The Internet is a vast global computer network that provides access to major universities around the world, governmental agencies, other school systems, and commercial providers of data banks.  The purpose of this document is to set guidelines for exploring and using Internet resources to enhance learning and teaching activities.  Acceptable use of these resources shall be consistent with the philosophy, goals and objectives of the Concordia Parish School Board.


Age and grade appropriate classroom instruction shall be provided regarding Internet and cell phone safety.  Such instruction shall include appropriate online behavior, interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response, as well as areas of concern as authorized in state and federal law.


In addition, the School Board, in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies, shall develop and distribute age and grade appropriate information to each student regarding Internet and cell phone safety and online content that is a threat to school safety.  The information shall include the following:



Such information shall be either distributed to or explained to students and school personnel at the beginning of each school year and shall be posted on an easily accessible page of the School Board’s website and the website of each school.


If information reported to a school is deemed a potential threat to school safety, the school shall present the written form and any further evidence to local law enforcement.


Exploration of the Internet is encouraged, but with rights and privileges come responsibility.  Any use of the Internet that adversely affects its operation in pursuit of teaching and learning or jeopardizes its use or performance for other community members is prohibited and may result in loss of Internet privileges.


Guidelines are provided so that Internet users are aware of the responsibilities they are about to assume.  Responsibilities include efficient, ethical, and legal utilization of network resources.  All users, including students, employees, or any other users of School Board computers, hardware, and School Board network shall abide by all policies of the School Board and any applicable administrative regulations and procedures.




Students may use the Internet only if the Consent Form is properly signed and filed at the school site.


Other personnel may use the Internet only if the Consent Form is properly signed and filed at the user's site.




Users must take responsibility for their actions and words.


  1. Remember that users are representatives of their respective schools and the Concordia Parish School Board.  They must conduct themselves in accordance with the policies thereof.

  2. Use language that is appropriate for school situations.

  3. Avoid offensive or inflammatory speech.

  4. Access only materials appropriate for fulfilling school assignments.  Users are cautioned that there may be materials on the Internet that may be deemed inappropriate for young people, and access to this type of material for any reason is unacceptable.

  5. Adhere to copyright rules and licensing agreements when accessing materials.

  6. Import files from only known or reputable sources to reduce the risk of spreading computer viruses.

  7. Be aware that impersonation and anonymity are prohibited.

  8. Remember that any use of the Internet for personal profit or any illegal activities is prohibited.




Users of the Internet have certain rights of which all users should be knowledgeable.


  1. Computer files may be monitored by the system's administrator or teacher for compliance with this policy.

  2. Users should have equal access to the Internet relative to educational goals.  All users should be aware of the needs of others and use the network in ways that would not disrupt the use by others.

  3. Users should be safe from unwanted or harassing messages.  Such communication may be brought to the attention of the teacher or an administrator, who should seek to remedy the situation.

  4. Any effort to disrupt Internet services or computer systems by spreading computer viruses, vandalism, unauthorized entry, or destruction of computer files can result in criminal prosecution under state and federal laws.




  1. Acceptable Use

    The purpose of the Internet is to facilitate communications in support of research and education by providing access to unique resources and an opportunity for collaborative work.  To remain eligible to use the Internet, one must support the educational mission and goals of the Concordia Parish School Board district.


  1. Unacceptable Use

    Any use of the Internet for illegal, inappropriate, or obscene purposes, or in support of such activities, is prohibited.  Illegal activities are defined as a violation of local, state, and/or federal laws.  Inappropriate use is defined as a violation of the intended or stated use of the Internet, and/or the district's mission and goals.  Obscene activities are defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of a publicly-owned and operated communication vehicle.

