The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in special session at the School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, September 10, 1991, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.
Members present were Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President; Mrs. Marie Cowan; Mr. Jerry King; Mrs. Polly Miley; Mr. Manson Nelson; Mr. Charles Partridge and Mr. W. L. Stampley.
Members absent were Mr. Johnnie Brown and Mrs. Georgia Washington.
The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia was duly convened by Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
The meeting was opened with prayer led by Jerry King.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.
Georgia Washington arrived at the meeting at five-thirty-five (5:35) o'clock p.m.
Upon the request of J. W. Calhoun, it was moved by Marie Cowan, seconded by Jerry King and carried that the board and their legal counsel go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. The board and counsel went into executive session at five-thirty-six (5:36) o'clock p.m.
When the board returned from executive session Johnnie Brown was present at the meeting. Brown had come into the meeting during the executive session.
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to return to open session. The board returned to open session at seven-fifty (7:50) o'clock p.m.
J. W. Calhoun stated that the board had discussed personnel in executive session. J. W. Calhoun informed Superintendent Chelette the board had discussed his entry into to the race for the State House of Representative. He implied that the board was very unhappy with Chelette's entry into the race. That he had violated state statute R.S. 17:54, which states that the superintendent shall devote all of his time to the office of superintendent. Calhoun asked Superintendent Chelette if he had withdrawn from the race and Chelette advised that he had made the announcement of his intent to withdraw but as yet had not been to the courthouse to officially withdraw but it was his intent. Chelette asked if it was permissible to continue his work as director of music at his church and was informed that it would be alright to continue that type of activity.
J. W. Calhoun stated that the public hearing to discuss the budget was to begin.
After a lengthy discussion on the budget it was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Walter Stampley and carried to approve the budget for the 1991-92 school year. Opposed: Charles Partridge, Jerry King, and J. W. Calhoun.
It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Jerry King to adjourn the meeting on the budget hearing.
Walter Stampley made a motion to have the superintendent and his staff make recommendations for budget cuts to help reduce the budget. Jerry King withdrew his motion to adjourn the budget hearing. Manson Nelson seconded the motion by Walter Stampley and the motion carried.
The motion made by Charles Partridge to adjourn the hearing was seconded by Jerry King and carried. The hearing was adjourned at eight-forty (8:40) o'clock p.m.
Gene Chelette, Secretary-Treasurer J. W. Calhoun, President
The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in special session at the School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, September 10, 1991, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.
Members present were Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President; Mr. Johnnie Brown; Mrs. Marie Cowan; Mr. Jerry King, Mrs. Polly Miley, Mr. Manson Nelson; Mr. Charles Partridge, Mr. W. L. Stampley, and Mrs. Georgia Washington
The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia was duly convened by Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declare that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.
J. W. Calhoun asked that the first item on the special agenda be heard.
It was moved by Georgia Washington, seconded by Johnnie Brown and carried to approve the invoices for the month of August in the amount of $1,384,461.80. Opposed: Charles Partridge, Jerry King, Polly Miley.
Dennis Cowart presented the board with copies of the financial statements for their review. The statements are to be discussed at the September 17, 1991 meeting.
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Manson Nelson to increase the school constitutional tax from 3.09 to 3.10 and the additional support for construction, maintaining and operating schools from 24.09 to 24.18. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: YEAS: Johnnie Brown, J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington. NAYS: Jerry King and Charles Partridge. The motion carried.
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Jerry King and carried to approve the request of Sheriff Randy Maxwell for the board to assist in funding the D.A.R.E. program in the amount of $850 above the $5000 previously approved for 1990-92 school year but as yet unused.
It was moved by Marie Cowan, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to declare the week of October 19-27, 1991, as "Red Ribbon Week".
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to approve both the Vidalia Junior High School and Ferriday Upper Elementary School "Homework Hotline" on a fifty-fifty (50/50) basis between the school and the board. The total amount the board will pay for Vidalia Junior High will be $1920 and Ferriday Upper $1440. This is for one year only. Opposed: Jerry King, Georgia Washington and Charles Partridge. Partridge stated he was not opposed to the project but to not funding the entire program.
Manson Nelson moved to advertise to receive bids on a new maintenance van. The motion was seconded by Charles Partridge. Opposed: Georgia Washington and Johnnie Brown. The motion carried.
Jerry King made the motion to house the maintenance vehicles at the central office from 4:00 o'clock p.m. until 7:30 a.m. each day. The motion was seconded by Polly Miley. Opposed: Manson Nelson and J. W. Calhoun. The effective date is September 16, 1991. The motion carried.
