The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, April 1, 1997, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Ernest Lynn White, President, who declared that the Board, after prayer by Superintendent James E. Lee and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were the Honorable Ernest Lynn White, Mr. Eddie L. Coleman, Sr., Mrs. Marie Cowan, Mr. Mike Grantham, Mr. Manson E. Nelson, Sr., Mr. Charles Partridge, Mr. Ricky Raven and Mr. Sam Williams, Jr. Mrs. Georgia Washington was absent.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously to take an agenda item out of order and view modeling of student uniforms first. Superintendent Lee announced that students would be modeling uniforms to give parents an opportunity to see the kinds of uniforms being considered for each attendance zone. Principals explained the process for choosing particular styles and colors and introduced the student models. Uniform company representatives were also present to answer questions.
Mrs. Beatrice Williams, acting Title I Co-Director, presented awards to five students who were named state first place winners in the Young Author's Contest:
Lydia Bordelon RES
John Bonnette Jr. RES
Paul Harrigill RES
Elisha Piercefield FJH
Adelice Smith RES
Dr. Pete Peterman, Assistant Superintendent, presented the Sidney A. Murray Citizenship Awards, which are sponsored by the Louisiana Hydroelectric Partnership, Inc., to the following first and second graders:
School Student Grade
Ferriday Lower Elementary LaDarrel Ray 1
Charles Cirilo 2
Monterey High School Billy Metcalf 1
Madison Beard 2
Ridgecrest Elementary Steven Fowler 1
Jared Price 2
Vidalia Lower Elementary Elizabeth Ann Clifton 1
Wendy Nicole Millicks 2
Dr. Peterman presented a plaque to Mrs. Pat Washington, Director of the Concordia Parish Single Parent Program at FHS. The program, in its third year of funding, was named the top program in the state by the Louisiana Department of Education Bureau of Vocational Education. Mrs. Washington provided the Board members an overview of the program.
Superintendent Lee presented a certificate of special recognition awarded by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools to Eddie Washington, principal of Ferriday Upper Elementary. FUE was recognized for the successful completion of its ten-year review.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve minutes of March 4, 1997.
Mrs. Gloria Dangerfield, Assistant Director of Business Affairs, presented invoices and the Financial Report for March. It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried 7-1, with Mr. Grantham voting no, to approve invoices in the amount of $1,715,230.64.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried 6-2, with Mr. Partridge and Mr. Grantham voting no, to go into Executive Session to discuss legal matters at 6:25 p.m.
Mrs. Washington arrived at 6:25 p.m.
It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to return to Open Session at 6:55 p.m. President White announced that while in Executive Session, the Board had discussed legal matters which required no action at this time.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to open bids for the special education bus. Mr. Irvin opened and read the following bids:
Louis Schwartz, Inc. $46,806 N/A
908 Shrewsbury Road
Jefferson, LA 70121 Alternate $46,299
Bruce Ross
Ross Bus & Equipment N/A $18,500
Sales, Inc.
2913 N. Bolton Avenue
Alexandria, LA 71303
Jerry Arnold $45,305 N/A
Timmons International Inc
7605 Coliseum Blvd Alternate $44,446
Alexandria, LA 71303
It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to take the bids under advisement for a review of the bids and the specifications.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried unanimously to approve the plan for summer school.
