The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, April 5, 1994, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable J. W. Calhoun, President, who declared that the Board, after prayer by Rev. Robert Cade and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were the Honorable J. W. Calhoun, Rev. Johnnie Brown, Mrs. Marie Cowan, Mrs. Polly Miley, Mr. Manson Nelson, Mr. Charles Partridge, Mr. Walter Stampley and Mrs. Georgia Washington.
Members absent: Mr. Jerry King
Superintendent Lee introduced Mrs. Fran Nolan, gifted and talented teacher, who recognized the winners of Concordia Parish art contest for Louisiana Association of School Superintendents. The winners were Emily Byrd, 6th grader at VJH, and Johntea Woods, 4th grader at FUE.
Superintendent Lee recognized the following students who were selected Student of the Year for Concordia Parish:
Sandi Burley, Grade 12, MHS
Kristie Hamilton, Grade 8, MHS
Marques Webber, Grade 5, FUE
Other school winners in the parish were:
Monique Brailler, Grade 5, MHS
Lyndsey Haley, Grade 5, VUE
Kristopher O'Neal, Grade 8, VJH
Jeannie Crnkovic, Grade 12, FHS
Mrs. Gloria Dangerfield, Assistant Director of Business Affairs, presented invoices for March and answered questions. It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried to approve invoices in the amount of $3,124,879.50.
It was moved by Mrs. Miley, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried to approve minutes for March 1 and March 15, 1994.
Dr. Pete Peterman, Supervisor of Curriculum and Instruction, reviewed achievements in the area of curriculum and instruction over the past year. He commented on the March 26 teacher inservice, the placement of additional computer labs, the completion of guidance centers in the high schools, several Title II workshops in Math, the LaSIP project ("Finding New Limits"), as well as the work by the reading textbook adoption committee. He presented a plan for capital outlay for curriculum programs for 1994-95 and requested that the Board study the plan for possible implementation next year.
Mr. Tom O'Neal, Director of Business Affairs, presented a budget revision which would provide for the new sales tax fund and adjust for the additional loss of MFP funds. Following discussion, the budget revision was approved on a motion by Mr. Partridge and second by Mrs. Washington.
Superintendent Lee recommended that the Board approve the four-day summer schedule as a cost-cutting measure. He reported that over the past two summers, the four-day work week has provided savings in utility use. During June and July, the hours for the central office and for school custodians will be 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. The hours for school offices will be 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried unanimously to approve the summer schedule.
The Summer Feeding Program at VJH, FUE, and a satellite at Clayton was approved unanimously on a motion by Rev. Brown and second by Mrs. Miley.
Superintendent Lee presented the Summer School Program for summer 1994. Elementary students will attend June 1 through July 20, 4 days a week. Summer school for grades 9 - 12 will be held June 1 through July 13, 5 hours per day, 4 days per week. Fees are set at $100 for elementary courses, $120 for high school courses, and $200 for drivers' education. Registration will be held May 2 through May 30. It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried to approve the Summer School Program.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried to approve the following members of the Special Education Advisory Council:
Term/Year Position
Luruth Davis 3 Teacher/VHS
Ray King 3 Director/CTI
Shannan McCalip 3 Teacher/FEC
Brenda Moore 3 University Person
Elbert White 3 Citizen
Fred T. Butcher 2* Principal/FHS
Theresa Drummer 2 Parent
Doris T. Polk 2* Teacher/FUE
Marie Cowan 1 School Board Member
Melanie Lewis 1* Parent
*Last Year
On a motion by Mrs. Cowan and second by Mr. Partridge it was carried unanimously to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, public school systems in Louisiana, including Concordia Parish School System, are faced with a constant struggle involving adequate funding for a sound education program for the young people they serve; and
WHEREAS, the cost of educating a student in Concordia Parish is $4264 per student, and the State Minimum Foundation Program provides only $2096 per student or 49.2% of the actual cost, an amount significantly below the national and southeast region average; and,
WHEREAS, the State of Louisiana adopted a new formula designed to provide equity in funding education across the state, and there were expectations that less wealthy systems would benefit in ways that would improve their abilities to meet the needs of education in those parishes; and,
WHEREAS, in actuality, the new funding formula resulted in fewer dollars to the least wealthy section of our state, specifically the Delta Region, of which Concordia Parish is a part; now,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Concordia Parish School Board requests that the State Minimum Foundation Program not only increase its support per pupil across the state, but also revise the funding formula to ensure the educational dollars are directed in ways to benefit the less wealthy school systems in the state; and,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor of Louisiana, the State Superintendent of Education, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Concordia Legislative Delegation, and superintendents of education throughout the state.
