The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in a Public Hearing via Zoom Teleconference on Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 6:00 o’clock p.m.


The Public Hearing was called to order by Mr. Fred Butcher who after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Mr. Warren Enterkin, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Dr. Raymond Riley, Mr. Derrick Carson, Mr. Fred Butcher, Mr. John Bostic, Ms. Angela Hayes, Mrs. Lisette Forman, and Mr. Ricky Raven.


Mr. Butcher turned the floor over to Mr. Tom O’Neal, Director of Business Affairs.  Mr. O’Neal explained the purpose of the hearing which was to discuss the Ad Valorem Tax Millages for 2020, and to allow public input.  Mr. O’Neal explained the amount of the millages as follows:


Maintenance and Operation of System          24.49 mills

Additional Construction and Operations         12.73 mills

Constitutional                                               2.78 mills


Mr. O’Neal read the Resolution on the millages.  The Board solicited questions from the public.  There were no questions.  It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to close the public hearing at 6:06 p.m.






The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session via Zoom Teleconference on Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 6:09 o’clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fred Butcher.


Members present were Mr. Warren Enterkin, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Dr. Raymond Riley, Mr. Derrick Carson, Mr. Fred Butcher, Mr. John Bostic, Ms. Angela Hayes, Mrs. Lisette Forman, and Mr. Ricky Raven.


Committee Reports were presented. (see attached)


It was moved by Dr. Riley, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on May 7, 2020, and the Special Meeting held on May 26, 2020.


It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Dr. Riley and carried to approve invoices in the amount of $3,812,072 for the month of June.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to approve the adoption of the ad valorem tax millages for 2020.


Roll Call Vote:       Mr. Warren Enterkin - Yea

                             Mrs. Dorothy Parker - Yea

                             Dr. Raymond Riley - Yea

                             Mr. Derrick Carson - Yea

                             Mr. Fred Butcher - Yea

                             Mr. John Bostic - Yea

                             Ms. Angela Hayes - Yea

                             Mrs. Lisette Forman - Yea

                             Mr. Ricky Raven - Yea


It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Mrs. Parker and carried to approve the following Resolution for Sales and Use Tax Collection and Administration:


Roll Call Vote:       Mr. Warren Enterkin - Yea

                             Mrs. Dorothy Parker - Yea

                             Dr. Raymond Riley - Yea

                             Mr. Derrick Carson - Yea

                             Mr. Fred Butcher - Yea

                             Mr. John Bostic - Yea

                             Ms. Angela Hayes - Yea

                             Mrs. Lisette Forman - Yea

                             Mr. Ricky Raven - Yea





WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 3 of the Louisiana Constitution provides that local sales and use taxes are to be collected by a single collector in each parish;


WHEREAS, Article VII, Section 3 also provides for the use of a parish commission or one of the local political subdivisions to serve as the single parish collector of local sales and use taxes;


WHEREAS, the authority to “collect” local sales and use taxes has been determined by the Courts to include the authority to administer the collection, including making decisions as to when to audit persons or businesses thought to be unlawfully evading taxation or, in some cases, collecting sales taxes on transactions and failing to fully remit them to the local collector;


WHEREAS, School Boards serve as the single parish collector of local sales and use taxes in over thirty (30) parishes, including the Parish of Concordia;


WHEREAS, there are interest groups that desire to amend the LA Constitution to allow the Legislature to repeal or impair the authority of local governments to control the collection of local sales taxes and place that authority with the State, a concept referred to as State Central Collection;


WHEREAS, State Central Collection could have the State taking possession of local tax revenues, withholding an administrative fee, then disbursing the balance back to the School Board or other local taxing authority;


WHEREAS, State Central Collection poses too great a risk that local education tax dollars will not be promptly disbursed or that the administrative fee withheld by the State may become a means of resolving State fiscal issues;


WHEREAS, the risks of State Central Collection are magnified as our School District tries to recover from the loss of sales tax revenue and the increased expenses related to the COVID19 pandemic;


WHEREAS, repealing or diminishing the Constitutional authority for local collection of local sales and use taxes will impair the ability of  local collectors to perform the necessary function of auditing vendors to ensure compliance with the legal obligation to collect and remit local sales taxes; 


