Since athletics is an extracurricular activity, the Concordia Parish School Board takes added precautions to assure that an athlete shall be accorded reasonable safety measures. Athletics is not an essential part of the educational process and thus is not mandated by the Concordia Parish School Board. The School Board's main purpose is not to invade the privacy of the student athlete, but rather its intent is to identify a health problem or controlled substance dependence which by its very nature would be counterproductive to the safety of the athlete and his/her companions.
Therefore, prior to participating in any Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA) sanctioned sport, the student athlete and his/her parent/guardian shall be required to sign the LHSAA Substance Abuse/Misuse Contract and the Concordia Parish School Board Athlete Drug Testing Contract. These contracts state that all student athletes shall be subject to random drug testing. These tests shall be strictly enforced and participation shall be mandatory. No athlete shall be tested unless the parent(s)/ guardian(s) and the athlete sign both the LHSAA and Concordia Parish School Board forms giving permission to have the tests performed. Refusal to allow these tests to be administered shall immediately serve notice that the student may not participate in any interscholastic athletics.
An independent testing laboratory shall be utilized. Samples (urine, hair, etc.) shall be taken and analyzed. Allowance shall be made for prescription drugs.
All athletes shall be randomly tested during the athletic season. During the school year no more than twenty percent (20%) of the athletes shall be tested (chosen by lottery). The school reserves the right to test any athlete who exhibits abrupt behavior changes.
Athletes must complete a specimen custody and control form prior to testing. Within an empty locker room or rest room, the student shall produce a sample and present it to one of the two monitors present. The monitor shall seal the vial, tag and send it to the testing laboratory. After testing, the independent testing laboratory will contact the athletic director to contact guardians about prescription drug verification. A student may be required to report to the lab for testing. Refusal to take the test shall result in dismissal from all sports.
Persons responsible for the chain of custody and access to the test results shall be the coach, athletic director, principal and parents. If a positive result occurs, the student shall be re-tested to confirm results. A conference shall be held with the student and his/her parents.
For a first offense, the student shall be suspended from all sports. The student must enter a substance abuse program, at his/her expense, for a minimum of four (4) weeks. Upon completion of the program and testing drug-free, the student may return to his/her sport. The student will be tested periodically.
A second offense shall result in a one year suspension from all sports. A third offense shall result in a permanent dismissal from all sports for the student's high school career.
The parent(s) or guardian(s) and the student shall release the Concordia Parish School Board, its members (both individually and in their official capacity), as well as any employee, teacher, principal or other school administrator or personnel from any liability in connection with this policy, the administration of the testing procedures and/or test results, any warranties addressing the accuracy of said tests and any and all medical or laboratory procedures employed by the referring laboratory. It is expressly understood the Concordia Parish School Board assumes no responsibility for the diagnosis or treatment of any disease or condition that may become known as a result of any laboratory test(s) conducted in the implementation of this drug testing program.
Revised: May 16, 2024
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 40:961, 49:1111
Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995)
Official Handbook, Louisiana High School Athletic Association
Board minutes, 5-16-24
Concordia Parish School Board