The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in a Public Hearing Session at the Vidalia City Hall meeting room in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 6:00 o’clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fred Butcher who, after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Mr. Tom O’Neal, Business Director, opened the public hearing by giving the Board Members and members of the General Public a brief overview of the process necessary for the levying of ad valorem, or property taxes. He indicated that the primary reason for the hearing was to allow members of the general public to have input and comment concerning the actual levy. He indicated that the proposal before the Board was to simply levy the current taxes for 2023 as were presented for the previous year with no additional burden on the citizenry. He indicated that the current levies generated approximately $6.1 million during the prior year.
Those rates and levies are: a) Constitution Levy @ 2.78 mills,
b) General Maintenance & Operations of System @24.49 mills, and
c) Additional Operational Support and Construction @ 12.73 mills.
With no questions being presented by either the board members or the general public, it was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to close the public hearing. The hearing was closed at 6:12 P.M.
The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Vidalia City Hall meeting room in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, May 18, 2023, at 6:13 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fred Butcher following the close of the public hearing. Mr. Butcher, after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Board members present were Mr. Wayne Wilson, Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr., Mr. Derrick Carson, Mr. Matt Taunton, Mrs. Angela Hayes, Mrs. Lisette Forman, Mrs. Vanessa Houck, and Mr. Fred Butcher.
Mrs. Dorothy Parker was absent.
The committee reports were given next since some of the students to be recognized were not present yet. It was moved by Mr. Carson after giving the Buildings and Grounds Committee Report, that Item #7, “Painting of Ferriday Junior High and Ferriday High School,” be added to the agenda for discussion and action. The motion was seconded by Mr. Marsalis and unanimously carried.
Superintendent Bachus presented Marlen Hernandez, an 8th-grader at Vidalia Junior High School, with a Spanish Fluency Achievement Award. Her test scores demonstrated Intermediate-High proficiency in Spanish on the STAMP4S exam. This award grants Marlen full Carnegie Units for High School Spanish I and Spanish II and 12 college credits for foreign language studies.
School Board President Fred Butcher presented two scholarships given by him and his wife to Ahnesti Brown and Anashia Hawkins, both of whom graduated from Ferriday High School last week.
Marco Gonzalez gave an update on the ESSER projects. We have been working on design, and now we have what we call about a 90% drawing of the windows for Ferriday High School, Ferriday Lower Elementary, Vidalia High School and Monterey High School. The ESSER committee previously met and decided at which schools to be included in the project. The decision was done in an effort to extend our dollars’ value as far as possible. Gonzalez and the architects met with the principals this week to talk about scheduling this work since school will be in session while the work is going on. The second component of this is the HVAC. As of today, Gonzalez has received the drawings for the Ferriday schools and should have the Vidalia schools and Monterey by tomorrow. The scope of work is to basically replace all the HVAC systems in all the schools. There may be a few units that will not be replaced because they are fairly new. He will review the drawings and the projects should go out for bids about the middle of June.
The bid advertisement for the Ferriday High School and Vidalia High School football field renovations have been forwarded for publication.. The plan is to replace the turf that is there on each field, to cut it down and build it back up to the proper elevation and update the drainage around the fields. Keith Capdepon and Brett Young with Bryant Hammett & Associates also spoke about the work to be done on the fields. Bids should be received about the middle of June for this project as well. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to authorize the superintendent and her staff to move forward and work with BH&A and Volkert, Inc., to move this project along.
It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Houck, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on April 13, 2023, and the minutes of the special meeting held on April 20, 2023.
Mr. Fred Marsalis gave the financial report. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to approve invoices in the amount of $5,041,037 for the month of April 2023.
Mrs. Rhonda Moore presented the personnel report. The report was available in the board members’ binders. The changes from Monday’s committee meeting are highlighted in yellow.
Concordia Parish School Board
Regular Board Meeting
Personnel Announcements
May 18, 2023
Ashton Rymer, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, maternity leave, effective April 14, 2023 through May 19, 2023.
Gerri Lipsey, Speech Pathologist (FLE), Special Populations , maternity leave, effective April 3, 2023 through May 19, 2023.
Nancy Clingon, Teacher, CPAMST, return from maternity leave, effective May 5, 2023.
Gwendolyn Atkins, SFS Technician, Ferriday Junior High School, family /extended medical leave, effective April 4, 2023 through May 19, 2023.
Thelma Beard, Janitor, Vidalia High School, return from extended medical leave, effective May 1, 2023.
Brenda Logan, Teacher, Vidalia High School, FMLA / extended medical leave, effective March 27, 2023 through May 19, 2023.
Joshua Conner, Maintenance Helper, Central Administration, effective May 1, 2023.
Suzanna Staggs-Welch, Secretary/Bookkeeper, Sales Tax Division, effective May 8, 2023.
Chad Ryan, Ag Teacher, Monterey High School, effective July 1, 2023.
Monique Harbor, School Secretary, Ferriday Upper Elementary School, effective July 18, 2023.
Kara Masling, Principal, Vidalia High School, effective July 1, 2023.
Kaderrius Minor, 12 month Janitor, Vidalia Upper Elementary School, effective April 6, 2023.
Michael Norris, Teacher/Head Football Coach, Vidalia High School, effective August 5, 2023.
Shannon Probst, Administrative Intern, Vidalia High School, effective August 5, 2023.
Molly Butler, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective May 19, 2023.
Patricia Kaye Andrews, School Nurse, Special Populations, effective August 5, 2023.
Sandra Scruggs Cobb, Principal, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective March 12, 2023.
Diana Thornhill, Teacher, Monterey High School, effective May 19, 2023.
