The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, November 19, 1991, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.


Members present  Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President; Mr. Johnnie Brown; Mrs. Marie Cowan; Mr. Jerry King; Mrs. Polly Miley;  Mr. Charles Partridge;  and  Mr. W. L. Stampley


There were absent Mrs. Georgia Washington and Mr. Manson Nelson


The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia was duly convened by Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


The meeting was opened with prayer led by Marie Cowan.


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


It was moved by Marie Cowan seconded by  Polly Miley and carried to approve the minutes of the October 15, 22, and 30, 1991 meetings.  Charles Partridge opposed the minutes of October 15, 1991, meeting because the motion to have the deadline for all applications for superintendent by November 6, 1991 was not met.


Superintendent Chelette recognized Monterey High School and Vidalia Lower Elementary for receiving honors for excellence in student attendance for the 1989-90 school year from the Louisiana Department of Education.  Gary Parnham, Vidalia Lower Elementary principal, accepted the award for his school and Dr. Lester Peterman, principal Monterey High School, received the award for his school.  Both principals thanked their staffs and the board for their support.


A representative from ABC Company was not   present to discuss the company's  interest in  leasing the Monterey Food Plant.  It was the consensus of the board to table any further discussion of the lease of the Monterey Food Plant until a representative from the company could appear before the board to discuss the  intent of use for the building.


Georgia Washington arrived at the meeting at five forty (5:40) p.m. o'clock.


H. L. Irvin, Support Service Supervisor presented the Board with the first reading of the amendment to policy File EDCA. The second reading of the policy will be at the regular board meeting of December 17, 1991. 


It was moved by Jerry King and seconded by Charles Partridge that the wording of item number ten in File KG be changed.  A roll call vote was taken with the following results:  YEAS:  Marie Cowan, Jerry King, Charles Partridge.  NAYS:  Johnnie Brown, J. W. Calhoun, Polly Miley, Walter Stampley, Georgia Washington.  ABSENT:  Manson Nelson.  The motion to change the policy failed.


It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Johnnie Brown and carried to go into executive session at six twenty (6:20) o'clock p.m. to discuss personnel matters.  Opposed Charles Partridge.


It was moved by Georgia Washington, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried for the board to resume open session.


The board resumed open session at three minutes after seven (7:03) p.m. o'clock.


J. W. Calhoun stated that the board had discussed personnel matters in executive session.


It was moved by Jerry King, seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to transfer Ms. Gloria Caston back to Ferriday Junior High.  A roll call vote was taken with the following results:  YEAS:  Marie Cowan, Jerry King, Charles Partridge.  NAYS:    Johnnie Brown, J. W. Calhoun, Polly Miley, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington.  ABSENT:    Manson Nelson.  The motion failed.


Superintendent Chelette presented the board with a proposed policy for procedures for funding requests by students/student organizations for trips/conventions.  The second reading of the policy will be at the regular meeting of December 17, 1991.


J. W. Calhoun advised the board that there had been six applicants for the superintendent's position.  It was the consensus of the board to interview one half the applicants on November 25 and the other half November 26, 1991. 


It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to approve for Chapter I to advertise for a computer networking system at Monterey High School grades K-6 in Reading and Mathematics with an option to purchase from this bid a similar system at Vidalia Lower Elementary and Ferriday Junior High when funds become available.  Opposed Johnny Brown.


It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Jerry King to approve the recommendation of Sue Smith for the position of  secretary for support services.  A roll call vote was taken with the following results: YEAS:  J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Jerry King, Polly Miley, and Charles Partridge.  NAYS:   Johnnie Brown, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington.  ABSENT:   Manson Nelson.  The motion carried.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to approve the appointment of Debra Dixon as Parent Center Helper.  Ms. Dixon is to work four hours per day five days per week and is to be paid minimum wage.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to hear the items on the addendum.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to approve  Dr. Lester Peterman to advertise for computer equipment and software for the 8G Project - Log Number 015-300.  The lab is to be at Monterey High School.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Polly Miley and carried for approval to advertise for a teacher and teacher aid for Project Independence.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to secure a building for Project Independence.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to approve to advertise for the lease of the property on Airport Road.


Walter Stampley stated that he would like to thank the employees and general public for voting for the millage for the school system.


It was moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to adjourn.


The meeting was adjourned at eight (8:00) p.m. o'clock.

___________________________                     ___________________

Gene Chelette, Secretary/Treasurer                      J. W. Calhoun, President
