The School Board of the Parish of Concordia, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at the Concordia Parish School Board Office, in Vidalia, Louisiana, on Tuesday, May 4, 1999, at five-thirty (5:30) o'clock p.m. The meeting was called to order by the Honorable Mike Grantham, President, who declared that the Board, after prayer by Rev. Johnnie Brown, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, was ready for the transaction of business.
Members present were the Honorable Mike Grantham, Mr. Darrell Crofford, Mr. Eddie L. Coleman, Sr., Mr. Don Joseph, Mr. Ernest Lynn White, Rev. Johnnie Brown, Mrs. Mary Campbell and Mrs. Martha Rabb.
Member absent was Mr. Ricky Raven.
Mr. Ralph Laukhuff, Jr., Executive Director of Louisiana Hydro Electric, recognized the Sidney A. Murray Citizenship Award winners for May as follows:
Monterey High School Pre-K Savannah Cowan
Kindergarten Ed "Trey" Stone
Vidalia Lower Elementary Pre-School Robert James Jackson
Pre-K Cody Winborne White
Kindergarten Jacob Cole Fauver
Ferriday Kindergarten Pre-K James McFarland
Kindergarten Stephanie Sturgis
Mr. Laukhuff also announced the winner of the Louisiana Hydro Electric Scholarship. This scholarship to Louisiana Tech University in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to Jeremy Sandidge of Monterey High School.
Mrs. Beverly Winston, Teacher, Monterey High School, presented the Louisiana State Literary Rally Winners for Monterey High School. They were as follows:
Audra Kemp Superior Girls Voice Solo
Shannon Philly 4th Place American History
Lynn Paul 1st Place Food and Nutrition
Josh Caulkins 4th Place Environmental Science
It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Mrs. Rabb and carried to approve the Minutes of April 6, 1999, and April 15, 1999.
Mr. Coleman stated that the Superintendent's contract was not listed on the Agenda under Items for Discussion and Appropriate Action; therefore the vote taken was null and void. After the Agenda for April 6, 1999, was reviewed, Mr. Grantham informed the group that the item would be referred to Councel.
It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried to approve invoices in the amount of $2,214,535.
It was moved by Mr. Coleman, seconded by Mrs. Campbell and carried to remove items B and C from the Executive Session Agenda. The items were as follows:
B. Discuss Process/Procedure for Selection of New Superintendent
C. Superintendent Lee's request for Reason of Contract Termination
It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. White and carried to enter Executive Session at 5:55 p.m.
It was moved by Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried to return to Regular Session at 6:10 p.m.
It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. Crofford and carried to advertise for bids for daycare for the Single Parent Program.
Dr. Peterman, Assistant Superintendent, asked that the next item on the Agenda, Social Studies Textbook Adoption be moved further down on the Agenda.
The Board recognized Mrs. Carol Brown, Spokesperson for Advocates for Change in Pupil Progression. Mrs. Brown addressed the Board concerning the procedure for changing the Pupil Progression Plan.
After a very lengthy discussion concerning the policy it was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mr. White and carried to table the issue until a Special Board Meeting to be held on Monday, May 10, 1999, at 7:00 p.m.
Mr. Grantham instructed the individuals involved to have all the information together for the Board to review at the Special Meeting.
Mrs. Melvara Bell Wilson, President Concordia Association of Educators, addressed the Board in support of Superintendent James Lee. Mrs. Wilson cited Superintendent Lee's accomplishments during his term of office.
Mr. Emerson Slain, Interim President Local Chapter of the NAACP, was recognized. Mr. Grantham questioned Mr. Slain regarding his position in the NAACP chapter. Mr. Slain informed Mr. Grantham that the existing Chapter went inactive and, according to the state, the Chapter was recreated and he was elected president. Following this discussion, Mr. Slain made his comments.
Rev. Brown stated that the Board should bring about compromise. He also stated that the Board's purpose was for the benefit and betterment of the children not to bring about contention and problems.
Mr. Slain requested that the Board negotiate with Superintendent Lee.