Dr. Peterman presented the proposed school calendar for 1997-98 and reviewed more stringent state guidelines for student attendance. Following discussion, it was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried 8-1, with Mr. Partridge voting no, to approve the calendar as recommended. The calendar is as follows:
FIRST SEMESTER Monday, August 18, 1997 - Monday, January 12, 1998
1st 6 Weeks Monday, August 18, 1997 - Monday, September 29, 1997
2nd 6 Weeks Tuesday, September 30, 1997 - Monday, November 10, 1997
3rd 6 Weeks Tuesday, November 11, 1997 - Monday, January 12, 1998
SECOND SEMESTER Tuesday, January 13, 1998 - Wednesday, May 27, 1998
4th 6 Weeks Tuesday, January 13, 1998 - Thursday, February 26, 1998
5th 6 Weeks Friday, February 27, 1998 - Wednesday, April 15, 1998
6th 6 Weeks Thursday, April 16, 1998 - Wednesday, May 27,1998
Labor Day September 1, 1997
Employees' Conventions November 24, 25, 26, 1997
Thanksgiving Holidays November 27, 28, 1997
Christmas Holidays December 22, 1997 - January 2, 1998, inclusive
Martin Luther King's Day January 19, 1998
Mardi Gras February 23, 24, 1998
Spring Holidays March 19, 20, 1998
Easter April 10, 13, 1998
LEAP April 1998
California Achievement Test April 1998
Friday, November 14, 1997
Early Dismissal (1:00 p.m.) August 18, 1997
Parent Conference Day January 23, 1998
Preschool Round-up May 1, 1998
Senior Exams May 12, 13, 14, 15, 1998
Graduation May 21, 22, 1998
Final Exams May 22, 25, 1998
Final Exams
and Early Dismissal (1:00 p.m.) May 26, 1998
Report cards issued (2:00 p.m.) May 27, 1998
It was moved by Mrs. Williams, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve the Special Education Advisory Council for 1997-98 as follows:
Bobbie N. Carr Monica Carter Eddie L. Coleman, Sr.
Mary A. Davis Sue Ann Easterling Ray King
Patricia Metcalf Dr. Lester Peterman Neeva Sibley
Augustine Thomas
It was moved by Mr. Partridge and seconded by Mrs. Cowan to change the July meeting date to July 8, 1997, because of a conflict with the Southern Region School Board Convention meeting dates. It was moved by Mr. Raven and seconded by Mr. Nelson to amend the motion to state that the meeting would be held on Thursday, July 10, 1997. The amendment carried 7-2, with Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Washington voting no.
It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried 8-1, with Mr. Grantham voting no, to approve a contract to collect sales taxes for Caldwell Parish.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously to approve the following proclamation:
WHEREAS, the future of our communities, our state, and our nation rests in the hands of our teachers who are called upon to meet challenges daily in helping all students, regardless stability level, to reach their full potential; and
WHEREAS, teachers play a crucial role in the development of our children, and the success of the educational process is dependent upon the classroom and the relationship which exists between the teacher and the student; and
WHEREAS, the economic and social well-being of our communities depends on the skills and knowledge teachers provide their students day in and day out, in spite of low pay and the ever-growing number of responsibilities they are asked to assume; and
WHEREAS, Concordia Parish School Board recognizes the vital contributions by teachers in Concordia Parish, who exhibit a high degree of expertise, knowledge, dedication and love for our children in our classrooms every day of the school year; now
THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the week of May 4 through May 10, 1997, will be celebrated as Teacher Appreciation Week in the Concordia Parish School System, and the Concordia Parish School Board requests that parents and citizens join in expressing their appreciation for the contributions of our teachers.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Raven and carried to provide teachers a free lunch any one day of their choice during Teacher Appreciation Week.
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to approve personnel items en globo:
Extended Sick Leave
Annie Bates, Teacher, FUE, effective 3/4/97-4/15/97
Return from Sabbatical Leave
Julius Hulin, Title I Director, CO, effective 6/2/97
Betty J. Bairnsfather, School Secretary, MHS, effective 6/13/97
Jack P. Bairnsfather, Principal, MHS, effective 6/30/97
Barbara P. Enterkin, Teacher, FLE, effective 6/5/97
Katie Ruth Moore, Sp. Ed. Teacher, VHS, effective 6/30/97
Shirley Woodrum, SFS Technician, MHS, effective 7/31/97
It was moved by Mr. Partridge, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried to adjourn at 7:23 p.m.
__________________________ __________________________
James E. Lee, Superintendent Ernest Lynn White, President