The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, May 5, 1998, at five-­thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m.  The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Ernest Lynn White, President, who declared that the Board, after prayer by Mr. Manson E. Nelson, Sr., and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were the Honorable Ernest Lynn White, Mr. Eddie L. Coleman, Sr., Mrs. Marie Cowan, Mr. Manson E. Nelson, Sr., and Mrs. Georgia Washington.  Absent were Mr. Mike Grantham, Mr. Charles Partridge, Mr. Ricky Raven and Mr. Sam Williams, Jr.


Superintendent Lee recognized Mr. Ralph L. Laukhuff, Jr., Executive Vice-President of Louisiana Hydroelectric, who presented the following Sidney A. Murray Citizenship Awards:


            MHS:               Terrence Bowman                    Pre-K

                                    Ethan Lipsey                             Kindergarten


            VLE                 Jamon Duson                            Pre-K

                                    Lee Raymond Smith, Jr.            Pre-School

                                    Steven Colby Gray                   Kindergarten


            FKC                KeAira Smith                           Pre-K

                                    Rodney Lawson                       Kindergarten


            FLE                 Tierra Lewis                             Pre-School


Mr. Williams arrived at 5:38 p.m.


Superintendent Lee recognized the winners of the 1998 Middle School Quiz Bowl held annually at VJH.  Mr. Fred Marsalis, principal, announced that VJH 6th, 7th and 8th grade teams were grade level winners and that the 6th grade team was the overall winner.  He introduced the team sponsors, Mrs. Fran Nolan and Mrs. Anne Dyer.


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried to approve the minutes of the April 7, 1998 meeting.


It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to approve the payment of invoices in the amount of $1,971,534.


Mrs. Amanda Taylor, director of the Concordia Parish Library, presented information on the proposed library millage to be placed on the ballot July 18, 1998.  Superintendent Lee stated that the public library is a partner in education for our schools and recommended that the Board endorse the millage and approve the distribution of information bookmarks.  It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to support the library tax and to approve distribution of bookmarks prepared by the library.


Superintendent Lee stated that the bids on the kitchen exhaust systems were not ready and recommended that the Board allow the Building and Grounds Committee to receive and open bids at a committee meeting and, in consultation with the architects and attorney, to award the bid to the lowest bidder meeting specifications.  It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to approve the recommendation.


It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve the FY98 Special Education Program Application.


It was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to approve the FY98 Consolidated Programs Application.


Mr. Tom O'Neal, Director of Business Affairs, presented the FY98 Consolidated Budget revision as required by law.  Following discussion, it was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to approve the FY98 Consolidated Budget revisions.


Mr. Arthur Arnold appeared on behalf of the Concordia Federation of Teachers requesting that the Board approve a resolution on behalf of state salary increases for support personnel.  CFT Executive Vice-President Wilma McKeever read the proposed resolution.  Mr. Nelson pointed out that Concordia Parish School Board had recently provided local salary increases for support personnel, and it was agreed to change the wording of the resolution.  It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to approve the following resolution:




Whereas, Paraprofessionals and School Related Personnel play a crucial role in the education of children in the Concordia Parish School District; and.


Whereas, these groups of employees have demonstrated their value to schools, administration, parents and students; and,


Whereas, the Paraprofessionals and School Related Personnel of the Concordia Parish School District have not received a significant state salary increase in recent years; and


Whereas, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers is sponsoring a $1,000 pay raise for all of the state's school support personnel in the 1998 Regular Legislative Session and encouraging the Legislature to make permanent the one-time increase approved for 1997-98; therefore be it


Resolved, that the Concordia Parish School Board take action to support the proposed state pay raise of $1,000 and to encourage the Legislature to make the one-time, 1997-98 $150 pay raise permanent.


It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to employ a summer crew for Summer painting.  Schools to be painted this summer are FHS, VHS, FKC and RES.  The work this summer will complete one full cycle of painting the schools.


Superintendent Lee announced that Mr. Raven had requested an update on GEE results and that the information would be sent out to each Board member,


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried to open bids for Title I print shop equipment.  Mr. Richard Alwood opened and read the following bids:


Company                                             Collator            Automatic         Platemaker Imager        Offset

                                                              Punch                                                                          Printer


Automated Imaging Systems, Inc.         $20,238           $18,895           $10,195(ITEK6135)    $14,995

P. 0. Box 1316                                                                                     $14,350 (ITEK617E)

Monroe, LA 71210


General Binding Corporation                 no bid               $15,735           no bid                           no bid

126 Kaye Street

Madison, MS 39120


Superintendent Lee reminded the Board that Title I funds would cover the costs of the equipment and that the funds were already budgeted.  It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously to take the bids under advisement and to award the bid to the lowest bidder which meets specifications.


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to approve all personnel items as follows:




Jalee Jones, Sp.  Ed.  Teacher, FLE, effective 5/28/98




Lee Pearl Batieste, Librarian, FJH, effective 5/28/98

Mary H. Campbell, Teacher, FUE, effective 5/28/98

Howard A. Duck, Principal, VHS, effective 6/30/98

Tommye Jean Jones, Librarian, FKC/RES, effective 6/l/98

Ginger H. McNeely, Teacher, FKC, effective 5/28/98

Annie L. Parker, Teacher, FJH, effective 5/28/98

Josephine A. Scruggs, Secretary, FKC, effective 8/4/98

Georgia M. Smith, Teacher, VLE, effective 5/29/98


Mrs. Rosa Demby announced that FLE would hold its first Honors' Banquet on Thursday, May 14, 1998, and invited Board members to attend.


It was moved by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to adjourn at 6:3 7 p.m.

__________________________                                            __________________________

James E. Lee, Superintendent                                                   Ernest Lynn White, President