Cf:  DJE







  1. Requisitions may originate with any employee and must bear standard information such as quantity, item description, prices, and vendor.  If the source of funds is known, the account number should be assigned at this time.

  2. The requisition shall be screened by the principal and appropriate supervisor in terms of accuracy, merit, and available funds. The account number may be assigned at this time.  If no problem is presented, the requisition shall be signed off and recommended for approval.  If problems are presented by the requisition, the principal or employee shall provide justification.

  3. The requisition shall be screened by the Business Manager in terms of completeness, accuracy, and appropriate assignment to accounts. If no account number has been identified, this number shall be assigned.  If no problem is presented by the requisition, the requisition shall be initialed and submitted to the Superintendent for approval. If problems are presented by the requisition, the process is reversed and the employee is requested to submit justification for the purchase.

  4. In cases where requisitions originate with a supervisor or with the Superintendent, the Business Manager screens these in terms of the standards identified above and advises against approval until all standards are met.  No requisitions are approved without the Business Manager recommendation for approval.

  5. Actual approval of requisitions rests with the Superintendent after each step in the approval process has been met and all standards complied with.  This requires the signature of the Superintendent.  If any problem is presented, then the process is reversed.

  6. After this step, the requisition, once approved, becomes a "purchase order" and shall be returned to the Business Manager, supervisor or principal who begins the act of purchase.

  7. Once received, the order shall be properly inventoried and any discrepancies are to be reported to the vendor.

  8. The vendor shall submit an invoice which is checked against the original purchase order.  If there are no problems, then payment shall be authorized and payment made.

  9. The check shall be co-signed by the President or Vice-President of the Board and the Superintendent.

  10. Blanket purchase orders may be authorized under certain restrictions to enable the school district to expedite minor repairs and other day-to-day needs which cannot otherwise be anticipated.  Those restrictions are:

    1. The amount of blanket purchase orders shall be limited to maximum of $100.

    2. The only employees empowered to use blanket purchase orders are the Superintendent, the Business Manager, the Supervisor of Support Services, and full-time employees of the maintenance department.

    3. All vendors who sell these supplies are periodically notified and given a list of those employees who are authorized to make blanket purchase orders.

    4. The employee shall be required to sign all receipts and invoices and return these documents with a completed requisition to the Business Office.

    5. This requisition must be properly approved and all steps taken as described earlier in the process.  If any problem is presented and cannot be resolved, then payment shall be disallowed.



Ref:     Board minutes, 5-16-89


Concordia Parish School Board