WHEREAS, given the vital role that the proper, effective, and efficient collection of local sales and use taxes plays in the operation of school districts and the education of children, the Louisiana School Boards Association opposes any efforts to repeal, reduce, or constrain the authority of the local collector to collect local sales and use taxes, regardless of who has offered the proposal;


NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Concordia Parish School District, by action of its duly elected governing authority, does hereby urge and request the Louisiana Legislature, and in particular the Legislative Delegation of Concordia Parish to oppose any Legislative effort that repeals, reduces, or constrains the authority of the local collector to collect and administer the collection of local sales and use taxes;


FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be provided to each member of the Legislative Delegation of Concordia Parish, and the Governor of the State of Louisiana.


It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Mrs. Parker and carried to approve the Agreement for Services and to Fund the Louisiana Uniform Local Sales Tax Board with Proceeds from the Collection of Taxes on the Sale or Use of Motor Vehicles.


Roll Call Vote:       Mr. Warren Enterkin - Yea

                             Mrs. Dorothy Parker - Yea

                             Dr. Raymond Riley - Yea

                             Mr. Derrick Carson - Yea

                             Mr. Fred Butcher - Yea

                             Mr. John Bostic - Yea

                             Ms. Angela Hayes - Yea

                             Mrs. Lisette Forman - Yea

                             Mr. Ricky Raven – Yea


After a brief discussion on the FY 2019-2020 Consolidated Budget As Amended, Mr. O’Neal stated that the overall projected budget variances as being .003% on revenues and .022% on disbursements.  It was moved by Mr. Enterkin, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to approve the FY 2019-20 Consolidated Budget As Amended.


Roll Call Vote:       Mr. Warren Enterkin - Yea

                             Mrs. Dorothy Parker - Yea

                             Dr. Raymond Riley - Nay

                             Mr. Derrick Carson - Nay

                             Mr. Fred Butcher - Yea

                             Mr. John Bostic - Yea

                             Ms. Angela Hayes - Yea

                             Mrs. Lisette Forman - Yea

                             Mr. Ricky Raven - Yea


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to approve the Concordia Sentinel as the Board’s official journal.


Mr. O’Neal gave an update on the Monterey Gymnasium Project.  The architects are working on the final stage of design and construction documents.  They are coordinating their efforts with the consulting mechanical engineers in hopes of submitting construction plans to the State Fire Marshall for approval within the next two (2) weeks.


Mr. O’Neal has set the project advertisement for bid purposes on July 15, 22, and 29, 2020.  A pre-bid conference will be scheduled for either the last week of July, or the first week of August. Our plans are to receive bids at the regular scheduled school board meeting for the month of August.


Mr. O’Neal gave an update on the HVAC Renovation Project.  The contractor is currently concentrating his efforts on Ferriday High School and Vidalia High School.


At FHS, they have completed the underground utility installation and installed the necessary electrical panels to serve the units.  They have poured the concrete foundations and have removed ceilings and ventilation louvers in the general stage area, and have begun the wall framing process for the duct work installation.


At VHS, they have completed the installation of the roof pads on the modified bitumen roof covering the dressing room areas.  These pads are where the actual air conditioning units will be placed.  Although work is contingent on the weather conditions, the gym windows are on schedule for removal this week as necessary for the duct work installation.


Overall, in the absence of any unforeseen difficulties, this project does appear to be on track for its September completion date.


It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to table the First Reading of the following policies until Superintendent Shirley can consult with the Attorney concerning recommendations:


EBBD-20 Emergency Closing of Schools {sample}

                        GBAA-20 Compensation Guidelines/Overtime {sample}

                        GBRIBC-20 Emergency Family and Medical Leave (EFMLA)

                        and Emergency Paid Sick Leave (COVID-19 Pandemic)


After a discussion, it was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mr. Bostic and carried to table the Technology Plan for CPSB for additional information and documentation.


It was moved by Mr. Raven, seconded by Mrs. Parker and carried to approve the FY 2020-2021 School Calendar and the FY2020-2021 12- Month Employee Calendar.