Mrs. Grace Woods was recognized by the Board. Mrs. Woods addressed the Board concerning extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Mrs. Woods requested that guidelines be established for all extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Mrs. Woods suggested that a committee be established so that all interested parties could have input into the criteria. The Board agreed that this type committee should be established. Mr. Grantham requested that the information be gathered from the schools and presented to the Board. Rev. Brown commended Mrs. Woods for bringing her concerns to the Board.
Mrs. Paula Crawford, Teacher, FHS, was recognized by the Board. Mrs. Crawford represented the Concordia Parish Textbook Adoption Committee. Mrs. Crawford requested that all members of the Textbook Adoption Committee stand to be recognized by those present. Mrs. Crawford announced the companies receiving the textbook awards as follows:
Grade K-5 McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Grade 6-7 Glenco Publishing Co.
Grade 8 Pellican Publishing Co.
Grade 9-12 Glenco Publishing Co.
It was moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Mrs. Campbell and carried to approve the Social Studies Textbook adoption.
Mr. Crofford presented a report from the finance committee. Mr. Crofford informed the Board that the Finance Committee suggested that Fuelman be used for the purchase of fuel instead of using credit cards. In order to simplify the process, all parish owned vehicles with the exception of Monterey, use Fuelman. Due to the fact there is no Fuelman distributer in Monterey, those vehicles would still use the credit cards. Should a Fuelman be established in the Monterey area, those vehicles would use this fuel purchase process as well. All activity busses and parish owned vehicles which travel out of the parish would use the credit card purchasing system.
Mr. H. L. Irvin, Supervisor of Maintenance and Transportation presented a report to the Board from the Buildings and Grounds Committee. Mr. Irvin stated that all schools had been visited with emphasis being placed on the restroom facilities. It was the opinion of the Committee that the facilities were found to be in good condition considering the age of the facilities. Plans for remediation included replacing worn fixtures during the summer, establishing uniform cleaning methods and establishing new job descriptions and evaluation instruments for head custodians.
It was moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. White and carried to appoint Mr. Don Joseph to the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Advisory Board.
Mr. Howard Jackson, Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance, presented a report to the Board on the Alternative School site visitations. Mr. Jackson asked the committee members to stand and be recognized by those present. He informed those present that the visits were beneficial in providing ideas to incorporate into what we already have in the parish. He stated that the plan must be comprehensive with the main objective being keeping students in school.
Superintendent Lee requested that the Board defer Item K. - Superintendent's Request until the June meeting.
It was moved by Mrs. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Brown and carried to accept the following personnel items:
Ardis Dee Lindley, Librarian, VLES, effective 5/28/99
Frances Netherland, School Bus Operator, effective 5/28/99
Aubrey Harper, Custodian, MHS, effective 3/22/99
Shirley Washington, Cafeteria Manager, VJHS, effective 8/5/99
Lubertha Washington, Teacher, FLES, effective 5/28/99
Edith Walker, School Bus Operator, effective 5/28/99
Helen Brown, Teacher, FUES, effective 5/27/99
It was moved by Mrs. Campbell, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried to approve the remainder of the personnel items as follows:
Extended Sick Leave
Jessie Lewis, Teacher, FHS, effective April 5 through May 14, 1999
Patricia Washington, Teacher, FHS, effective April 10, through June 1, 1999
Sabbatical Leave - Rest and Recouperation
Sarah Brashier, Teacher, VLES, effective 1999-2000 School Year
Jan Armstrong, Secretary/Bookkeeper, Central Office, effective March 14, 1999
Return to Work
Juanice Holstead, Teacher, FLES, effective 4/20/99
Superintendent Lee reminded the Board that the Teen Summit would be held on May 12, 1999. He invited the Board members to attend.
It was moved by Mr. Crofford, seconded by Rev. Brown and carried to adjourn at 7:37 p.m.
__________________________________ ____________________________________
James E. Lee, Superintendent Mike Grantham, Board President