The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in a Public Hearing Session at the Vidalia City Hall meeting room in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 6:00 o’clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by President Lisette Forman who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Mr. Tom O’Neal, Business Director, opened the public hearing by giving the Board Members and members of the General Public a brief overview of the process necessary for the levying of ad valorem, or property taxes. He indicated that the primary reason for the hearing was to allow members of the general public to have input and comment concerning the actual levy. He indicated that the proposal before the Board was to simply levy the current taxes for 2024 as were presented for the previous year with no additional burden on the citizenry. He indicated that the current levies generated approximately $6.16 million during the prior year.


Those rates and levies are:     a) Constitution Levy @ 2.73 mills 

                                            b) General Maintenance & Operations of System @24.51 mills, and 

                                            c) Additional Operational Support and Construction @ 12.43 mills. 


With no questions being presented by either the board members or the general public, Mr. O’Neal declared the public hearing was closed. The time was 6:12 P.M.




The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Vidalia City Hall meeting room in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 6:13 p.m.  The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Forman, following the close of the public hearing. Mrs. Forman, after prayer and the Pledge, declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Board members present were Mr. Fred Butcher, Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr., Mrs. Vanessa Houck, Mr. Derrick Carson, Mrs. Angela Hayes, Mr. Wayne Wilson, Mr. Matt Taunton, and Mrs. Lisette Forman.  All board members were present.


President Forman asked for a motion to add an item to the agenda in Section III, Presentations, to recognize our new teachers.  It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Parker, and unanimously carried to add this item.  A roll call vote was requested:


Mr. Butcher – yea

            Mrs. Parker – yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr., - yea

            Mrs. Houck – yea

            Mr. Carson – yea

            Mrs. Hayes – yea

            Mr. Wilson – yea

            Mr. Taunton – yea

            Mrs. Forman - yea

The motion unanimously carried with 9 yeas, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.



Keith Bridgham with Volkert, Inc., gave an update on the ESSER projects.

·         In Vidalia, the HVAC work in the two elementary schools and the junior high school are substantially complete. 


·         At MHS, the HVACs in all the buildings are substantially complete.  There is some ductwork to be completed in the old gym, but that should be complete by the end of July. 


·         The window project at Monterey is at substantially complete. 


·         They have started the windows at the Vidalia High School with approximately 75% of those windows have been installed. 


·         The contractors will be moving to Ferriday High next week to start their windows.  There was a pre-construction meeting yesterday to talk about the sequence of work, where the principal would like to start or any special needs he might have. 


·         At Ferriday Lower Elementary all the HVAC units have been changed.  Mr. Carson questioned the issue of mold on the casings around the cabinets where the A/C units are housed.  He asked if the contractors were going to take care of such issues.  Bridgham replied that the contract was only for the installation of the units.  He noted that the contractors had done some carpentry work when the cabinet could not hold the weight of the unit.  Carson asked Bridgham bring the mold issue up to the contractor and requested a list of the units where mold is still present so it can be taken care of.


·         The HVAC crew that is working at FLE is scheduled to be at Ferriday High School next week.  The project’s expectations are to be finished in 6-8 weeks, or approximately the middle of September. 


·         A crew is working at the Ferriday Upper Elementary with the goal to be substantially complete by the end of this month.


·         At the Ferriday Junior High, the workers have all the classroom units changed and running.


William McElroy with M3A Architects of Jackson, Ms., gave a presentation on the remodeling and beautification of Ferriday High School.  He provided handouts to the board members and showed a power point presentation of possible renovations and improvements to the campus.


Teachers Kimula Wallace-Turner (VJH) and Eliza Boleware (FJH) presented information on Act 311.


Concerned parent, Ryan Nations, addressed the board with his concerns regarding the clear backpacks required at CPA.


Superintendent Bachus introduced our new teachers and presented them with plastic crates of goodies for their classrooms.


Because the agenda was so lengthy, Mr. Butcher asked that the board forego the committee reports.  The written notes were available in their folders.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to approve the  minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2024, as corrected, the minutes of the special meeting of June 6, 2024, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 16, 2024, and the minutes of the special meeting of June 27, 2024.


It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mr. Taunton, and unanimously carried to approve to approve invoices in the amount of $8,389,012 for the month of June 2024 presented by Mr. Fred Marsalis, Jr.  Mr. Marsalis noted that the reason the expenditures are higher than normal is because of three major payrolls having been run.