On a motion by Mr. Partridge and second by Mr. Nelson, the following resolution was approved unanimously:
WHEREAS, the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education was required by the state of Louisiana to establish a Task Force to study issues relative to the public schools meeting the requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, associated federal regulations, and state law and regulations for those students with learning disabilities in the regular classroom, to include but not be limited to, instruction, class size, and textbooks and materials; and
WHEREAS, Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Education established the Task Force and charged it to provide a written report to the Senate and House committees on education before March 1, 1994; and,
WHEREAS, a Summary of the Recommendations of the Task Force is attached herewith; and,
WHEREAS, the Summary of the Recommendations has been endorsed by the chairmen of the School Building Level Committees of all eleven public schools in Concordia Parish, the Pupil Appraisal Team, the Supervisor of Special Education, and the 504 Coordinator in Concordia Parish; and,
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Concordia Parish School Board, in regular session convened, urges the Honorable Governor Edwin W. Edwards and the Louisiana Legislature to adopt the recommendations and provide adequate funds for implementation during the 1994 legislative session.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution and attachment be sent to Governor Edwin W. Edwards, Senator Steve Thompson, Senator Charles Jones, Representative Bryant Hammett, and the chairman of Citizens United for Better Education (CUBE) in Concordia Parish.
Mr. Stampley requested that the Board return to the practice of full board committee meetings in order to enhance the discussion of issues before the Board. Following discussion, it was agreed to set the April 19, 1994, meeting as a Committee Meeting of the Board.
Rev. Brown requested that the Board consider changing payroll to twice a month rather than once a month as is the current practice. Superintendent Lee stated two problems with two monthly payrolls: 1) cash flow to cover the checks would be a problem since the school system receives funds from the state on a monthly basis, and 2) additional staff would be required to prepare payroll twice a month. He cautioned that one-half of payroll would be approximately $450,000, and the money would have to be available to meet the obligation. It was moved by Rev. Brown and seconded by Mr. Partridge to change payroll from once a month to twice a month. The motion failed.
Josephine Webster appeared before the Board representing the Save Our Sons organization. She thanked the Board for allowing her to appear. She stated that she had originally intended to request a donation from the Board, but that because of community response, her request was no longer necessary.
Rev. Brown requested that revision of systemwide salary schedules be discussed at the April 19, 1994, Committee Meeting.
At 6:50 p.m. it was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried 7-1, with Mr. Partridge voting no, to go into Executive Session to discuss the Superintendent's evaluation.
Mr. Partridge left during Executive Session to return to his job.
It was moved by Mrs. Miley, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried to return to Open Session at 8:15 p.m.
Mr. Nelson reported that during Executive Session the evaluation was discussed with Superintendent Lee and finalized. Mr. Nelson stated that he would prepare a summary to release at a later date.
It was moved by Mrs. Cowan and Rev. Brown and seconded by Mr. Nelson and Mrs. Miley and carried to approve the following retirements:
Mildred Riley Dunham, Teacher FJH, effective May 27, 1994
Archie Hagan, Teacher, VJH, effective May 27, 1994
Rose Mary Rose, SFS Manager, VHS, effective March 31, 1994
It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried to approve maternity leave for Jan Sibley, Teacher, FHS, effective April 18, 1994, through May 27, 1994.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.
________________________________ _______________________________
James E. Lee, Superintendent J. W. Calhoun, President