The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Concordia Parish School Board office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, August 9, 2018, at 6:00 o’clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by Mr. John Bostic. who, after prayer and the pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Warren Enterkin, Ms. Dorothy Parker, Mr. Fred Butcher, Mr. Derrick Carson, Mr. John Bostic, Ms. Angela Hayes, Ms. Lisette Forman, and Mr. Ricky Raven.


Board Member absent was Dr. Raymond Riley.


Committee Reports were presented. 


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Parker and carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on July 11, 2019.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Enterkin and carried unanimously to approve invoices and financial report for the month of July 2019.


The construction of a new gym for Monterey High School was discussed. Mr. Bostic said the Building and Grounds committee will meet with the three architects concerning the Monterey High School Gym. The Building and Grounds committee will come back to the board to make a recommendation.


It was moved by Mr. Enterkin, seconded by Ms. Forman and carried unanimously to extend the Fiscal Agent Agreement.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Ms. Forman and carried unanimously to approve the Madison Parish sales tax collection agreement.


It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Ms. Forman and carried unanimously to approve the specs for the Concordia Education Center roof given by Mr. John Mansfield provided that the person that is installing the roof installs it according to specs.


Bids were opened as follows:


Janitorial Supplies:

Vendor                                                             Bid

Big M Supply                                                    $39,632.87       

School Specialty                                               Unable to provide bid at this time

Pyramid School Products                                  Bid was incomplete

All American Poly                                             Bid was incomplete

Economical Janitorial/Paper Supply                   $37,061.97


Pest Control

Vendor                                                             Bid

Douglas Pest Control                                        Bid arrived after the 4 pm deadline

Orkin Pest Control                                            $335/month


Duplicating Paper 8 ½ x 11

Vendor                                                             Bid

Contract Paper Group                                       $27,540.00

School Specialty                                               Unable to provide bid at this time

Liberty Paper                                                    $26.95/case

Economical Janitorial/Paper Supply                   $27.98/case

Smith Printing                                                   $36,720


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Butcher and carried to allow Mr. Tom O’Neal to take the bids for janitorial supplies, duplicating paper and pest control under advisement and be granted the authority to award to the lowest bidder that meets specifications.


It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Butcher to add an item to the agenda to discuss cyber security insurance.


Roll call vote:                Mr. Warren Enterkin – Yes

                                    Mrs. Dorothy Parker – Yes

                                    Mr. Fred Butcher – Yes

                                    Mr. Derrick Carson – Yes

                                    Mr. John Bostic - Yes

                                    Ms. Angela Hayes – Yes

                                    Ms. Lisette Forman - Yes

                                    Mr. Ricky Raven – Yes



Mr. O’Neal informed the board that he was reviewing our current insurance policy to see if cybersecurity was included. 


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Carson and carried to approve the Louisiana Compliance Statement that is required by Louisiana Legislative Auditors Office.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Parker and carried to approve the second reading of the following policy:


                  JGCB   Immunizations


Mr. Carson made a motion, seconded by Mr. Butcher, to table entering in to Executive Session until next month when Dr. Riley can be present.


The following personnel announcements were made:


Concordia Parish School Board

Personnel Announcements

August 9, 2018



Tanner Parker, Teacher, Monterey High School, maternity / extended medical leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave, effective August 5, 2019 through September 4, 2019.


Angeline Cavin, Secretary to the Superintendent, extended medical leave upon exhaustion of accumulated leave, effective June 24, 2019 through November 1, 2019.


Keith Morgan, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, extended medical leave upon exhaustion of accumulated sick leave, effective August 5, 2019 through August 16, 2019.



Kelly Tiffee, Paraprofessional, Monterey High School, effective August 1, 2019.



Detra Rouser, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective July 31, 2019.


Danielle Gaylor, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective July 31, 2019.


Michelle Barron, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Sue Ann Easterling, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective June 11, 2019.


Velma Ellis, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Randel Jackson, Teacher, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Katlyn Thornton, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Doretha Cook, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective July 31, 2019.


Vicky Alexander, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Morgan Brown, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Cynthia Jackson, JAG Specialist, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.



Jackie Mardis, School Counselor, Vidalia High School, effective July 23, 2019.


Tema Larry, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Alethia Lawrence, Teacher, CPAMST, effective August 5, 2019.


Dora Monroe, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Jackie Coates, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Herman Joe Wild, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Jasmine Fells, Teacher, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Farrah White, Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Katelynn Bertelson, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Doris Hamilton, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Kendall Philippe, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Lena Mallory Martin, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Louis Smith, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Edwin Ruiz, Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Amanda Fleming, Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Kathleen Taylor, Teacher, CPAMST, effective August 5, 2019.


Kirby Kelly, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Joe Nicosia, Teacher, Concordia Education Center, effective August 5, 2019.


Patricia White, JAG Specialist, Ferriday High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Courtney Green, JAG Specialist, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Millie Tolliver, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective August 8, 2019.


Monica Skipper, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 8, 2019.


Bethani Douglas, Paraprofessional, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 7, 2019.


Keesa McGruder, Paraprofessional, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective August 7, 2019.


Natesha Harris, Paraprofessional, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective August 7, 2019.


Stacie Cooper, Paraprofessional, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2019.


Lesandy Avery, Paraprofessional, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2019.


Kristy Cupit, Paraprofessional, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2019.



Shanta Wilson, Paraprofessional, Concordia Education Center, to Teacher, Concordia Education Center, effective August 5, 2019.


George Barnes, Jr., Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, to Teacher, Ferriday High School effective August 5, 2019.


Sydney Spain, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, to Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective August 5, 2019.


David Turner, Teacher/Band Director, Ferriday High School, to Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Gail Conner, Teacher, Ferriday High School, to Paraprofessional, Concordia Education Center, effective August 5, 2019.


Shawanda Petite, Teacher, Ferriday High School, to Teacher, Concordia Education Center, effective August 5, 2019.


Jessica Guidry, Teacher, Ferriday High School, to Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective

August 5, 2019.


Carla Wyatt, Teacher, Ferriday High School, to Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective August 5, 2019.


Quantrelle Green, Teacher, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, to Teacher, CPAMST, effective August 5, 2019.


Ricky Collins, Interim Principal, Ferriday High School, to Assistant Principal, Ferriday High School, effective July 16, 2019.


Amanda Gill, Administrative Intern, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, to Assistant Principal, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, effective July 23, 2019.


Lisa Willard, Teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, to Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 5, 2019.


Deloris Gipson, SFS Manager, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, to SFS Technician, Ferriday High School, effective August 7, 2019.


Dorothy Poole, SFS Technician, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, to SFS Technician, Ferriday High School, effective August 7, 2019.


Cynthia Platt, SFS Technician, Ferriday High School, to SFS Manager, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective August 7, 2019.


Estelle Foster, SFS Technician, Ferriday Junior High School, to SFS Technician, Vidalia Jr. High School, effective August 7, 2019.


Sharon Womack, 5 hour/10 month Sweeper, Monterey High School, to SFS Technician, Monterey High School, effective August 7, 2019.




Superintendent Shirley made the following announcements:


First day of school is Friday, August 9; 12:30 dismissal.


The Building and Grounds committee and he will meet with three architects on Monday morning to discuss the Monterey High School gym.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to adjourn at 6:52 p.m.