The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office in Vidalia, Louisiana on Tuesday, May 19, 1992 at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by the Honorable J.W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the board after prayer led by Mr. Manson Nelson and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were Honorable J.W. Calhoun; Rev. Johnnie Brown; Mrs. Marie Cowan; Mr. Jerry King; Mrs. Polly Miley; Mr. Manson Nelson; Mr. Walter Stampley; and Mrs. Georgia Washington.


Member absent:  Mr. Charles Partridge


It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Rev. Brown, and carried unanimously to approve minutes from April 14, 20, 21, and 30, 1992 board meetings.


After explanation by Mrs. Gloria Dangerfield, it was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried unanimously to approve invoices totaling $1,420,560.37.




Mrs. Beverly Winston of Monterey High School introduced three students who placed in the State Literary Rally.  Students recognized were: 


            Katie Paul - Superior in Interpretive Reading and High Voice Solo

            Bryan Dale - 5th in Advanced Math

            Brad Tiffee - 1st in Algebra II


Vidalia High Literary Rally Winners were as follows:


            Opal Reed - 5th in Environmental Science

            Amy Nugent - 1st in Clerical Office Practice (also won $300 scholarship to LSU)


The following valedictorians and salutatorians were honored with savings bonds of $200 and $100 respectively:


            Reniece Hogan and Jennifer Brixly, FHS

            Susan Taylor and Charles Roberts, VHS

            Scott Emfinger,Bryan Dale and Joanna Green, MHS




Mr. Howard Jackson, principal of Ferriday Junior High School introduced the members of the Ferriday 8th grade Quiz Bowl Team who won the Grand Championship in the Quiz Bowl competition.


Team members:


Denise Cessna

Anetra Harbor

Pices Sheppard

Shaundra Skipper

Michelle Cowan, Alternate


He also recognized two (2) students who received scholarships to LSU Summer Program. They were :


Rhonda Matthews - $300

Evangelina Cessna - $600

After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to table the request by school bus operators to have the board pay for annual



Dr. Pete Peterman, Acting Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, updated the board on the Perkins-2 Project.


In conjunction with this discussion, Superintendent Lee advised the board of a need for a Grant Writer/PR person.  A proposal for this position will be brought back in the future.  Mr. Nelson remarked that others have brought up this need, and he is all for the position

being created.  All agreed that if future funding is to be secured, it will be through various grants, and this would be too time consuming for the present supervisors with their current work load.


The excessive amount of standardized testing was also discussed and curtailment was proposed for any testing that is not currently required.  Dr. Peterman agreed to do a feasibility study and report his findings.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to insert three personnel evaluation revisions into the Personnel Manual.


The proposed social studies textbook adoption was presented by Mrs. Jerry Cook, committee representative.  Textbooks chosen were:


Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. (K-6th) Social Studies

Americia's Story, 1990, Houghton Mifflin (7th)

Louisiana:  The Land and Its People, 1986, Pelican Publishing (LA History)

American Civics (Freedom Edition, 1992) Holt, Rinehart & Winston (Civics)

The Pageant of World History, 1990-91, Prentice-Hall (World History)

The United States:  A History of the Republic, Prentice-Hall (American History)

Economics: Today and Tomorrow, 1991, Glencoe/McGraw Hill (Free Enterprise)

World Geography Today, 1992, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (World Geography)


It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously to approve these textbooks for adoption.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried 7-1 with Mr. King voting no, to go into executive session to discuss personnel at six thirty-one (6:31) o'clock p.m.


It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to return to open session at seven-o-three (7:03) p.m.


It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously to hire two (2) additional painters for summer work only on contract basis at a cap price of $10.00 per hour.


Superintendent Lee recommended a proposal to upgrade the main computer and at the same time save $22,600.00 annually.  It was moved by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Stampley and carried unanimously to approve the proposal.


Mr. H.L. Irvin, Supervisor of Supportive Services, gave estimates on a security system at FJH, Annex, FUE, VLE, and FLE.  Only one company of four inquiries submitted an estimate given in a two-phase installation.  First phase would include FJH, Annex and FUE at a cost of $8,058.50.  Second phase would include FLE and VLE at a cost of $7,016.00.  Superintendent Lee recommended the first phase be done during the summer and the second phase in the fall.  It was moved by Mr. King, seconded by Rev Brown and carried unanimously to approve the installation of these systems.