    Any use of the Internet for the following is prohibited:


  1. for commercial purposes, financial gain, or fraud;

  2. for political lobbying;

  3. for the posting of anonymous messages or forging another individual's signature to a message;

  4. for gaining unauthorized access to another network or another user's files, or tampering with data or files of another network or user;

  5. to steal data, equipment, or intellectual property;

  6. to send or receive copyrighted material without permission;

  7. to send "chain letters" or "broadcast" messages to lists or individuals, and any other types of use which causes congestion of the networks or otherwise interferes with the work of others;

  8. to peruse or otherwise access obscene or pornographic material, or using profanity in messages shall be forbidden;

  9. to peruse or otherwise access information on manufacturing bombs or other incendiary devices shall be forbidden;

  10. to engage in any activity that violates the Concordia Parish School Board policy, including but not limited to, the rules of conduct for students.


  1. Privileges

    The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right.  Inappropriate use is determined by the system administrators who have the right and authority to determine and administer punitive action.  This action may include, but is not limited to, the cancellation of all Internet privileges.  The decision of the system administrators is final.


  1. Monitoring

    The Concordia Parish School Board system administrators reserve the right to review any material on user accounts and to monitor fileserver space in order to determine if specific uses of the Internet are inappropriate.  Every effort will be made to maintain privacy and security in this process.

    Although the actual percentage of unacceptable materials on the Internet is small, users may encounter materials which are controversial and viewed by users, parents, teachers, or administrators as inappropriate or offensive.  On a global network, it is impossible to control effectively the content of data, and an industrious user may discover controversial material.  It is the user's responsibility NOT to initiate access to such material and to immediately terminate the connection if it is accidentally accessed.

    Any decision by the Concordia Parish School Board to restrict access to Internet material shall not be construed as an attempt to regulate the content of material on the Internet.


  1. Vandalism and Harassment

    Vandalism and harassment will result in cancellation of user privileges.  Vandalism is defined as any malicious attempt to harm, modify, and/or destroy data of another user, Internet, or network.  This definition includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creating of computer viruses.  Harassment is defined as the persistent annoyance of another user, or the interference of another user's work.  Harassment includes, but is not limited to, the sending of unwanted mail.


  1. Consequences of Violations

    Any user violating these rules, applicable state and federal laws, or classroom and district rules is subject to disciplinary action.  This action may include, but is not limited to:


  1. suspension of Internet access;

  2. suspension of computer access;

  3. suspension from school;

  4. expulsion from school;

  5. legal action and prosecution by authorities.


System administrators have the right to restrict or terminate Internet access at any time for any reason.  System administrators also have the right to monitor Internet activity in any form that is deemed necessary to maintain the integrity of the network.




  1. Electronic mail (E-mail) is mail sent through electronic, non-paper methods.  A computer stores the messages until the receiver accesses the system and reads them.

  2. File transfer protocol (FTP) enables the transfer of files between computers.

  3. Gopher and Turbo gopher give access to a menu-based index at various locations on the Internet via a point-and-click interface.

  4. Mosaic, Netscape, and Internet Explorer provide graphical interface to the Internet that allow images, sound, and movies to be played and text files to be accessed.

  5. Telnet allows one computer to log into and access a remote computer.  It is used to search libraries and databases.




Violations of this acceptable use policy by students could result in suspension or recommended expulsion on a case-by-case basis.  Inappropriate use that is not promptly remedied may result in termination of network privileges.  Any non-acceptable use of a criminal nature will be referred to proper authorities for investigation and possible prosecution.


The Concordia Parish School Board reserves the right to modify the Internet Acceptable Use policy.


Revised:  August, 1999  Revised:  January 10, 2013
Recoded:  November, 2004  Revised:  November 8, 2018
Revised:  May 21, 2009  



Ref:    20 USC 7131 (Internet Safety)

47 USC 254 (Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA))

47 CFR 54.520 (Children's Internet Protection Act Certifications for Schools and Libraries)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:100.7, 17:280, 17:410

Board minutes, 12-14-04, 1-11-05, 5-21-09, 1-10-13, 11-8-18


Concordia Parish School Board