The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, June 2, 1998, at five-­thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Ernest Lynn White, President, who declared that the Board, after prayer by Dr. Pete Peterman and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.


Members present were the Honorable Ernest Lynn White, Mr. Eddie L. Coleman, Sr., Mrs. Marie Cowan, Mr. Mike Grantham, Mr. Manson E. Nelson, Sr., and Mrs. Georgia Washington.  Absent were Mr. Charles Partridge, Mr. Ricky Raven, and Mr. Sam Williams, Jr.


Dr. Peterman introduced Mrs. Beverly Winston, MHS teacher, who commented on the MHS Literary Rally winners.  She recognized the following students:


            Josh Calkins                 2nd place                     Agriscience IV

            Kristi Crum                  3rd place                      Advanced Math

            Sarah Paul                    Superior                      Girl's Low Voice Solo


Mr. Williams arrived at 5:40 p.m.


Dr. Peterman recognized the salutatorians and valedictorians from each high school. 


Superintendent Lee and President White presented each with a framed certificate.


            Ferriday High School


            Valedictorian                            Otis Adams

            Salutatorian                              Tyla Williams


            Co-Valedictorian                      Jason Charrier

            Co-Valedictorian                      Kristie Hamilton

            Co-Valedictorian                      Ashley Smalling

            Salutatorian                              Sarah Paul


            Vidalia High School


            Valedictorian                            Kristopher Kelly O'Neal

            Salutatorian                              Jessica Leigh McClure


Ms. Leinda Peterman, Executive Assistant/Personnel Director, read a letter to Superintendent Lee from Louisiana School Superintendent Cecil J. Picard recognizing the accomplishments of Concordia Parish Schools in implementing educational technology and other programs for professional development and student achievement.



Superintendent Lee recognized retiring employees.  President White presented each a plaque on behalf of the Concordia Parish School Board in recognition of their years of service in the parish.


            Lee Pearl Batieste                     Librarian, Teacher

            Mary Campbell                        Teacher

            Hilda Cowan                            School Bus Operator

            Howard Duck                          Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher

            Mary C. Johnson                      Teacher

            Rose Jones                               Teacher

            Tommye Jean Jones                  Librarian, Teacher

            Ginger McNeely                       Teacher

            Annie Parker                            Teacher

            Josephine Scruggs                    School Secretary

            Georgia Smith                           Teacher

            Eddie Washington                     Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 5, 1998 meeting.


Mrs. Gloria Dangerfield, Assistant Director of Business Affairs, presented the invoices and Financial Report for May and answered questions.  It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to approve the payment of invoices in the amount of $1,692,924.


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried 6-1, with Mr. Grantham voting no, to go into Executive Session at 6-18 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Nelson and carried unanimously to return to Open Session at 7:02 p.m.  President White stated that while in Executive Session the Board had discussed personnel matters which required no action at this time.


Dr. Peterman informed the Board that the Personnel Evaluation Steering Committee had recommended revisions to the Professional Personnel Evaluation Program.  He pointed out the revised sections and answered questions.  He informed the Board that every professional employee was given an opportunity to review and comment on the changes.  It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried unanimously to approve the revisions as recommended.


Superintendent Lee requested that the Board suspend the Transfer Policy GCM for one year in order to facilitate the process of complying with directives from the Justice Department regarding the terms of the 1970 Court Order.  Superintendent Lee reminded the Board that the Transfer Policy had been suspended for two years from 1992-94 to relieve overstaffing- He assured that Board that transfers would be made only as necessary.  It was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried 6- 1, with Mr. Grantham voting no, to approve suspension of the Transfer Policy GCM, effective for one year, July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999.


It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mr. Williams and carried unanimously to appoint Richard Alwood as chairperson of the Insurance Committee.


Mr. Arthur A. Arnold, president of the CFT, presented a check in the amount of $350 to Mr. John Bostic, principal of FJH, to purchase library books.  Mr. Bob Crowley of LFT presented a check in the amount of $250 to FJH for the same purpose.


It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to approve a revision of the FY98 Budget to include insurance funds received from Coregis in the amount of $1,066,064.


It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve advertising for milk, bread and exterminating services for the 1998-99 school year.


Dr. Peterman and Mr. H. L. Irvin, Supervisor of Supportive Services, presented an update on the school security program.  Two-way communication systems in the classroom and hand-held communication devices are being reviewed for implementation during the upcoming school year.


Mrs. Neeva Sibley, principal of MHS and chairperson of the Math Textbook Committee, presented the committee's recommendations for math textbook adoptions.  It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Nelson and carried unanimously to approve the committee's recommendations.


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mr. Grantham and carried unanimously to approve the following personnel items:




                                    Sylvia Duck, Teacher, VLE, effective 5/28/98

                                    Beth R. Pilgrim, Teacher, FUE, effective 5/28/98




                                    Rose Jones, Teacher, VLE, effective 5/28/98


                                                            Extended Sick Leave


                        Tiffany Ford, Teacher Assistant, MHS, effective 5/11/98-5/28/98


It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Cowan and carried unanimously to approve the appointment of Alice Aldridge, Computer Programmer/Analyst, Central Office, effective June 15, 1998.


Superintendent Lee reviewed the interview process for principal positions at VHS and FUE.  An interview team consisting of Dr. Peterman; Mr. Fred T. Butcher, Director of Academic Affairs; ­Ms. Leinda Peterman, Executive Assistant/Personnel Director, and Mr. Gary Parnham, Principal of VLE assisted in the interviews.  Superintendent Lee recommended Rick Brown for the position of principal at VHS.  It was moved by Mrs. Washington, seconded by Mr. Grantham and carried unanimously to appoint Rick Brown interim principal of VHS, effective July 20, 1998.


Upon by recommendation by Superintendent Lee, it was moved by Mr. Nelson, seconded by Mr. Coleman and carried to postpone the appointment of principal at FUE.


Superintendent Lee announced that Mr. Partridge had asked him to express his disappointment at not being able to attend recent Board meetings because of his work schedule.  He asked the Board to consider having meetings during the day when he would be able to attend.


It was moved by Mrs. Cowan, seconded by Mrs. Washington and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:35 p.m.

__________________________                                            __________________________

James E. Lee, Superintendent                                                   Ernest Lynn White, President