The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, December 5, 1995, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Manson E. Nelson, Sr., President, who declared that the Board, after prayer by the Rev. Robert Lee, Jr., and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were the Honorable Manson E. Nelson, Sr., Mr. Eddie L. Coleman, Sr., Mrs. Marie Cowan, Mr. Mike Grantham, Mr. Charles Partridge, Mrs. Georgia Washington, Mr. Lynn White, and Mr. Sam Williams, Jr.
Members absent: None
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Williams, and carried 7-1, with Mr. Partridge voting no, to go into Executive Session at 5:32 p.m., to discuss the applicants for the vacant school board seat for Ward 4A.
It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mrs. Washington, and carried unanimously to return to Open Session at 5:50 p.m. President Nelson reported that during Executive Session, the Board had discussed persons applying for the vacant seat.
It was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Coleman, and carried 5-3 on a roll call vote to appoint Mrs. Polly L. Miley to represent Ward 4A. The votes were cast as follows:
YEAS: Mr. Coleman, Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Washington, Mr. White, Mr. Williams
NAYS: Mr. Grantham, Mr. Partridge, Mr. Nelson
Mrs. Charlotte White, Justice of the Peace, administered the oath of office to Mrs. Miley, who then took her seat.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. White and carried unanimously to approve the following proclamation:
WHEREAS, the Honorable John F. Johnson, District Attorney of Concordia Parish, has issued an opinion stating that "a vacancy on the parish school board upon which Mr. [Arthur A.] Arnold served was created when Mr. Arnold changed his domicile from the district from which he was elected"; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with LSA R.S. 18:602, as amended, the Concordia Parish School Board at a special session on November 28, 1995, declared the school board seat in Ward 4A vacant and solicited nominations from duly qualified candidates for appointment to the vacant position; and
WHEREAS, such appointment, made at a regular meeting on December 5, 1995, shall be in effect until the next congressional election as required by LSA R.S. 18:602, when a member shall be elected to fill the vacant position; and
WHEREAS, such election, as set by the Secretary of State, shall be held as follows: the primary election to be held on September 21, 1996; general election to be held on November 5, 1996, and qualifying for such election to be July 10, 11, and 12, 1996, ending at 5:00 p.m. on July 12, 1996; now
THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Concordia Parish School Board hereby requests to participate in said congressional election as scheduled by the Secretary of State and set forth above for the purpose of electing a member to fill the vacant seat in School Board Ward 4A; and
BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that this proclamation be duly published in the Concordia Sentinel, Ferriday, Louisiana, and serve as notice to the Concordia Parish Clerk of Court, the Secretary of State for the State of Louisiana and the Governor of the State of Louisiana that such election be held.
Dr. Pete Peterman, Assistant Superintendent, recognized Ms. Una Knapp, teacher at VLE, for receiving a Quality Science and Mathematics grant in the amount of $461.07 through the Louisiana Systemic Initiative Program. Ms. Knapp explained her proposal entitled "Backpack Math".
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve minutes for November 7 and 28, 1995.
Mrs. Gloria Dangerfield, Assistant Director of Business Affairs, presented the invoices for November and answered questions. It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to approve payment of invoices in the amount of $1,565,989.92.
Mrs. Dangerfield presented the Financial Report for November and discussed the major fund activities. Superintendent Lee announced that the recent state audit found no violations for FY94 or FY95 and stated that a full report would be provided to the Board at the January meeting. It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to accept the Financial Report
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to allow VLE to air condition the gym with the school paying for the equipment and installation and the Board assuming utility payments and maintenance.
Following discussion, it was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried 7-2, with Mrs. Washington and Mr. Grantham voting no, to allow maintenance vehicles to be taken home by crew members at night at the discretion of the supervisor in order to increase efficiency by being closer to the next day's work sites.
