The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in Regular Session at the Vidalia City Hall meeting room in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Lisette Forman.  Following the roll call, prayer and pledge, President Forman declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


Board members present were Mrs. Dorothy Parker, Mr. Fred Marsalis, Sr., Mr. Derrick Carson, Mrs. Angela Hayes, Mr. Wayne Wilson, Mr. Matt Taunton and Mrs. Lisette Forman, president.  Mr. Fred Butcher was absent.  Mrs. Vanessa Houck arrived at 6:22 PM. 


It was moved by Mr. Carson to add the following item to the agenda under Section III. Presentations:  Item A1. Tactical Safety Training. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Parker.  A roll call vote was taken.


            Mrs. Parker – Yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. – Yea

            Mr. Carson – Yea

            Mrs. Hayes – Yea

            Mr. Wilson – Yea

            Mr. Taunton – Yea

            Mrs. Forman – Yea

The motion passed unanimously with 7 yeas, 0 nays, and 2 absent. 


It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to combine Item III. B., Presentation of the FHS Cheerleaders, and Item VI. B., Consider Adopting a Resolution Acknowledging the Accomplishments of the FHS Cheerleaders. 


Mrs. Parker – Yea

            Mr. Marsalis, Sr. – Yea

            Mr. Carson – Yea

            Mrs. Hayes – Yea

            Mr. Wilson – Yea

            Mr. Taunton – Yea

            Mrs. Forman – Yea

The motion passed unanimously with 7 yeas, 0 nays, and 2 absent. 


Paige Pirkey, the Assistant Extension Agent, 4-H, with LSU AgCenter, gave an update to the board members on the status of the 4-H program in Concordia Parish.  Participation is increasing but is not up to the pre-Covid numbers yet.  She recognized the Junior Leaders and the 4-H students who participated in livestock shows around the state.  With the help of the Junior Leaders, Ms. Pirkey presented each student with certificates acknowledging their placement in the shows while sharing photos on a Power Point presentation. 


John Blunschi and Bernie Cooley with We S.E.E. Tactical Safety, who were recently hired by the school board, presented the tactical safety plan for each school in the school district.  Blunschi began by citing several instances of school shootings and assaults throughout the country and stating that school safety is not a joke.  It takes everyone playing an integral role to bring our safety standards to the highest level giving our students and teachers confidence that the system works and provides them the greatest chance of survival in case of a catastrophic event.  Blunschi noted that he and Cooley have been working on the Crisis Management Plans for each of the schools and they believe their system has the fewest holes of any system in the United States.  He thanked the school board for the opportunity to help keep our schools safe. 


Cooley then stated that they have started their training at Ferriday Junior High, Vidalia Junior High, Vidalia Upper Elementary, and Ferriday Upper Elementary.  He explained that the training will be an ongoing issue at all schools throughout the school year.  He stressed the importance of a strong foundation for the safety plan and noted that without a strong foundation and knowing what to do, nothing else really matters. We’re trying to build a culture of safety that all of our teachers know, our students know, our parents know, and every stakeholder who walks onto a campus knows that there is a plan in place to keep everyone safe.


Superintendent Bachus read the proposed resolution regarding the Ferriday High School Cheerleaders and then introduced the Cheerleaders and their sponsor, Mrs. Jasmine Schiele-Emery.  The team members were wearing their “the One” Global Champion jackets, just one of several prizes they brought home.  It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Parker and unanimously carried to pass the resolution read by Superintendent Bachus honoring the FHS cheerleaders for winning the championship and representing their school and community at such a high standard.


Superintendent Bachus, assisted by Mrs. Hayes, recognized the recipients of the Sidney A. Murry Jr., Citizenship Awards for grades 9-12.


                                    Grade 9                          Grade 10                          Grade 11                       Grade 12


   Education Ctr                                                  Thomas Moss                   Adian Ford                    Jeremy Pugh

CPA                            Jarrod Wooten                 Oreonna Bates                 Mia Collins                     Noah Armstrong          

Ferriday High               Antwoine Amado              Mckenzy Clay                  Jalexia Watson               Joshua Shinard

Monterey High             JW Poole                        Tessa Duffy                      Sean Barnes                   Arden Crawford

Vidalia High                Macee Steele                  Chaney Mearday               Landry Merritt                  Tommie J. Wagley


Superintendent Bachus gave the ESSER report regarding the windows projects and the HVAC projects in Keith Bridgham’s absence.  His report was available in the board members’ folders. 


The committee reports were presented.  Mrs. Parker deferred to Mr. Marsalis to give the Educational Policy Committee Report.  President Forman gave the Finance Committee Report.  Mr. Carson gave the Building and Grounds Committee Report.