The Personnel Report was presented by Rhonda Moore, HR Director, who noted that changes to the report since the committee meeting on Monday were highlighted on the report.


Superintendent Bachus asked the board for permission to address Section VI. Item B “Act 311 Job Descriptions/Supplemental Pay,” Item E “Consider the Southern Designs Building,” Item F “Consider Support Staff Raise,” and G “Consider Approval of Budget Considerations” together.  It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Parker, and unanimously carried to approve combining Section VI Items B, E, F, and G.


Superintendent Bachus noted that in their folders board members had 2024-25 budget considerations, which are items they had talked about in their committee meetings. 


Operations and Maintenance:

Typically maintenance programs can be funded from three different areas.  Those funding sources may be Sales Tax 60% Fund, Sales Tax 20% Fund, and the General Fund.  She indicated that her projections were based on the budget’s three-year format.


            Project Manager for Ferriday High School Project:  The $40,000 project fee is based on a percentage of a $2 million start up.


            Maintenance Budget for 24-25:  This is $100,000 below the average. But we did overspend so we wanted to keep that in consideration.  We spent well over $100,000 fixing A/C units last year, but we won’t run into that this year since almost all the units in use are under warranty. 


            Roofing needs:  We have the $1.3 million in roofing concerns. We are all aware that we cannot handle all roofing needs in one year; however, Superintendent Bachus stated she did recommend that we appropriate $500,000 to roofing this year.  Once approved, the work can proceed without being brought back to the board.


ADA Compliance:  Our projected costs are $50,000. 


Intercom and Fire System:  Our projected costs are $200,000.


Maintenance Vehicles:  We had two vehicles listed in the budget, but Mr. O’Neal had a lease he’s considering for 11 vehicles from various departments for approximately $115,000.


Drainage Issues:  We have drainage issues all around the parish, but our two major drainage issues are CEC and MHS.  This will be estimated at $150,000.


Phase 1 of Ferriday High School Project:  Superintendent Bachus said she looked at possible funding.  She suggested taking ½ of the projected expenditures from the General Fund, with consideration being given to the ESSER 3 indirect cost benefit.  Although things could change, that’s just a starting point for conversation purposes.


Southern Designs Building:  Superintendent Bachus also included the rental of the Southern Designs Building.  Mr. Tance Hughes said he will waive other considerations on the property so the rental would be $5,000 a month.


            Indirect Costs:  Every dollar in ESSER has to be spent.  We can say with confidence that we will get every bit of indirect costs back from that project.


            School Administration and Regular Educational Programs:  Support staff raises with benefits will cost $139,464.  This is on the agenda for tonight.  That’s with a 5% raise. 


            Athletic Directors:  We all know we are dealing with the ongoing desegregation case and we did not make unitary status in extracurricular activities.  Superintendent Bachus said she needed some help coming up with a robust sports program for Concordia Parish.  Projected expenditure to be $3,600 total.


            School Allotment:  School allotments have not increased in many years.  I’m asking for the allotments per school to increase from $200 to $500.


Food Labs:  We have food labs at FHS, VHS, and MHS.  As we know, the cost of food has gone up.  I’m asking for an increase in their food allotment of an additional $200 per school.



Athletics – requesting an additional $500 per school, totaling $3,000.

Flags – in band, requesting $500 for the two schools with flag corps, or $1,0000

Cheer - $400 per school for 5 schools, totaling $2,000

Dance - $400 per school for 3 schools, totaling $1,200


Director/Supervisor to Principal Pay Gap:  The intent of this recommendation is to establish a distinction and compensation between principals and supervisor roles as well as between supervisor and director positions.  Superintendent Bachus emphasized the need to incentivize these positions. 


Act 311:  The teachers that are here tonight represented the Act 311 committee.  The following items, along with a projected cost for each, are being presented for consideration: High school clubs/organizations $4,000; middle schools, $2,500; upper elementary, $1,500; lower elementary will cost $1,000; K-12 schools will cost $5,500; and CEC will cost $500.  Total recommended club allocation is $15,000.  Tentative travel recommendation, based on 61 clubs and 10 sporting teams with an average of 2 nights will be $17,750.   Absent of individual time sheets for such programs the total recommended cost for Act 311 is $32,750. 


Facilities Needs as of July 11, 2024:  Based on request, we’ve established a needs list for each of our schools.  As being perpetual in nature, this list is to be continually updated.  With Mr. Henderson’s assistance, as of July 11, 2024, we have been able to create a cost value of all such items. 