Robert Rasberry, G/T Teacher, Special Populations, effective August 5, 2023.
Glynda Richard, Educational Diagnostician, Special Populations, effective June 6, 2023.
Brenda Naff, Teacher, Ferriday Junior High School, effective May 31, 2023.
Mark Vidrine, Teacher, Vidalia High School, to Ag Teacher, Vidalia High School, effective
July 1, 2023.
After Mr. O’Neal read the resolution, it was moved by Mr. Carson and seconded by Mr. Taunton to approve the passing of the tax millages which will not change from the current millages in place. A roll call vote was required.
Mr. Wilson Yea
Mr. Marsalis, Sr. Yea
Mr. Carson Yea
Mr. Taunton Yea
Mrs. Hayes Yea
Mrs. Forman Yea
Mrs. Houck Yea
Mr. Butcher Yea
The motion carried unanimously by 8 yeas, 0 nays, and 1 absent.
Mr. O’Neal gave an update on the central office. A pre-bid conference was held yesterday. Five contractors were notified of the conference, but only one showed up, and that was a local contractor. We will take bids on the 31st of this month at 2:00 pm. We did look at a set of plans, and this was discussed at the finance committee meeting Monday. This is not a bid situation, it’s actually a quote. We get quotes every day. So if it comes within the numbers we were originally given, then I would suggest that we take it to the administration and move this project forward. It was moved by Mr. Marsalis, seconded by Mr. Taunton, and unanimously carried that if the quotes come in within the perimeters of what the law provides, that Superintendent Bachus and her staff along with Mr. O’Neal will move on for the renovations of the central office.
Mr. O’Neal reported that we are trying to get the remediation started for the first week in June.
Mr. O’Neal gave an update on the progress on the student transportation provider, Ecco Ride of Louisiana. He noted that Ecco Ride was holding a job fair today and tomorrow for drivers. O’Neal said he along with one of our attorneys has reviewed a draft of the contract. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Marsalis and unanimously approved to authorize the superintendent and her staff to look at the Ecco Ride contract and approve it based on any amendments that Mr. O’Neal and the attorneys think need to be made.
There was discussion regarding disposing of some of the old buses that we still have, and Mr. Taunton stated if those old buses were going to be junked, the Vidalia Fire Department could use two of them for training purposes. It was moved by Mr. Marsalis, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to add an item to the agenda, “Consider Donating Two Unused Buses to the Vidalia Fire Department.” It was then moved by Mr. Marsalis, seconded by Mrs. Forman, and unanimously carried to approve the donation of two junked buses to the Vidalia Fire Department, and the VFD will be responsible for removing the buses from the premises.
It was moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Taunton, and unanimously carried to approve the assignment of the agricultural lease at Frogmore to John Brannon for the same terms in the current lease.
There was discussion on a request from the Presbyterian Church in Ferriday to use the right-of-way directly across the street from the church as additional parking space. We have a broken-down fence that’s been there for years. It’s about 20-21 feet from the roadway to the fence, and that’s the area they are talking about. Our attorney suggested to have a lease like we have with the City of Ferriday for the old gym. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Houck and unanimously carried to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Presbyterian Church regarding their use of our property for additional parking space provided there are no adverse effects with any agreements we may have.
Mr. Carson stated that playground equipment is needed at all of our upper and lower elementary schools. Superintendent Bachus presented pictures of a number of inclusive playground equipment, which would be appropriate for autistic children as well, and explained that inclusive play grants are available, and the principals of each school must apply for the grant to get the equipment. She has shown the principals these pictures, and they all chose their favorite for their campus. She said she expected most, if not all of the schools, would receive the grant. Mr. Carson said we’re going to have get playground equipment at some point so we might as well start now. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton, and unanimously carried to approve Superintendent Bachus’ recommendation of the playground equipment she presented and the principals applying for the inclusive play grant.
Superintendent Bachus explained that she had given the board members all the information on the staffing proposal already to shorten the presentation tonight, and that Mr. O’Neal would speak on the long-term effect. Following Mr. O’Neal and Superintendent Bachus going through the proposed funding, it was moved by Mr. Taunton, seconded by Mrs. Forman and unanimously carried to accept the superintendent’s recommendations for the 2023-24 staffing.
Superintendent Bachus requested that the board consider modifying the school calendar to observe Juneteenth as a national holiday. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Forman and unanimously carried to include Juneteenth as a paid holiday.
Superintendent Bachus noted that Items K and L, next on the agenda, have already been discussed.
Mr. Carson reported that Ferriday Junior High and Ferriday High School have a drastic need for some painting to be done. It was discussed during the committee meeting that instead of piece-mealing things, to hire a professional painting crew to come in and do the work. At FJH the Annex Hall needs painting, and at FHS the two-story section classrooms and hallway only need painting. These schools show the most neglect of all the parish schools. The rest of the schools are on the list, and will be taken care of as soon as possible. It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to give the superintendent the authority to get quotes on hiring a painting crew and decide when to have the work done. Mr. Carson clarified that while Superintendent Bachus was getting quotes on this work, she could also get quotes on painting the exterior of Ferriday High School, which is in great need of painting.
It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Hayes, and unanimously carried to have a minimum of two budget meetings before the final budget is presented to the board.
It was moved by Mrs. Houck, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried for the board to go into executive session at 7:52 PM.
It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried for the board to return to regular session at 8:20 PM. Superintendent Bachus stated that the board had discussed a personnel matter and will take a closer look at the job description and put this matter on the June agenda.
There being no further business, it was moved by Mr. Taunton, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to adjourn at 8:21 PM.