The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana on Tuesday, December 17, 1991, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.


Members present were Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President; Mr. Johnnie Brown; Mrs. Marie Cowan;  Mr. Manson Nelson; Mrs. Polly Miley; Mr. Charles Partridge; and  Mr. Walter Stampley.


Members absent were Mr. Jerry King and Mrs. Georgia Washington.


The Parish School Board of the Parish of Concordia was duly convened by Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the Board was ready for the transaction of business.


The meeting was opened with prayer led by Polly Miley.


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.


J. W. Calhoun requested that the Board address Item Eighteen on the agenda out of sequence since the persons involved were from out of town and had to travel.  It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Polly Miley to hear that item after Item Three.


Superintendent Chelette presented a plaque and activity card to Fred Ferguson for his dedicated service with the Concordia Parish School Board.  Although not present to receive her plaque and activity card, Ada Finn was also recognized upon her retirement.


Georgia Washington was present at the meeting at five forty-five (5:45) o'clock p.m.


Superintendent Chelette recognized the winners of the National Geographic Geography Bee.  The winners were Charles Chandler, first place and Casey Sayers, second place, both are students at Vidalia Upper Elementary.


Carol Holmes requested that her grievance regarding her assignment be heard at a later date.  It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Johnny Brown and carried to hear the item at the January 21, 1992 meeting.


The Board canvassed the returns of the election held in School District No. 10 of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, on November 16, 1991.  It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Manson Nelson to adopt the resolution canvassing the vote.  A roll call vote was taken with the following results: YEAS:  Johnnie Brown, J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, Charles Partridge, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington.   ABSENT:  Jerry King.


Superintendent Chelette recognized Ferriday Lower Elementary for being one of five elementary schools in the State that was awarded a certificate of recognization for being accredited for twenty-five years of membership.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to approve the minutes of the November 12, 19, 25, 26, 1991 meetings.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to approve the invoices in the amount of $1,477,642.36.


Charles Partridge moved that the "Appendix A.  Louisiana Systems Survey and Compliance Questionnaire" be adopted by the Board.  The motion was seconded by  Manson Nelson and carried.


Superintendent Chelette had previously  presented the Board with a copy of the Attorney General's correspondence which stated that in their opinion the retired employees who were employed during the fiscal year the windfall sales tax monies were collected should be included in the distribution of the collections.  It was moved by Walter Stampley seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to ask Norman Magee, School Board Attorney, for his interpretation of the matter.


The proposed establishment of Bayou Cocodrie National Wildlife Refuge in Concordia Parish was discussed. It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to draft a resolution stating that Concordia Parish is not in favor of a wildlife refuge in the parish on school board property.


Superintendent Chelette presented the second reading of the policy for funding of school trips/conventions. It was moved by  Charles Partridge, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to adopt the procedure as policy (copy attached).


The changes in the File EDCA bus policy was presented for the second reading.  It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to adopt the stated changes in the policy (copy attached).


Dr. Lester Peterman, Insurance Committee Chairman, presented to the Board the recommendation of the insurance committee related to the prescription cards to be used at the Wal-Mart Stores.  It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Walter Stampley and carried to accept the recommendation of the insurance committee to issue the prescription cards.


Bids were received for the reduced roof package at Vidalia High School.  It was moved by Charles Partridge seconded by Walter Stampley and carried to accept the low bid from Winnsboro Roofing Company contingent upon our  attorney's opinion about one of the bids being previously opened by mistake.


It was  moved by Manson Nelson seconded by Charles Partridge and carried to place on the agenda H. L. Irvin's request to advertise for bids for Ferriday Junior High School's roof.  A roll call vote was taken with the following results:


YEAS:  J. W. Calhoun, Marie Cowan, Polly Miley, Manson Nelson, and  Charles Partridge.  NAYS:  Johnnie Brown, Walter Stampley, and Georgia Washington.  ABSENT:  Jerry King.


It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to advertise to receive bids on three different roof packages for Ferriday Junior High.  The cost of the project is to be paid from Sales Tax 20% Fund.


Representatives from ABC Company were present at the meeting to discuss the lease of the Monterey Food Plant.  Charles Partridge made the motion to accept the bid of $150.00 for six months with the understanding that the lease would be re-negotiated at the end of the six month term.  The motion was seconded by Manson Nelson and carried.


Polly Miley made the motion to extend the Christmas Holidays through January 3, 1992.  The motion was seconded by Charles Partridge and carried.  The motion was opposed by Georgia Washington.


Upon the request of J. W. Calhoun it was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried that the Board go into executive session.  The motion was opposed by Charles Partridge.


The Board went into executive session at six forty-five  (6:45) o'clock p.m.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Georgia Washington and carried that the Board go into open session.  The Board went into open session at seven fifteen (7:15) p.m. o'clock.


J. W. Calhoun stated that while in executive session the Board discussed  the possibility of a special meeting January 7, 1992.  It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Polly Miley and carried to hold a special meeting January 7, 1992.


It was the consensus of the Board to discuss Item Seventeen (17), consideration of approval of advertisement to fill position of Curriculum and Instruction Supervisor at the special meeting January 7, 1992.


It was moved by Charles Partridge, seconded by Georgia Washington and carried to approve the sabbatical leave for Cindy Smith for second semester of the 1992-92 school year.


Superintendent Chelette recommended Bobbie Carr for the position of special education bus aide.  Johnnie Brown made the motion to appoint Ms. Carr as the bus aide, the motion was seconded by Charles Partridge.  The motion failed.


Superintendent Chelette's second recommendation for the bus aide was Julia Snyder.  Georgia Washington made the motion to appoint Julia Snyder as the bus aide.  The motion was seconded by Polly Miley and passed.   Opposed:  Charles Partridge.


The Board is to advertise for the position of a two and one-half hour sweeper at Ferriday Kindergarten Center to replace Ms. Snyder.


It was moved by Polly Miley, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to approve tenure for Sylvia Delaney effective  November 3, 1991.            


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Georgia Washington and carried to hear the addendum.


It was moved by Johnnie Brown, seconded by Manson Nelson and carried to accept the bid from Willard D. Johnson, 113 Woodmont Drive, Ferriday, Louisiana, in the amount of $1000.00 per year with a 4% annual increase for the length of the contract for 33 acres of the Airport Road property.  Time of lease will be for four years beginning January 1992.


It was moved by Walter Stampley, seconded by Marie Cowan and carried to adjourn.


The meeting was adjourned at seven twenty (7:20) p.m. o'clock.

______________________                                   ______________________

Gene Chelette, Secretary                                           J. W. Calhoun, President