The following personnel announcements were made:


Concordia Parish School Board Meeting

Personnel Announcements (Revised)

June 11, 2020



Stephanie Murphy, School Counselor, Ferriday High School, return from medical leave, effective April 23, 2020.


Ferman Washington, Maintenance Helper, Central Administration, return from extended medical leave, effective March 30, 2020.



Ann Morace, Pre-K Teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective August 2020.



Cynthia Etheridge, 5th Grade Teacher, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective August 3, 2020.


Robert Sanders, Adapted P.E. Teacher/Head Boys’ Basketball Coach/Head Cross Country Coach, Vidalia High School, effective May 29, 2020.


Timothy Herndon, Science Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective June 15, 2020.


Stephen Bush, 12 month Custodian, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective June 30, 2020.



Rachea Bailey, 2nd Grade Teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, effective June 1, 2020.


Gary Stewart, Jr., 6th Grade ELA Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective June 1, 2020.



Stephanie Murphy, School Counselor, Ferriday High School, to School Counselor, CEC/CPAMST, effective July 2020.


Sharon Henderson, Business Education Teacher, Ferriday High School, to Business Education Teacher, CPAMST, effective August 2020.


Keith Woodruff, 8 hour/11 Month Janitor, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, to 8 hour/12 month Janitor, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective March 1, 2020.


Michael Brown, 8 hour/11 Month Janitor, Ferriday Junior High School, to 8 hour/12 month Janitor, Ferriday Junior High School, effective March 1, 2020.


Frankie Thomas, 8 hour/11 Month Janitor, Vidalia Junior High School, to 8 hour/12 month Janitor, Vidalia Junior High School, effective March 1, 2020.


The following Announcements were made by Mr. Shirley:


1.      Pre-K and new student registration will be available on-line next week.

2.      We continue to have increasing numbers for our Grab and Go meals distributed at FJHS, VHS, and MHS.

3.      Driver’s education will begin again later this month at FHS and VHS.

4.      Summer work-outs for our athletes began this past Monday.

5.      If you are interested in attending the LSBA Summer Leadership Virtual Conference, please contact Ms. Gail.  It begins Friday, June, 19, 2020.

6.      COVID-19 testing continues at FHS on June 12 and June 16. And at VHS on June 18.

8.      On June 23, 2020, the Louisiana students of the year will be named in a virtual ceremony. Our own John-Garrett Patrick will be representing us in the senior division. If you are interested in watching, see me next week and I can send you the information.

           9.        Ricky Raven turned 39 on D-day, June 6th!


It was moved by Mr. Bostic, seconded by Mr. Carson and carried to adjourn at 7:42 p.m.


Concordia Parish School Board Committee Reports


Educational/Personnel Policy Committee

June 8, 2020




1.0      Possible supplement/stipend for the Instructional Technology Team Members at each school.




2.0      Personnel


2.1      Attorney retainer fee/can board members call?


2.2      How is Attorney’s bill broken down?


2.3      Evaluations of Principals by Elementary/Secondary Directors


2.4      Calendars to be adopted


2.5      Add Update on MHS Gym and HVAC to the Agenda…..Tom O’Neal


2.6      Technology Plan


Concordia Parish School Board Committee Reports


Finance Committee

June 8, 2020




1.0      Possibility of paying Instructional Technology Team Members $125 a month for 9 months




2.0      Tax Millages for 2020


2.1      Budget Revision


2.2      Did we save any money during COVID-19?


2.3      Technology Plan


2.4      Expenditures for May


Concordia Parish School Board Committee Reports


Buildings and Grounds Committee

June 8, 2020




1.0      Plexiglass barriers for buildings


1.1      Cleaning supplies for COVID-19


1.2      Possibility of 2-hour sweepers…additional hours for cleaning schools


1.3      Maintenance vehicle-James White’s van is broke down.  An estimate of $7,500 was

           given to fix it.  If we can get it fixed for $5,000.00, then we would fix it.


1.4      A new van would cost $27,000.00.


1.5      Quote for cameras at FHS


1.6      Metal roof for FHS dressing room under the home bleachers




2.0      Summer Sports workouts


2.1      CPA parking lot-place in next year’s budget


2.2      Technology Plan-payment of lost or destroyed devices.  How do we make students pay?