The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in special session at the School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, October 15, 1991, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.


Members present were Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President;  Mrs. Marie Cowan; Mr. Jerry King; Mrs. Polly Miley; Mr. Manson Nelson; Mr. Charles Partridge; and  Mr. W. L. Stampley.


There were absent Mr. Johnnie Brown and Mrs. Georgia Washington.


The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia was duly convened by Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


The meeting was opened with prayer led by Manson Nelson.


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


Johnnie Brown arrived at the meeting at five thirty-five (5:35) o'clock p.m.


Town of Clayton's representative Wilbert Washington was in attendance at the meeting.  Johnnie Brown moved that a representative of the Town of Clayton, Superintendent Chelette, meet with school board attorney to work out an agreement where the  town can benefit from the Clayton school facilities.  The motion was seconded by Georgia Washington.  Opposed Charles Partridge, Jerry King and Marie Cowan.


Dr. Mary Eidt gave a brief summary on the selection process for the teachers of the year.  Superintendent Chelette recognized the teachers of the year by presenting each with a check for one-hundred dollars ($100) and an additional personal leave day.  The teachers recognized were Charlotte White - FLE; Betty Albert Wilson - MHS; and Erma Jean Davis - VJH.


Richard Alwood, President of the Concordia Association of Administrators, asked to address the board in executive session relative to personal matters.  It was moved by Jerry King for the board to go into executive session and discuss the hearings as requested by the parents while in executive session.  The motion was seconded by Johnnie Brown and carried.   Opposed Charles Partridge.  Mr. Johnnie Brown asked that his request for a hearing be tabled.


The board adjourned to executive session at five minutes after six (6:05) o'clock p.m.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Johnnie Brown and carried to go back into open session.  The board convened open session at  eight twenty-three (8:23) o'clock p.m.


J. W. Calhoun stated that the board had discussed  the upcoming tax millage with the Concordia Association of Administrators and that a committee had been appointed to begin work to promote the millage.  Mr. Richard Alwood is to set a date for a meeting of the committee.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to allow the two hearings on the students to be handled by the administration. If the parents are not satisfied they may bring their appeal back to the board.


It was moved by Jerry King seconded by Johnnie Brown  and carried to approve the minutes of the September 10, 17, and 26, 1991 meeting with amended changes.


It was moved by Charles Partridge seconded by  Manson Nelson  and carried to approve the invoices in the amount of $1,598,643.94.


Thomas H. O'Neal, Sales Tax Director, apprised the board of possible alternatives for handling the sales tax salary supplement.


It was moved by Charles Partridge to give the Sales Tax Fund relief it needs to meet the payroll for November.  The motion failed for a lack of a second.  It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to hold a special meeting November 12, 1991, at five thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m. to discuss sales tax supplements.   The motion was seconded by Manson Nelson and carried.  Opposed Charles Partridge because he could not be in attendance.


H. L. Irvin, Support Service Supervisor, gave a brief update to the Board on the need of part-time maintenance/custodial personnel in the school.  Irvin indicated he had not received all information from the schools.


The bid in the amount of $150 for six month lease  for the Monterey Food Plant from ABC Company was taken under advisement.


The bids  for  replacing a portion of the roof at Vidalia High School were taken under advisement.


Bids on a utility van for the maintenance department were opened and taken under advisement.


H. L. Irvin, Support Supervisor, requested that a fence be constructed to house the maintenance vehicles.  Quotes were taken on the fence with the award going to JEB Fence Company . It was moved by Johnnie Brown  seconded by  Charles Partridge and carried to construct the fence at the stated cost of $940.00.


It was moved by Charles Partridge  seconded by Jerry King and carried for early dismissal for homecoming at Ferriday High School at 1:00 p.m. on October 18, 1991, and Vidalia High School at 1:00 p.m. on October 25, 1991.


James E. Lee, Curriculum and Instruction Supervisor gave a brief update on the Model Career Option Program (MCOP).  Lee introduced Ruth Walker and Claristeen Beard, two of the seven teachers receiving excellent on the teacher's evaluation program administered through the State Department.  Linda Spinks, a consultant for the State Department on the MCOP, made a short presentation about the MCOP program.


C. L. Hymon, Drug Coordinator, appeared before the Board requesting an increase of $50.00 per month for the drug program bookkeeper,   because of  additional work  caused by  the addition of the D.A.R.E. Program which must be  administered through the school system.  It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to honor Mr. Hymon's request.


Mr. King requested that Policy File:KG be reworded so item number ten would read "Facilities of the Concordia Parish School board will not be available for use by any political candidates or organizations for any political activities".  Mr. King requested that tonight's reading be the first reading and that the second reading be placed on the agenda for the regular board meeting November 19, 1991.


Jerry King asked if an opinion had been received from the attorney general  relative to the supplement from the Hydro monies for the retired employees.  He was informed that an opinion had not been received.


Charles Partridge stated that the cost of school photographs had been discussed with the superintendent and he felt the matter had been handled.


It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. King and carried to advertise for superintendent.  The deadline to receive applications is November 6, 1991. Candidates will be interviewed.  The board will meet as a committee to determine the qualifications, term, salary etc. for the superintendent.




It was moved by Marie Cowan, seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to appoint Louise Mullins as bus operator for the special education mini bus, effective October 16, 1991.  The appointment is for one (1) year only.  Opposed Georgia Washington.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Jerry King and carried to approve the transfer of Michael Lyles from Vidalia High School to Central Office maintenance staff.  The effective date of the transfer is to be October 16, 1991.


Upon the recommendation of Fred Butcher, Adult Education Supervisor, it was moved by Manson Nelson, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to appoint Marie Potts as the adult education teacher at the Concordia Parish Jail, effective October 16, 1991.


It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Jerry King and carried to approve to advertise for full-time secretary for H. L. Irvin, Support Service Supervisor.  Opposed  Johnnie Brown, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington.


It was recommended by Charles Partridge, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to transfer one (1) eight (8) hour ten (10) month custodial employee from Ferriday Upper Elementary to Ferriday Junior High, effective October 16, 1991.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to hear the items on the addendum.


It wa moved by Jerry King, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to honor the request of the Delta Folklife Festival to use the grounds and special education building of the old 7th grade school for a festival October 26 and 27, 1991.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to approve Brenda Logan, teacher, to fill a position at Ferriday Junior High, effective October 16, 1991.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to approve the transfer of Evelina Cage, 7.0 hour technician, Ferriday Upper Elementary to Vidalia Junior High, effective October 16, 1991.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried that the meeting be adjourned.  The meeting was adjourned at nine fifty-five (9:55) o'clock p.m.


_____________________         _____________________

J. W. Calhoun, President            Gene Chelette, Superintendent