Directors and Supervisors Pay Gap:  Just for information and/or clarity purposes, the proposed 5% base salary increases do not apply to our supervisory personnel.


After discussion it was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Wilson, and carried to approve the sections of Act 311 pertaining to job descriptions and supplemental pay.  Mr. Marsalis, Sr., and Mr. Carson abstained from the voting process. 


 It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Butcher and unanimously carried to approve the 5% raise for support staff.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher and seconded by Mr. Carson to delete the total estimated cost on the lease of the Southern Designs building from the budget items as described.  A roll call vote was requested:


Mr. Butcher – yea

            Mrs. Parker – yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. - nay

            Mrs. Houck – nay

            Mr. Carson – yea

            Mrs. Hayes – yea

            Mr. Wilson – nay

            Mr. Taunton – nay

            Mrs. Forman - nay

The motion failed with 4 yeas, 5 nays, and 0 abstentions.



Mr. Carson stated that he appreciated the diligent efforts of the Superintendent relative to the renovation project at Ferriday High School, but that he had a separate item of the agenda concerning a working group on that project.  Conversely, it was moved by Mr. Carson, and seconded by Mr. Butcher to remove Phase 1 of the renovation project out of the budgeted items.  A roll call vote was requested with the following results. 


Mr. Butcher – yea

            Mrs. Parker – yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. - yea

            Mrs. Houck – yea

            Mr. Carson – yea

            Mrs. Hayes – yea

            Mr. Wilson – yea

            Mr. Taunton – yea

            Mrs. Forman - yea

The motion passed with 9 yeas, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher and seconded by Mr. Marsalis to approve all the remaining items of the budget considerations list with the exception of those already voted on, such as the Ferriday High School project.  Mr. Taunton asked for clarification on the cost of the item relative to directors and supervisor pay gap.  Superintendent Bachus explained that it was a cost per person situation that would just insure that directors could not make less than the highest paid supervisor.  Acknowledging that he understood, Taunton then asked for a confirmation that the passage of the budget considerations did not mean that the Board was agreeing to a lease of the Southern Design Building.  In acknowledging his understanding of the lease concerns, Superintendent Bachus indicated that she wanted to ensure that the money was set aside and designated in the budget.  In asking the same of the question of the directors and supervisors pay gap item, Superintendent Bachus assured the board that this item was also just being added as a budget item, but that she did desire the item to be placed on the August meeting agenda for final disposition.   


 Mr. Butcher then requested that his motion to approve the remaining items in the budget consideration with the exception already voted on, be rescinded. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Houck. 


Mr. Carson stated he would like any items we need to vote on regarding employee pay to be voted on as a separate item  He indicated that this would insure clarification on those persons recusing themselves from the voting process.


President Forman clarified that we’re going to take the directors, supervisors and principals pay gap out of the budget considerations.  This item is to be added to the August agenda for discussion and appropriate action.  Mr. Butcher stated that the board might have a special meeting before then and that item could be discussed at that time.


It was moved by Mr. Taunton and seconded by Mr. Carson to approve the budget considerations less the item “The Directors, Supervisors, and Principals Pay Gap.”  A roll call vote was requested:


            Mr. Butcher – yea

            Mrs. Parker – yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. - yea

            Mrs. Houck – yea

            Mr. Carson – yea

            Mrs. Hayes – yea

            Mr. Wilson – yea

            Mr. Taunton – yea

            Mrs. Forman - yea

The motion unanimously carried with 9 yeas, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.


It was moved by Mr. Carson and seconded by Mr. Marsalis to approve the tax millages for 2024.  A roll call vote was requested:


Mr. Butcher – yea

            Mrs. Parker – yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. - yea

            Mrs. Houck – yea

            Mr. Carson – yea

            Mrs. Hayes – yea

            Mr. Wilson – yea

            Mr. Taunton – yea

            Mrs. Forman - yea

The motion unanimously carried with 9 yeas, 0 nays, and 0 abstentions.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to extend the fiscal agent agreement between the Concordia Parish School Board and the two local banks, Concordia Bank & Trust and Delta Bank.  This extension is for a two-year period.


Superintendent Bachus presented a new lease agreement for the Southern Designs building.  She explained the monthly rental to be $5,000 a month for a 12-month lease.


