The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Vidalia City Hall meeting room in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, January 11, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mr. Fred Butcher. After prayer and the Pledge, Mr. Butcher declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
Board members present were Mr. Wayne Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr., Mr. Derrick Carson, Mrs. Lisette Forman, Mr. Matt Taunton, Mrs. Angela Hayes, Mrs. Vanessa Houck and Mr. Fred Butcher.
Superintendent Bachus presided over the election of officers. The floor was opened for nominations. Mr. Carson made a joint nomination of Lisette Forman for President and Fred Butcher for Vice-President. There were no other nominations. Nominations were closed and Lisette Forman was declared President and Fred Butcher declared Vice-President. Mr. Butcher presented the gavel to Mrs. Forman and she presided over the remainder of the meeting.
In the absence of Marco Gonzalez, Mr. Tom O’Neal gave an update on the ESSER projects. He reported that HVAC units project in Ferriday is underway.
O’Neal said the Vidalia schools HVAC units are moving along very well. There was a pre-construction meeting this morning at Vidalia High School. Probably within the next 2-2 ½ weeks they will be in Monterey installing their HVAC units.
Superintendent Bachus made a presentation on the Concordia Parish School District Performance Scores along with her vision and goals for the school district.
Mr. Butcher asked for the chairpersons of each committee to meet with the president of the board and review the respective board members’ evaluation of the superintendent on Wednesday, January 17, at 4:00 PM.
Principal Elsa Carter of Ferriday Junior High School gave a presentation on the school’s Improvement Plan.
Testing Coordinator Paula Fuqua gave a presentation on the pros and cons of the 4-day work week for the board’s consideration. Mr. Wilson asked if there was to be a survey sent to parents and administrators. Mr. Carson asked Superintendent Bachus to submit a possible calendar and come up with a plan for future consideration.
Mr. Carson asked to add two items to the agenda that were discussed in the Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting: Interior and exterior plan of renovation for Ferriday High School and an item providing the superintendent with the authority to interact with an engineer dealing with infrastructure. Also, to contact our state, local and federal representatives as need be to establish a cohesive plan concerning water and power lines.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher and seconded by Mr. Carson to add to the agenda an item concerning an interior and exterior plan of renovation for Ferriday High School.
A roll call vote was taken.
Mr. Wayne Wilson Yea
Mrs. Dorothy Parker Yea
Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr. Yea
Mr. Derrick Carson Yea
Mr. Matt Taunton Yea
Mrs. Angela Hayes Yea
Mrs. Vanessa Houck Yea
Mrs. Lisette Forman Yea
Mr. Fred Butcher Yea
The motion carried by unanimous vote.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher and seconded by Mr. Carson to add to the agenda an item providing the superintendent with the authority to interact with an engineer dealing with infrastructure around Ferriday High School. Also, to contact our state, local and federal representatives as need be to establish a cohesive plan concerning water and power lines.
A roll call vote was taken.
Mr. Wayne Wilson Yea
Mrs. Dorothy Parker Yea
Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr. Yea
Mr. Derrick Carson Yea
Mr. Matt Taunton Yea
Mrs. Angela Hayes Yea
Mrs. Vanessa Houck Yea
Mrs. Lisette Forman Yea
Mr. Fred Butcher Yea
The motion carried by unanimous vote.
It was moved by Mr. Taunton and seconded by Mrs. Parker to add another item to the agenda that was discussed in the Buildings & Grounds Committee meeting: Consider the purchase of vehicles for the Maintenance Department. A roll call vote was taken.
Mr. Wayne Wilson Yea
Mrs. Dorothy Parker Yea
Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr. Yea
Mr. Derrick Carson Yea
Mr. Matt Taunton Yea
Mrs. Angela Hayes Yea
Mrs. Vanessa Houck Yea
Mrs. Lisette Forman Yea
Mr. Fred Butcher Abstain
The motion failed with Mr. Butcher abstaining.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher for Superintendent Bachus along with Mr. O’Neal to determine funding sources and bring that information back to the next meeting. After a statement from Mr. Carson regarding needing specs for these vehicles, Mr. Butcher amended his motion to include having specs for the vehicles provided at the next meeting. Mr. Carson seconded and the motion was carried unanimously.
The committee reports were presented.
It was moved by Mr. Taunton, seconded by Mr. Carson, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on December 14, 2023.
Mr. Fred Marsalis, Jr., presented the financial report. It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to approve invoices in the amount of $5,345,397 for the month of December 2023.
The personnel report was available in the board members’ binders. Mrs. Rhonda Moore presented the report.
Concordia Parish School Board
Personnel Announcements
Regular Board Meeting
January 11, 2024
Larry Sweazy, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective December 29, 2023.
Kelly Sharp, School Psychologist, Special Populations, effective January 5, 2024.
Leigh Anne Mason, Teacher, Vidalia Junior High School, effective December 22, 2023.
Brandi Lipsey, School Nurse (LPN -- MHS), Special Populations, effective January 11, 2024.
Superintendent Bachus read the Resolution of School Board Member Training, noting that it will be published in the Concordia Sentinel.
It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Butcher and unanimously carried to approve the second reading of the following policies: EDCC – Carpool and Bus Line Safety; IDCJ – Continuous Learning; JB – Attendance; JBD – Student Absences and Excuses; and JGCD – Administration of Medication. Policy EBBB – School and Student Safety was approved with following changes established by the school board: The wording on Page 2 in the Section “Mandatory Reporting,” in the fifth paragraph is changed. The words “determine whether to” are deleted and the phrase “at the appropriate time” is added to the end of the sentence. The sentence in question now reads “The school administrator and the School District administrator then shall notify parents of the students at the school at the appropriate time.”
Superintendent Bachus introduced the next item, Consider Use of Electric Buses. She explained that there is a grant program, the EPA Clean School Bus 2023 Grant Program, that will fund the purchase of all-electric school buses, charging station units, and eligible charging infrastructure. Her goal is to purchase seven buses to use for activity buses. Superintendent Bachus noted that we won’t actually write the grant but Lion Electric will write the grant and we will purchase the buses from them. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to apply for eight electric buses, instead of seven, through the grant program to use as activity buses.
It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Parker and unanimously carried to authorize the superintendent to contact M3A Architecture to come and give the board a mockup of the renovation to the interior and exterior of Ferriday High School, also inviting the public to said meeting.
It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to allow Superintendent Bachus and her staff, the board president, the chairperson of the Building & Grounds committee, along with elected state, local and federal representatives, to seek infrastructure funding.
The proposed executive session was tabled.
Superintendent Bachus made the following announcement:
· Out of an abundance of caution, with inclement weather and high winds expected, school is cancelled for tomorrow, which is a half day for students. If weather permits, all staff will come in later at 10:30 am because it is a full day for staff.
There being no further business, it was moved by Mrs. Houck, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to adjourn at 7:40 PM.