parker and carried to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting held on January 10, 2019.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to approve invoices in the amount of $5,805,745 for the month of January 2019.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Parker, and carried to allow Superintendent Shirley along with Mr. O’Neal to receive bids for a portable, two-classroom building with adjoining bathrooms for the Concordia Parish Academy of Math, Science, & Technology.
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Warren Enterkin – Yea
Mrs. Dorothy Parker – Yea
Mr. Fred Butcher – Yea
Mr. Derrick Carson– Yea
Mr. John Bostic – Nay
Ms. Angela Hayes – Yea
Mrs. Lisette Forman – Yea
Mr. Ricky Raven – Nay
Dr. Raymond Riley – Yea
Dr. Riley stated that the current plan is that the Concordia Parish Academy of Math Science, & Technology will remain open and go through the 12th grade.
Mr. O’Neal gave an overview of the 2017-2018 audit report. The review received an overall unmodified opinion.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to approve the Second Reading of the following policy that was tabled:
It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to approve the Second Reading of the following policies:
DFD Tax and Bond Elections and Sales
DJE Purchasing
It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Mrs. Parker and carried to approve the First Reading of the following policies:
GAEAA Sexual Harassment
GBC Recruitment
GBD Employment of Personnel
GBDA Employment of Retired Personnel
GBRIB Sick Leave
GBRIC Maternity and Adoptive Leave
JBCC Student Assignment
JCED Student Sexual Harassment
The following Personnel Announcements were made:
Concordia Parish School Board
Personnel Announcements
February 21, 2019
Mary Bell, School Nurse, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, return from extended medical leave, effective January 10, 2019.
Tyrieny Kelly, Paraprofessional, Ferriday Junior High School, maternity leave, effective January 28, 2019 – March 18, 2019.
Kristle Messer, School Secretary, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, maternity leave, effective January 8, 2019 through February 25, 2019.
Amanda Browning, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, return from maternity / extended leave, effective February 4, 2019.
Ashton Rymer, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, maternity / extended sick leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave, effective March 11, 2019 through May 24, 2019.
Dinah Smith, SFS Technician, CPAMST, regular sick leave, effective March 11, 2019 through May 24, 2019.
Debra Spurs, SFS Technician, Monterey High School, regular sick leave, effective February 8, 2019 through February 22, 2019.
Susan Anderson, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, extended medical leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave, effective January 30, 2019 through March 20, 2019.
Judy Germany, Secretary/Bookkeeper, Sales Tax Division, unpaid family medical leave upon exhaustion of extended sick leave, effective January 7, 2019 through June 30, 2019.
Courtney Elveston, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective January 18, 2019.
Jan Hammack, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective January 24, 2019.
Morgan Boyd, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective January 18, 2019.
Raquel Davis, Paraprofessional, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective January 12, 2019.
Lacy Lynch, Paraprofessional, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective May 24, 2019.
Molly Butler, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective February 4, 2019 for the remainder of this school year.
Cortez White, Central Office Maintenance, effective January 28, 2019.
Gloria Ford, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective January 28, 2019 for the remainder of this school year.
Jan Hammack, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective January 10, 2019 for the remainder of this school year.
Hannah Duff, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective January 28, 2019 for the remainder of this school year.
Nigel Johnston, Central Office Maintenance, effective January 25, 2019.
Bobbie Sanders, School Food Service Manager, Monterey High School, effective May 24, 2019.
Announcements – Mr. Shirley
Tomorrow, all three boys basketball teams will be playing in the first round of the playoffs:
MHS will host Anacoco at VHS, FHS will travel to Lake Arthur, and VHS will travel to Port Allen.
LSBA convention begins Sunday afternoon in Lake Charles. If you have any questions about your
reservations, see Mrs. Cavin.
Spring Break will be March 4-8.
CPA Lottery is March 15.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to adjourn at 7:22 p.m.