It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to

open bids on a tract of school board property. There were two bids as follows on the property:


1.  Dale Vestal, Vidalia, bid $800.00 per year for three years.

2.  Blaney Oilfield Specialty, Vidalia, bid 10% of crop - 1st year, 15% of crop - 2nd year,

    and 25% of crop for the rest of the years, not less than 3 years but 5 years preferred.

It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to take these bids under advisement.  After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried unanimously to rescind the motion to take the bids on the land lease under advisement.  It was then moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Stampley and carried unanimously to form a committee including the Superintendent, President, Mr. O'Neal and Mr. Nelson to study the bids.


It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried unanimously to open bids on a 1977 Ford car.  There were five bids as follows on the 1977 Ford car:


1.  RC Ranch bid $167.50.

2.  Diana Newby bid $125.77

3.  Gary V. Daniels bid $585.00.

4.  Jessie Davis Wrecking Service bid $378.57.

5.  Pete Whittington bid $400.00.


It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried unanimously to accept the highest bidder (Gary V. Daniels-$585.00).


Mr. Tom O'Neal, Director of Business Affairs discussed six new sales tax contracts.  He also related a need for another fulltime employee in sales tax to help implement this.  Superintendent Lee informed the board that this position will be filled by transferring an employee within the system.  Also, later on he wanted to transfer an employee to work parttime in sales tax.  This will increase the sales tax employees by 1.5.  It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. King and carried unanimously to approve the new contracts and the recommendation by Superintendent Lee of transferring one fulltime employee now and a parttime employee later.


It was moved by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Stampley and carried unanimously to approve Dr. Lester Peterman, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction effective 5-20-92.


It was moved by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Stampley and carried unanimously to open the position of Principal, Monterey High School.  Applications will be taken May 20 through May 29, 1992.


It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously that the person(s) authorized to sign school board checks will do so on Tuesday of each week at the school board office.


Mr. Calhoun said that he would like to see a procedure for check writing on certain days.  Superintendent Lee inform them that  checks will be run each Tuesday and made available for signature that day.


It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve vacation for Superintendent Lee for five days (July 6-10, 1992).  Superintendent Lee asked that the approval include naming someone to be in charge during his absence.  It was agreed for Dr. Peterman to be in charge during this time.


It was moved by Mrs. Miley, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve extended sick leave for Katie Broudy, FLE from May 7-29, 1992.


It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. King to hear an appeal by Mrs. Scott for her child to participate in graduation ceremonies after failing part of the GEE.  A roll call vote was taken and results were as follows:  YEAS:  Brown, Calhoun, King, Nelson and Washington.  NAYS:  Cowan, Miley and Stampley.  The motion to hear the appeal carried 5-3.  Superintendent Lee advised the board of their responsibilities and read from the Pupil Progression Plan.  After discussion, it was moved by Rev. Brown to allow students who failed portions of the GEE but passed everything else to participate with their class.  The motion died for lack of a second.  Mr. King requested that the board submit a resolution to the state to change this law.  It was agreed to compile a resolution to this effect.


Superintendent Lee introduced the members of the Advisory Committee and asked the board to hear a proposal from the spokesperson, Dorothy Parker.  Mrs. Parker presented a proposition for a 1 cent sales tax.  As time is of the essence, she asked for a decision to be made at this time for an election to be held on July 18 which is considered the best time of the year for this type of election.  The committee acknowledged that if this tax does not pass, there will have to be more cuts just to keep the system operating.  After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Nelson and seconded by Mrs. Washington to accept the committee's recommendation to hold a one cent sales tax election on July 18, 1992.  A roll call vote was taken and the results were as follows:  YEAS:  Brown, Cowan, Miley, Nelson and Washington.  NAYS:  Calhoun, King and Stampley.  The motion carried 5-3.


It was moved by Mr. Stampley, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried unanimously to adjourn at eight forty (8:40) o'clock p.m.

________________________________        _____________________________

James E. Lee, Secretary                                    J.W. Calhoun, President