It was moved by Mr. Marsalis, Sr., seconded by Mrs. Parker, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on September 12, 2024.


Superintendent Bachus gave the financial report.  It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to approve invoices in the amount of $6,683,365 for the month of September 2024.


Mrs. Rhonda Moore presented the personnel report.  The report was available in the board members’ binders.  


Concordia Parish School Board

Educational Policy Personnel Announcements

Regular Board Meeting

October 10, 2024




Nathan Muguerza, Teacher, Vidalia High School, FMLA, effective August 27, 2024 through September 30, 2024.


Annette Smith, Teacher, Monterey High School, FMLA, effective September 3, 2024 through October 11, 2024.


Andrea Skipper, Paraprofessional, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, FMLA, effective August 27, 2024 through October 8, 2024.



Amanda Crain, Paraprofessional, Vidalia Lower Elementary School, effective October 7, 2024.

Tracy Fleming, Teacher, Ferriday High School, effective September 30, 2024.

Karen Johnson, Paraprofessional, Concordia Parish Academy of MST, effective September 30, 2024. 

Lachelle White, SFS Technician, Concordia Parish Academy of MST, effective September 30, 2024. 

Whitney Jackson, SFS Technician, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, effective September 30, 2024. 

Amanda Smith, SFS Technician, Ferriday High School, effective September 30, 2024. 


Tina Prince, SFS Manager, Ferriday Lower Elementary School, effective September 12, 2024.


Melinda Lefebrve, Gifted Teacher, Special Populations, effective September 6, 2024.


Brendan Smith, Sales Tax Collector, Sales Tax Division, effective September 27, 2024.


After some discussion, it was moved by Mr. Marsalis, Sr., seconded by Mr. Carson and unanimously carried to accept Superintendent Bachus’ recommendation to acquire the Capital One travel card for the school district.


Superintendent Bachus requested to table Items D “Consider Recommendation for Employee Reimbursement Agreement,” and E “Consider Approval of Nurse Coordinator.”


After considering the second reading of Policies, it was moved by Mr. Taunton, seconded by Mr. Marsalis, Sr., and unanimously carried to adopt the second reading of policies with the removal of the Corporeal Punishment policy, JDA-24.


Mr. Tom O’Neal presented bids received for the Drainage Project at Monterey High School.  He explained that bids were received on September 19, 2024, from the following companies:  Camo Construction, Greenbriar DSLP, Womack and Sons, and Rayborn Contracting.  The recommendation of Keith Capdepon with Bryant Hammett & Associates was to award the project to the lowest bidder, Camo Construction Company, Inc., with a base bid amount of $124,795.00 and Alternate No. 1 in the amount of $5,400.00 for a total of $130,195.   It was moved by Mr. Taunton, seconded by Mr. Wilson and unanimously carried to award the bid to Camo Construction.


Superintendent Bachus presented and asked the board to consider approval of the 2024-25 Pupil Progression Plan.  It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to approve the 2024-25 Pupil Progression Plan.


Superintendent Bachus reported that under Act #99 of the 2023 regular legislative session and BESE policy, the State of Louisiana now allows elementary and secondary schools to hire candidates holding an associate’s degree who are enrolled in a teacher education preparation program to serve as a teacher of record under guidelines from LEA.  Superintendent Bachus said she and her team have met with all paraprofessionals in Concordia Parish who hold an associate’s degree about this and have given them a copy of this and reviewed it with them.  She asked the board to approve, not the program which is approved by BESE, but the Salary, which cannot exceed 75% of a teachers’ base salary.  It was moved by Mr. Taunton, seconded by Mr. Marsalis, and carried, with Mr. Carson voting nay, to approve the salary.

It was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mrs. Parker and unanimously carried to swap Item VII. Executive Session, and Item VIII. Announcements.


Superintendent’s Announcements:


·         MHS Centennial Celebration – Oct 11, 2024

·         VHS Homecoming – October 25, 2024

·         VLE DOJO Reward Day – October 11, 2024

·         BETA Induction @ 5 PM, VUE

·         It’s Principal Appreciation Month!

·         It’s Bullying Prevention Month!


It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mrs. Hayes and unanimously carried to go into executive session.  The time was 7:10 PM.


It was moved by Mrs. Parker, seconded by Mr. Marsalis, Sr., and unanimously carried for the board to return to regular session at 8:20 PM. 


There being no further business, it was moved by Mr. Carson, seconded by Mr. Taunton and unanimously carried to adjourn at 8:21 PM.