The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in special session at the Ferriday High School in Ferriday, Louisiana, on Tuesday, August 13, 1991, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.


Members present were Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President; Mrs. Marie Cowan; Mr. Jerry King; Mrs. Polly Miley; Mr. Manson Nelson; and Mr. W. L. Stampley.


Mr. Charles Partridge was absent from the meeting.


The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, was duly convened by Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


The meeting was opened with prayer led by Manson Nelson


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Walter Stampley and carried to pay the undocumented expenditures for the 8G grant at Ferriday Kindergarten Center.  The expenses were incurred because of a  seasonal cost of living adjustment that the board granted to the employees working with the 8G program.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to contact individuals that have expertise in grant writing and seek additional information which will be reported to the board.


Manson Nelson moved to distribute the special appropriated monies for transportation on a mileage basis.  The monies are to be distributed over a twelve month period.  The motion was seconded by Marie Cowan and carried. Opposed by Georgia Washington.  Washington stated she opposed because the decision of distribution was made on the recommendation of the bus organization group and she did not know how many operators actually belong to the organization.  H. L. Irvin, Support Service Supervisor, stated he felt the recommendation was the best.


Superintendent Chelette read a resolution to the board concerning the request that  indemnity lands be placed under the jurisdiction of local school boards.  It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Jerry King and carried to adopt the resolution with a copy of the resolution to  be forwarded to presidents of all school boards, and the legislative delegation which represent Concordia Parish as well as the Louisiana School Board Association.


It was the consensus of the board to request school board representatives to attend the scheduled August 30, meeting and obtain additional information on the possible filing of litigation against the state concerning the minimum foundation formula.


It was moved by Polly Miley, seconded by Walter Stampley and carried to match funds for the Louisiana Power and Light Company grants.  Opposed:  Johnnie Brown


It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to set September 10, 1991 at 5:30 p.m. as a special meeting of the board to consider approval of the 1991-92 budget.  The meeting will be held at the Concordia Parish School Board central office.


Superintendent Chelette advised the board that the move of grades at Ferriday Junior High School, Ferriday Upper Elementary School and Ridgecrest was pending approval from the justice department.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Johnnie Brown and carried for the board to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters.  The board went into executive session at six-forty (6:40) o'clock p.m.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to go back into open session.


The board went back into open session at nine-fifteen (9:15) o'clock p.m.


Superintendent Chelette stated the board discussed personnel matters in executive session.


It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Georgia Washington and carried to increase the salary of the adult education secretary by fifty ($50.00) per month dollars effective October 1, 1991.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Georgia Washington to hear the agenda items relative to personnel individually.  A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:   NAYS:  J. W. Calhoun, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, and Walter Stampley.  YEAS:  Johnnie Brown, Marie Cowan, Jerry King, and Georgia Washington.  The motion failed.


It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mr. Nelson to approve the personnel recommendations  in their entirety.  A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:  NAYS:  Johnnie Brown, Jerry King, Georgia Washington.  YEAS:  J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, and Walter Stampley.  The motion carried.



Jamie C. Ring, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective May 31, 1991.

Betty M. Bell, teacher, Ferriday High School, effective May 31, 1991

Tim Herndon, assistant basketball coach, Vidalia High School, effective May 31, 1991



Ada, Finn, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, disability retirement, effective May 31, 1991



Mary Williams, teacher, Monterey High School, granted tenure status, effective August 23, 1991



Robert Sanders from full-time APE special education to half-time APE special education and half-time teacher VHS, effective August 23, 1991



Robert Sanders, basketball coach, Vidalia High School, effective August 23, 1991

Tim Herndon, assistant football coach, Vidalia High School, effective August 9, 1991



Change Wilbur Johnson from ten month employees to eleven month employee, Adult Education,  effective August 23, 1991


An addendum had been given to each board member before the meeting.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to hear the items on the addendum, Opposed: Johnnie Brown


Polly Miley requested clarification on the policy for new bus routes.  It was the consensus of the board that the superintendent and  Support Service Supervisor are to handle bus routes.



It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to accept the resignation of Mary Anne Swayze, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective 8/9/91



It was moved by Polly Miley, seconded by Walter Stampley and carried to appoint Nan Mount, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective 8/12/91


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Marie Cowan, and carried to appoint Una Knapp, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Georgia Washington, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to appoint Julia Avery, teacher, Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Polly Miley, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to appoint Denny Hinson, teacher, Ferriday Junior High, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Polly Miley, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to appoint Pam Ganey, teacher, Monterey  High School, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Johnnie Brown to appoint Franklin Washington, 5 hour janitor, Ferriday Education Center, effective 8/23/91.  The motion died for lack of a second.



It was moved by Marie Cowan, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to transfer James McFarland, teacher, to Ferriday Junior High from Ferriday High, effective 8/23/91.  Opposed:  Johnnie Brown.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Manson Nelson to transfer Sally Langston to Vidalia Lower Elementary from Vidalia Upper Elementary, effective 8/23/91.  A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows:  NAYS:  Johnnie Brown, J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Jerry King, and Polly Miley.  YEAS:  Manson Nelson, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington.  The motion failed.


Superintendent Chelette advised that the transfer on Cindy Smith would not be made at this time since there was not an position open at Vidalia Upper without the transfer of Sally Langston.


Superintendent Chelette stated that the board had charged him with reducing the overstaffing problem in the system, and the board was not supporting him in his effort.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to transfer Madeline Gibbs, teacher, to Vidalia High School form Monterey High School, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to transfer Karen Parnham, Vidalia Lower Elementary, to  Chapter I Math Lab, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Marie Cowan, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to transfer Sheryl Williams, teacher, Vidalia Lower Elementary, transfer to regular classroom, effective 8/23/91


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried that the meeting be adjourned.


The meeting was adjourned at nine-fifty (9:50) o'clock p.m.


  __________________________                                   _____________________

Gene Chelette, Secretary                                                J. W. Calhoun, President