During subsequent discussion, Mr. Wilson said regarding the current lease we’re in, no matter who makes the changes, the owner desires to go up on our lease to $10,000 a month on the building we’re currently in.  


Mr. Carson said he would like to add an item to the agenda for the August meeting as there has been no movement with Hammond & Sills concerning the current lease.


It was moved by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Taunton to lease the Southern Designs building for 12 months at $5,000 a month total cost. 


Mrs. Houck asked what did the $5,000 include?  Mr. Wilson said that was total expense.


Mr. Carson asked was this a lease or a purchase option agreement?  President Forman indicated that this is a 12-month lease with an option to purchase.  He asked who said we’re going to purchase the building?  President Forman said no one, but if we decide to purchase it after the 12 months, our lease payments will go toward the purchase price. 


Mr. Marsalis asked what are we voting on now?  President Forman stated that we want to be completely open that this is a lease and we’re approving a contract. 


Mr. Butcher said he needed to remind President Forman that the motion was to consider, it was not to approve.  Mr. Wilson said that was not his motion.  Mr. Butcher said no, that was Mr. Taunton’s motion on consideration of the budget. 


President Forman said we will need a roll call vote on approving the Southern Design lease.  A roll call vote was requested:


Mr. Butcher – nay

            Mrs. Parker – nay

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. - yea

            Mrs. Houck – yea

            Mr. Carson – nay

            Mrs. Hayes – nay

            Mr. Wilson – yea

            Mr. Taunton – yea

            Mrs. Forman - yea

The motion passed with 5 yeas, 4 nays, and 0 abstentions.


*There was discussion on the wording of Mr. Taunton’s motion regarding Section VII Item G.  President Forman said the board needs to redo our motion regarding “Consider Approval of Budget Considerations” because there was a question of whether Mr. Taunton said to consider, or to approve.”  Mr. Taunton said he read the item on the agenda as it was written, “To approve the budget considerations….”  Mr. Carson said as a point of Parliamentary Procedure, once an item has been voted on, that item can only come up for reconsideration at the same meeting on a motion made by someone who was on the winning side of that motion.  Mr. Butcher added that there had to be 2/3 majority to revisit the item.


It was moved by Mr. Taunton and seconded by Mr. Wilson to revisit Section VII. Item G “Consider Approval of Budget Considerations.”  A roll call vote was requested:


Mr. Butcher – nay

            Mrs. Parker – nay

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. - yea

            Mrs. Houck – yea

            Mr. Carson – nay

            Mrs. Hayes – nay

            Mr. Wilson – yea

            Mr. Taunton – yea

            Mrs. Forman - yea

The motion failed without having a 2/3 majority: 5 yeas, 4 nays, and 0 abstentions.  President Forman clarified that the budget considerations passed based on the earlier vote.


There was discussion regarding the Old Ferriday 7th Grade Gym.  Superintendent Bachus explained that the State Fire Marshal had come to her about the poor condition of the building, and she put the matter on the agenda so he knows she is not just trying to buy time. The building is still having people going in and out of it.  It belongs to us but it’s leased by the Town of Ferriday, which is responsible for all maintenance and upkeep of the building.  The previous mayor of Ferriday was not interested in retaining use of the building, but Superintendent Bachus said she would speak with the newly elected mayor about the gym and report back to the board. 


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to consider approval of metal detector bids.


Mr. Carson introduced the suggestion and moved to form a working committee dealing with our project manager, Mr. Hammett, the architect, members of the board, the superintendent and/or her designees, along with Mr. O’Neal to come up with a budgetary plan for the remodeling of Ferriday High School.  Mr. Butcher seconded and it was unanimously carried.


After discussion on considering a travel agent, it was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to table this item until the August regular meeting.

It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to approve the second reading of the following policies:

A.     JGCF-24 – Behavioral Health Services for Students

B.     JGCFA-24 – Behavioral Health Support for Students.


It was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of a cell phone for Superintendent Bachus as well as an Internet hot spot.


There was no executive session.



Superintendent Bachus noted that the board members had two invitations in their folders:

·         Federal programs stakeholders meeting – this year’s theme is “Beeing Supportive,” so put your bee gear on and come out to their meeting on July 25 at the VHS gym.


·         The Back-to-School Convocation on August 29 at the Vidalia Conference & Convention Center.


There being no further business, it was moved by Mr. Butcher, seconded by Mrs. Houck and unanimously carried to adjourn at 8:17 PM.