Mr. White suggested that the Board re-establish standing committees. Following discussion about the effectiveness of committees, it was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried 7-2, with Mr. Partridge and Mrs. Washington voting no, to establish the following committees: Finance Committee, Building and Grounds Committee, and Personnel Committee.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. White and carried to establish the following regular meeting dates for 1996:
January 9, 1996
February 6, 1996
March 5, 1996
April 2, 1996
May 7, 1996
June 4, 1996
July 16, 1996
August 6, 1996
Sept. 10, 1996
Public Hearing
on Budget FY97 and Regular
October 1, 1996 November 5, 1996
December 3, 1996
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Grantham and carried unanimously to add to the agenda an item related to damage to the vehicle of the VHS cafeteria manager.
Mr. Partridge stated that the agenda item for discussion of the time of Board meetings was included at his request; however, he stated that he would like to defer discussion until a later date.
Mr. Partridge stated that the VHS cafeteria manager had requested help in paying the cost of repairing her car which had been damaged when towels she was taking home to wash combusted spontaneously. Superintendent Lee requested that the Board allow the attorney to look into the legality of repairing a private automobile. It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried 7-2, with Mr. Partridge and Mrs. Washington voting no, to turn the matter over to the Board attorney and to pay the bill if it is legal to do so.
Dr. Peterman provided a curriculum update. He reported that the school system has received $167,000 as its portion of a Goals 2000 grant for local school improvement. Computers and Plato Curriculum software for high school and junior high school libraries will be purchased. He also informed the Board of materials to be provided for Early Childhood programs, activities of the Science Committee, and Saturday School aimed at reducing the number of days lost from school because of suspensions.
Mr. H. L. Irvin, Supervisor of Supportive Services, presented a maintenance update. He informed the Board that he planned a series of inservice meetings for janitors to help them develop additional skills to address some of the maintenance needs at their schools.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Partridge and carried unanimously to advertise for a custodian at Ferriday Education Center.
Mrs. Dangerfield presented a request from Joshua Scott for deferred payment for his agricultural lease on Section 16 T1N R8E because of high water. It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Grantham and carried unanimously to give Mr. Tom O'Neal, Director of Business Affairs, authority to negotiate deferment and full payment for the lease.
Mrs. Sharon Smith, President of Concordia Association of Educators, appeared before the Board to request professional leave for herself, Ms. Melvara Bell, VJH, and Mrs. Olivia Paul, MHS, to attend the inauguration of Governor-Elect Mike Foster on January 8, 1996, in Baton Rouge. They plan to deliver a resolution which she also asked the Board to approve. It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Miley and carried unanimously to approve professional leave for Mrs. Smith, Ms. Bell and Mrs. Paul on January 8, 1996, and to authorize a resolution calling for full funding of the MFP and pay increases for teachers and other school personnel.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to approve personnel items en globo as follows:
Toni Jefferson, Teacher Assistant, FKC, effective 10/30/95
Judy Massey, School Secretary, VUE, effective 10/12/95
Lenise Smith, Teacher Assistant, VLE, effective 10/13/95
Disability Retirement
Will Washington, Custodian, FEC, effective 11/6/95
Extended Sick Leave
Dorothy Marsalis, Teacher, VHS, effective 12/11/95-1/19/96
Sheryl D. Williams, G/T Teacher, FUE, effective 10/24/95 - 1/11/96
Norris White, Maintenance Crew, Central Office, effective 9/26/95-1/2/96
Maternity Leave
Darla Johnston, Teacher, VUE, effective 1/3/96-3/29/96
Shannon Lipsey, Teacher, MHS, effective 1/3/96-2/15/96
Annette Smith, Teacher, FKC, additional time, effective 11/13/95-11/17/95
Military Leave
Joyce Ivory, Teacher, VJH, effective 11/3/95
Sabbatical Leave
Susan B. Randall, Teacher, VUE, effective 1/16/96-1/15/97
Tyberia R. Bell, Teacher Assistant, VLE, effective 10/16/95
Sherry Hueing, 4.0 hr SFS Technician, VLE, effective 11/4/95
Valerie Prosser, SFS Technician, FUE, effective 10/4/95
Debbie Temple, School Secretary, VUE, effective 10/12/95
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to adjourn
at 7:15 p.m.
____________________________ ______________________________
James E. Lee, Superintendent Manson E. Nelson, Sr., President