It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to advertise for bids to replace a 65' x 199' portion of the roof at Vidalia High School with the same type pitch roof that was placed on Ferriday High School after the tornado of May 29, 1991. Opposed: Georgia Washington and Johnnie Brown. Concordia Parish School Board employees are to remove the air conditioning units and repair the hole left by the units.
Upon Superintendent Chelette's recommendation it was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Georgia Washington and carried to accept the low bid from Alexander and Alexander of $35,940.00 for workers compensation insurance. Opposed: Charles Partridge and Jerry King. Partridge stated he felt the quote was too high.
Johnnie Brown moved that a teacher aide be employed to assist the band director at Ferriday High School and Vidalia High School. The motion was seconded by Georgia Washington. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: YEAS: Johnnie Brown and Georgia Washington. NAYS: J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Jerry King, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, Charles Partridge, and Walter Stampley. The motion failed.
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Manson Nelson to approve to advertise for a teacher to provide adult education at the Concordia Parish jail. The motion carried.
Polly Miley moved to place the millage election on the November 16, 1991, ballot. The motion was seconded by Walter Stampley and carried. Charles Partridge opposed. The level of the millage is to be determined at the September 17, 1991 meeting. It was recommended that the board have open houses in the three (3) high schools between now and time for the election.
It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to approve all of the personnel items except for item (f) which dealt with appointment of a teacher at Ferriday Lower Elementary to replace a transfer. Opposed Charles Partridge and Polly Miley as she felt a teacher transferred from Ferriday Lower Elementary should be replaced.
1. Newanna Daniels,teacher, from Vidalia Lower Elementary to Ferriday Lower Elementary, effective 8/23/91.
2. Joyceria P. Schoby, teacher, from Ferriday Lower to Ferriday Junior High Math Lab, effective 9/11/91.
1. Deborah Burns, school food service technician, 7.0 hours Vidalia Upper Elementary, effective 8/23/91
2. Rodney Matthews, teacher, Ferriday High School, for one year only under authority of Act 695.
1. Donna E. Conner, leave without pay for 1991-92 school term.
2. Lisa Manual, school food service technician, Ferriday High School, additional work hours of 2.0 for total of 7.0 effective 8/23/91.
3. Sadie Finley, school food service technician, Monterey High School, additional work hours of 3.0 for a total of 7.0 hours, effective 8/23/91.
4. Bobbie Sanders, school food service technician, Monterey High School, additional work hours of 3.0
for a total of 7.0 hours, effective 8/23/91.
5. Approval of seven (7) Cooperative Home Economics students for fiscal year 1991-92.
It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to hear both addendums to the agenda.
It was moved by Polly Miley, seconded by Jerry King to honor the request of Richard Alwood, principal Ferriday Lower Elementary, to speak to the board. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: YEAS: Johnnie Brown, Marie Cowan, Jerry King, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson. NAYS: J. W. Calhoun, Charles Partridge, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington. The motion carried. Brown indicated he wanted the record to show that he voted to hear Richard Alwood out of respect for Alwood, however, the board had denied to hear, at the previous meeting, Fred Butcher's request to address the board when he was not on the agenda.
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Georgia Washington to grant the request for the Ferriday Chamber of Commerce to use the Ferriday Junior High gym on the night of September 17, 1991 for a forum for the legislative candidates. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: YEAS: Johnnie Brown, J. W. Calhoun, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, Walter Stampley and Georgia Washington. NAYS: Marie Cowan, Jerry King, Charles Partridge. The motion carried. Jerry King requested that the tapes of the meetings be researched and transcribed to find out how the board acted on the last request for use of school facilities for a political rally. He asked that a transcript of the portion of the tape be sent to each board member.
It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Jerry King and carried to advertise to employ a bus operator for one (1) year only. The operator is to be hired at base salary plus the salary supplement and is not to be paid an operational allowance. They are to operate the school board's mini-bus.
Richard Alwood, principal Ferriday Lower, addressed the board to ask that there be a replacement hired at his school for a teacher that was being transferred.
Jerry King moved that Superintendent Chelette request that the school attorney, Norman Magee, with the assistance of H. L. Irvin, Supervisor of Support Service, investigate the allegations of possible inaccuracies of invoices and materials used at the Ferriday High School. This is in conjunction with the storm damage done and the board's declaration of a state of emergency at the May 30, 1991, meeting. The motion was seconded by Charles partridge and carried.
It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at ten forty-five (10:45) o'clock p.m.
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Gene Chelette, Secretary-Treasurer J. W. Calhoun, President