Student membership, for state reporting for public education for the purpose of establishing a student count for state funding shall adhere to the following:


  1. All students enrolled in school shall be identified with the following minimum required identification elements:  state identification number, full legal name, date of birth, sex, race, district and school code, entry date and grade placement.

  2. For establishing the student membership count for state funding the following guidelines will be adhered to:


    1. No student will be counted more than one time.  Students attending more than one school will be counted in membership only one time.

    2. All students, including special education students, and students in ungraded class settings, will be counted in grades K-12 who meet the following criteria:


      1. have registered or preregistered on or before October 1 (If October 1 falls on a Saturday, report membership on September 30.  If October 1 falls on a Sunday, report membership on October 2.),

      2. are actively attending school, (Bulletin 741 policy {numbers 1.055.03, 1.055.04, and 1.055.23} should be carefully followed and appropriate documentation placed in individual permanent records for any students who may have numerous consecutive absences which raise doubts about the student's active membership.),

      3. and/or have not officially exited from school.  (Students are considered to have officially exited if a notification or transfer has been provided by the student's parent/legal guardian or received from another school.)


    1. Students who are in BESE approved alternative programs (schools), will be included in the count for membership.

    2. Students who reside in Louisiana, attend school in another state and are supported by Louisiana funding will be included in the count for membership.

    3. All special education non-categorical preschool (ages 3-5) students will be included in the count for membership.

    4. All special education infant (ages birth-2) students shall be included in the count for membership.

    5. Regular pre-kindergarten (four-year old program) students will not be included in the count for membership.



Ref:    Board minutes, 9-7-93


Concordia Parish School Board